Chapter 25 & 26

Helper muscle in skeletal muscle movement


A structure that covers and separates skeletal muscles


A condition produced by buildup of lactic acid in the muscles

muscle fatigue

A structure that connects groups of cardiac muscle

intercalated disc

Tough connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone


A thin covering that surounds the entire muscle


The cell membrane of myocytes


The muscle primarily responsible for skeletal muscle movement

prime mover

An energy producing process for muscles that requires oxygen

aerobic respiration

A muscle that works in opposition to a prime mover


Part of the cardiac conduction system located just above the ventricles, between the atria

atrioventricular node

A membrane that covers the heart and the large blood vessels attached to it


The route blood takes from the heart to the lungs and back again

pulmonary cirulation

Part of the cardiac conduction system that splits into right and left branches

bundle of HIS

Thickest layer of the heart wall


Measures blood pressure in the aorta and carotid arteries


Structures that anchor the tricuspid valve to papillary muscles

chordae tendinea

Part of the cardiac conduction system located in the lateral walls of the ventricles

purkenje fibers

Pressure in the arteries when the ventricles relax

diastolic pressure

The route blood takes from the heart to the body cells and back to the heart

systemic circulation

The innermost layer of the heart wall


The smallest type of blood vessel


The widening of blood vessel walls


Part of the cardiac conduction system that generates the electrical impulse that initiates a heartbeat


Another name for the visceral pericardium (outermost layer


The blood vessel that empties blood from the cardiac veins into the right atrium

coronary sinus

Pressure in the arteries when the ventricles contract

systolic pressure

The total amount of blood pumped out of the heart

cardiac output

The tightening of blood vessel walls


The collection of veins that carries blood to the liver

hepatic portal system

The first heart sound and occurs when the tricuspid and bicuspid valves snap shut


Branch of veins


______ pressure is higher than systolic pressure


______ carry blood away from the heart


The ______ artery carries blood to the forearm.


______ ______ can be caused by a cerebral artery blockage

Myocardial infarction

______ are known as the exchange vessels.


______ decreases blood pressure.


______ can be caused by blockage of one or more coronary of the arteries.


Inflammation of the muscular layer of the heart is called


Substances move through the capillary walls through

diffusion, filtration and osmosis

In a ECG, what does the QRS complex represent?

Artrial repolarization

The wall between the upper and lower chambers

interatrial septum

The hearts natural pacemaker is

SA node

A condition involving the hardening of the fatty plaque within the arteries


Describes a heart murmur

abnormal heart sound

The order in which the electrical impulses flow through the cardiac conduction system.

SA node, AV node, bundle of His, Purkinje fibers

The vein other than the vena cava from which blood flows into the right atrium

axillary vein

Which area of the body receives oxygen and nutrients through the lingual artery?

popliteal artery

Which veins carries oxygen rich blood?

pulmonary veins

A ballooned weakened area on the arterial wall


The path of blood from the heart through the lungs and back to the heart is

pulmonary circulation

An abnormal heart sound caused by a faulty valve is


The path of blood from the heart through the body cells and back to the heart is

systemic circulation

The space between the parietal pericardium and the visceral pericardium is known as the

pericardial cavity

The walled membrane that separates the atria of the heart is the

intercardial cavity

The valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the

atrium ventricle valve or right AV valve.

Physicians use a test called a _________ to determine whether the cardiac conduction system is working properly.

efect ventricular

The strongest blood vessels are the


The presence of ______ in the veins prevent blood from flowing backward.


The amount of blood that flows into a capillary is controlled by openings known as


What test are used to determine the cause of chest pain?

EKG, endoscopy, cardiac catherization, stress test

What causes angina

blockage of an artery