DSM 5/Clinical Practice

Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder)

Neurodevelopmental disorder: requires an assessment of both cognitive capacity and adaptive functioning. Severity is determined by adaptive functioning than IQ score.

DSM 5 Communication Disorders:

Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Specific Learning Disorder, Motor disorder, language disorder, social (pragmatic" communication order

Autism Spectrum Disorder is....

A NEW DSM5 name that combines four previously separate disorders. ASD is a single condition with different levels of symptom severity.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) includes...

ASD includes Autism, Asperger's disorder, childhood disintegrative disorder, and pervasive developmental disorder NOS.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by....

ASD is characterized by 1) deficits in social communication and social interaction 2) Restricted repetitive behaviors (RRB), interests and activities. Both components are required for a diagnosis of ASD. Social communication disorder is diagnosed if no RR

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) criteria includes:

several inattentive or hyperactive impulsive symptoms were present prior to age 12.

Specific Learning Disorder combines...

the DSM IV diagnoses of reading disorder, mathematics disorder, disorder of written expression, and learning disorder NOS

Motor Disorders

Motor disorders are included in the DSM 5 among neurodevelopmental disorders: developmental coordination disorder, stereotypic movement disroder, Tourette's Disorder, persistent motor or vocal tic disorder, provisional tic disorder

Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders includes:

Schizophrenia, Schizophrenia subtypes, schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, catatonia

Schizophrenia in the DSM 5....

-DSM 5 eliminated bizzare delusions and schniederian first rank auditory hallucinations.
-In DSM5, the individual must have at least one of these three symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech.

Schizophrenia subtypes:

the DSM IV sybtypes of schizophrenia (paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated) are eliminated. Rating severity of the core symptoms is DSM 5

Schizoaffective disorder requires that....

a major mood episode be present for a majority of the disorder's total duration


in DSM 5, three catatonic symptoms are required (from a total of 12 characteristic symptoms).
In DSM 5, catatonia may be diagnosed as a specifier for depressive, bipolar, and psychotic disorders,

Bipolar I


Bipolar II


Major Depressive Disorder requires..

clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, other other important areas of life.

DSM 5 describes a group of symptom patterns limited to a specific ethnic or national group as _____________

a culture bound syndrome!
Culture bound syndrome are defined as culturally specific patterns of behavior that may or may not be linked to a DSM -5 category.

In assessing a personality disorder, the worker would not include :

The presence of hallucination

A client's capacity to enter a social work relationship cannot usually be determined by ....

age! Most human beings regardless of age , are capable of entering in a relationship. Age will more accurately reveal how the person may enter the relationship

A criterion that in not a measure of a client's motivation is:

ego strength.
Although ego strength will influence motivation, it is largely a reflection of a client's developmental experience and genetic make up. It will not reveal motivation.

To diminish a client's resistance the worker would...

acknowledge the client's ambivalence about accepting help

The most appropriate technique to use with a new client who is decompensating is:

ego support!
There is minimal relationship with the new client. The social worker may not have a complete psychosocial assessment. The social worker needs to appeal to the client's strength's in order to provide safety for the decompensating client and to

A key element of Sigmund Frued's work that is the basis of social casework is the idea of:


Using the technique of "modifying the environment" helps to diminish..

objective anxiety

In a social work relationship, the social worker should be careful not to act on...

a countertransference reaction

Supportive therapy would not be used if the client is..

seeking self awareness. supportive therapy encourages clients to use their strengths. The search for self awareness promotes anxiety and explores aspects of self. A strong ego is required.

In social work, the function of the contract is to ______

confirm the reciprocal role expectations and tasks to be achieved.

A major difference between Frued, Erikson and Piaget's theories of development compared to life span developmental theory is that life span theory...


A client diagnosed with schizophrenia begins to hallucinate. The social worker would...

continue to provide ego support and refer the client to a psychiatrist for medication.


This term comes from Mahler's theory of the stages of separation/individuation. According to this theory, infants go through stages of separation. If someone is assessed as having problems with symbiosis , it means something went wrong during the developm

Within borderline personality disorder, splitting is:

Clients with borderline commonly use the defense of splitting in which a person deals with emotional upset or stress by compartmentalizing opposite feelings and attaching them to separate people. Rather than seeing the self or others as having both positi

In treating a client with a narcissistic personality disorder, the social worker most frequently becomes:

Idealized by the client to fulfill functions that have remained unfilled by the client's parents.

The common consequences of parents discouraging expressions of feeling in young children are:

acting out behavior, somatization, a sense of powerlessness.

According to Beck, the treatment modality that seems to be used in treating clients diagnosed with schizophrenia is:

individual therapy.

In approaching the client, a social worker should:

accept the client with positive though conditional regard

As a client is presenting material, a social worker should:

wait with a patient and encouraging attitude

In encouraging the client to bring forth material the social worker should...

empathize with the client

In working with a client who has narcissistic personality disorder, the social worker most frequently does NOT become...

the object of the client's wish for dependency.
Seeking dependency is not a criterion for narcissistic personality disorder.

Tardive Dyskinesia is a ..

neurological disorder caused by long term use of antipsychotic medication, is often NOT reversible

Which treatment goal is LEAST likely in clinical work with pedophiles?

Decrease their sexual impulse control

The two most common defense mechanisms employed by couples with marital problems are :

projection and displacement
the defenses of projection and displacement both involve distortion of the other person, which is often the root of relationship problems