GG MOA 110 chapter 1,2,3,4,5

In a customer service-oriented practice, the elements of customer service are demonstrated by the...

Physician, management team, and all employees

Each employee and patient has the same idea about what "good" service means. t or f


range of hours, split shift, working different hours, are all references for..


A medical transcriptionist is also known as a...

speech recognition technician or medical language specialist

Of the duties an administrative medical assistant might perform, list 5 that require keyboard input skills

1. order supplies
2. document prescriptions
3. transcribe patient chart notes
4. post transactions n computer
5. prepare charts

Of the duties an administrative medical assistant might perform, list 5 that require basic math skills

1. bank deposit's
2. completing a day sheet
3. filling in a ledger
4. completing an inventory
5. balancing petty cash

Of the duties an administrative medical assistant might perform, list 5 that require clerical skills

1. register new patients
2. sorting mail
3. file charts
4. email & fax
5. answering phone and taking messages

Name 5 interpersonal skills you would like to be known for as an administrative medical assistant.

1. business etiquette
2. commitment
3. creativity
4. team spirit
5. positive attitude

During an emergency, what type of behavior should the medical assistant exhibit to patients?

1. ability to follow instructions
2. use sound judgment
3. maintain a calm demeanor
4. display empathy
5. positive attitude

List some attributes an employee needs for good team interaction.

1. establish a good working relationship with coworkers and treat them with respect and support
2. get along with supervisors
3. accept criticism
4. show regard for authority
5. reinforce effective behavior

What must a health care worker be aware of and understand in order to avoid work related emotional and psychological problems?

types of behavior and conditions that may cause negative reactions, stress and burnout

When patients receive unfortunate news, how should medical assistants act towards the patient?

1. offer support through words, actions and resources
2. treat with concern
3. don't give false hope
4. be open and honest, answer any questions they may have about the situation

list the stages of dying

1. denial
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance

What is the name of the national foundation that offers medical care and support to patients and family members dealing with a terminal illness or the loss of a loved one?


Define stress

a condition comprising physical , psychological and emotional reactions to time constraints and frightening , exciting, confusing, endangering, or irritating circumstances

How does a medical assistants excellent grooming reflect the image and management of the medical office?

it creates the impression that the office procedures and medical care are of good quality, conveys a professional image

Two organizations that register and certify medical assistants trained in both clinical and administrative areas.

2. AMT

Name 5 ways a medical assistant can keep knowledge of research and new techniques current.

1. read professional publications
2. attend educational seminars
3. research information on the internet
4. become a member of a professional organization
5. network with peers at workshops and conventions

Who was Imhotep?

the physician to the pharaohs, known as the god of healing. the earliest discovery of a prescription, written around 3000 B.C., was written by him.

Who was Hippocrates?

father of medicine

Who is Edward Jenner?

the founder of scientific surgery

Who is Fredrick Banting?

physician who discovered insulin

Who is Anton Van Leeuwenhoek?

developed the first lens strong enough to allow bacteria to be seen

Who is Pierre and Marie Curie?

know for their discovery of/and work with radium

Who is Paul Ehrlich?

know for the drug he developed to fight syphilis; also for developing chemotherapy

In a HMO, what is a treating physician called?

PCP / gate keeper

In a PPO, what is a health care provider called and what incentive is there for the patient to use this provider?

1. preferred provider
2. lower copayments and deductables

In an IPA, how is the physician paid?

fixed monthly capitation or fee-for-service

Why is an EPO called exclusive?

because it is offered to large employers who agree no to contract with any other plan. members choose care from providers offered within a limited physician network

What choice of care do patients have when belonging to a POS plan?

they have the choice at the time services are needed of receiving services from an HMO, PPO, or fee-for-service plan

A variety of specialists practicing medicine together is called...

multispecialty practice

List three services urgent care centers provide that most other practices do not.

1.extended hours
2. walk in capability
3. one stop shop, because many centers have full laboratories, x-ray equipment, and physical therapy on-site

Why should the medical assistant meet the hospital personnel where his or her physician is on staff?

because establishing relationships paves the way for good communication

name several types of non profit hospitals

1. general and community hospitals
2. those owned by industries
3. those owned unions
4. those owned by churches
5. those owned by religious orders

Name 3 important factors to consider when choosing a reliable laboratory.

1.quality control standards
2. turn around time
3. cost to the patient

Among a medical assistants interpersonal skills, the most important personality trait is:

consideration and respect

Being able to put yourself in the patients situation is commonly referred to as:


The Medical Assistants Creed was adopted in:


Being assertive means to:

respect others and reflect professional confidence

Grieving or distressed patients tend to be:

1. subdued or quiet
2. talkative or inquisitive
3. loud and volatile
4. distraught

Although patients do not always go through the stages of dying in the order presented, the fourth stage is usually:


The first thing you need to do in order to deal with stress is to:

be aware of what caused it

Using diplomacy in dealing with difficult patients is a/an:

a sign of professionalism

Who was Clara Burton?

founder of the American Red Cross

Managed care started the practice of "utilization review" to:

monitor and control areas in medicine where overuse occurs

The managed care organization that has been in existence the longest is a/an:


The type of managed care organization that offers the patient flexibility when making a choice of going to a contracted or noncontracted physician at the time services are needed is a/an:


A freestanding practice center that provides extended hours and walk in appointments is a/an:

urgent care center

A specialty that deals with the management and control of obesity is called:

bariatric medicine

A medicine specialty that determines the causes and nature of diseases and contributes to diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment is called:


The abbreviation for a doctor of ophthalmology is:


Standards of conduct generally accepted as a moral guide for behavior are referred to as:

professional medical ethics

The modern code of ethics adopted by the American Medical Association to guide physicians standards of conduct is the:

Principles of Modern Ethics for the Physician

HIPAA became law in:


What is PHI?

protected health information

The consent form is:

used voluntarily for the release of personally identifiable health information for treatment, payment and routine health care operations

If a patient requests copies of his or her medical records and signs the proper authorization, you should:

1. honor the request.
2. seal them in an envelope before handing them to the patient.
3. take caution before complying with the request.

The most common Torts in health care incidents are:

negligent torts

Unlawful treatment that has been done in the wrong way is:


Arbitration is:

an alternative way of resolving malpractice disputes out of court

With a subpoena duces tecum:

the medical record may be all that is required

A living will:

is not legally binding

Under HIPAA law, what is the best description of PHI?

protected health information about the patients past, present, or future health condition that could identify the person

Basic elements in the communication cycle include:

sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback

Select three primary ways messages are communicated in the order of importance.

1. body language
2. tonality
3. spoken word

If the patient makes up a reason to justify unacceptable actions or behavior in order to avoid something, the defense mechanism is known as:


In a healthcare setting, the comfort zone is:

3 to 4 feet

When using nonverbal communication:

1. the eyes, face and hands can be used to communicate
2. it is referred to as body language
3. gestures are utilized
4. touch can send signals

Active listening involves:

giving the speaker your undivided attention

Questioning and requesting examples and paraphrasing a message are:

types of feedback

Verbal descriptions are needed when communicating with:

sight impaired patients

Some of the most difficult communication problems exist when communicating with a/an:


an example of objective information is a:


an example of subjective information is a:

ringing in the ear

The emerging role of the administrative medical assistant serving as a receptionist includes:

serving as a diplomat. a negotiator, a psychologist, and a director of public relations

Two things that are important while multi tasking are:

organizational skills and a calm demeanor

After the medical office id opened, the answering machine should:

be turned off during business hours after picking up messages

When greeting patients, the easiest way to customize requests or comments is to:

add the patients name

HIPAA's view of confidentiality in the reception area (waiting room)

HIPAA is as important in the reception area as it is in the medical practice

All sign in logs are forbidden according to HIPAA. t or f


When registering patients who have not been seen in the medical office but have been treated by your physician at a hospital facility, first obtain:

the face sheet from the hospital admitting office

When appointment delays have occurred and patients are waiting in the reception area:

give them options so they can make decisions to wait, return or reschedule

A patient instruction form will:

1. improve patient compliance
2. legally protect the physician
3. reduce telephone calls
4. cement the bond between the patient and the physician

the best feature of any waiting room is:

stable but comfortable furniture arranged for flexible seating

Housekeeping tasks in the medical office:

include keeping the reception area neat and clean throughout the day

An office emergency:

includes following planned procedures by the administrative medical assistant

OSHA stands for:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Working at a computer in one position hour after hour performing the same movements over and over can cause injuries referred to as:

repetitive stress injuries

Each year, what kills more Americans than all natural disasters combined?
