
1- The NUBC is coordinated through

A ( American Hospital Association)

2- Which payer action can be appealed

A ( Claim denial)

3- Which payer action calls for corrected and resubmitted claim?

B ( Claim rejection)

4- Physician must submit electronic 837P claims for Medicare Part B unless:

B They have less than 10 full-time or equivalent employees and never send any kind of electronic health care transaction

5- How many unlabeled form locators does the UB-04 have?

D (11)

6-Which of the following is not an advantage of EDI claim transmittal?

D ( More expensive because requires higher level of personnel to process claims

7-Which of the following is not a common reason for a claim not to pass the clean claim requirements?

C ( Incorrect provider address)

8- THe data element E8888 on the UB-04 is an example of which type of format?

D ( Alphanumeric)

9- The second digit in the type of bill code represents the

A ( Type of facility)

10- The third digit in the type of bill code represent the

C ( Type of service)

11- The fourth digiti int he type of bill code represents the

B ( Bill frequency)

12- To correctly report the date of service in FL6, the MMDDYY format is required. Which of the following is an example of a correct entry?

B ( 01022006)

13- Number assigned to a patient that is used for multiple episodes of care at the facility

C (Medical record number)

14- A type of bill code has how many digits

C ( Four)

15- The number 1 as the second digit in the TOB code represents what place of service

A ( Hospital)

16- The number 1 as the third digit in the TOB code represent what type of service

D ( Inpatient (including Medicare Part A)

17- The number 3 as the third digit in the TOB code represent what type of service

B ( Outpatient)

18- Which of the following is not a basic category of patient dischare status

A ( Nonroutine discharge)

19- If a patient's date of birth is March 8, 1951, is should be entered in FL10 as

C ( 03081951)

20- In which type of admission is the patient admitted to the first available suitable accommodation

B ( Urgent)

21- which type of admission indicates the patient's condition is sever, life threatening or potentially disabling

C ( Emergency)

22- In which type of admission is the healh of the patient not in jeopardy

A ( Elective)

23- Which of the foolowing types of information is not part of the patient information section on the UB-04 claim form?

C (Patients medical record number)

24- If an admission date is June 4, 2010, is should be entered in the FL 12 as

B ( 060410)

25- In FL 8, which is the correct format for entering a patient's name that is hyphenated, such as Sanchez-Jones

C ( Sanchez-Jones)

26- In FL 8, which is the correct format for entering a patient's name that has an apostrophe, such as O'Connor?

B ( OConnor)

27- On FL 8. which is the correct format for entering a patient's name that has a prefix, such as Van Buren?

A ( VanBuren)

28- If the cold in FL14 (Type of Admission or Visit) is 4 (newborn) what Point of Origin for Admission of Visit code would be entered if the newborn was born outside of the hospital submitting the claim

C (6)

29- FL 15 (Point of Orgin for Admission or Visit) has two coding structures, each with it own set of codes. What type of admission has its own set of codes?

D (Newborn)

30-Conditon code 01 (military service related) is an example of which group of condition codes?

A (insurance)

31- Condition code 36 (General Care Patient in a Special Unit) is an example of which group of condition codes

B ( Patient Condition codes)

32- Conditin code E0 ( Change in Patien Discharge Status) is an example of which group of condition codes

D ( Claim change reason code)

33- Condition code 18 (Maiden Name Retained ) is an exapmple of which group of condition codes

B ( Patient condition codes)

34- Condition code 22 (patient on multiple drug regimen) is an example of which group of condition codes

B ( Patient condition codes)

35- Condition code D2 (Changes in Revenue Code?HCPCS/HIPPS Rate Code) is an example of which group of conditions codes

D ( Claim change reason codes)

36- Conditons code 39 (Private Room Medically Necessary) is an example of which group of condition codes

C ( Room Codes)

37- Condition code 31 ((patient is a student - full time day) is an example of which group of condition codes.

B ( Patient condition codes)

38- Whien either condition code 20 (Beneficiary requested billing) or 21 ( billing for denial notice) is reported, the services are known by the provider to be non-covered or exluded by medicare and the paatient should have been issued a(n)

B ( ABN(Advanced beneficiary Notice)

39- On a claim form, the date on which an accident occureed is reported using

C ( Occurrence code)

40- On a claim form, the period of skeilled nursing care that occurs druing aninpatient acute hospital stay is reported using

B ( Occurrence code span)

41- Occurrence code 02 (no-fault insurance involved) is an expample of which type of occurrence code

A ( An accident-related code)

42- Occurence code 40 ( scheduled date of admission) is an example of which type of Occurence code

D ( A service related code)

43- Occurence code 16 ( date of lat threapy ) is an example of which type of Occurence code

D ( A service related code)

44- A payment requested from medicare before a primary payer's payment is received, when medicare is the secondary payer and the provider believes that the primary payer will not pay within 120 days is call a

A ( Conditional payment)

45- when an Occurence code is reported on a claim, what must also be reported

C ( Date)

46- Occurence code 11 (Onset of Symptoms/Illness) is ofter used with which of the following codes

D ( Date treatment Started for Physical Therapy)

47 _ Medicare coinsurance amount in the first calendar year is billing period is a description of

B ( Value code)

48- Working Aged Beneficiary/Spouse with an EGHP is a description of a

D ( MSP value code)

49- Value code A1 (Deductible Payer A) is used to report the amount to be applied by the provider to the patient's deductible for the indicated

B ( payer)

50- Which of the following is an MSP value code

D ( 47 Any liability insurance)

51- For hospitals, the total number of covered days reported with value code 80 (Covered Days) will not exceed

A (150)

52- Value code 50 (Physical Therapy Visits) indicates

C ( The number of PT visits provided from the onset of tx through the billing period)

53- If an accident occurred at 3:45 in the morning, how would this time be entered for value code 45 (Accident hour)

C (03.00)

54 - In addition to value code 45 (Accident Hor), what other type of code must be entered to report the date of accident

B ( Occurrence code)

55- When value code 02 (Hospital Has Noemiprivate rooms) is used, what amount is entered

A (0.00)

56- The most commonly used revenue code for room charges is

C ( 012X, Room and Board-Semiprivate(two-Beds)

57- Revenue code 0292 9 Purchase of new DME) is an example of

B ( An Ancillary service code)

58- Revenue code 0352 (CT-body scan) is an example of

B ( An Ancillary service code)

59- Which of the following subcatergory describtions is not included in revenue code series 063X (Pharmacy - Extension of 025X)

A ( Drugs incident to other diagnostic services)

60- Which revenue code range represents accommodation revenue codes

C ( 01X-021X)

61- Revenue code 0171 (Nursery, Newborn - level 1) is an example of

A ( An accommodation code)

62- Revenue code 0201 (Intensive Care, Surgical) is an example of

D ( An accommodation code)

63- Medicare does not require a detailed revenue code for

A (General pharmacy charges)

64- On the UB-04 claim form, with the exception of revenue code 0001, revenue codes shold be listed in what order

B ( Ascending numeric order by date of service)

65- Revenue code series 18X (Leave of Absence) is an example of

D ( An accommodation code)

66- Which of the follwoing is a subcategory description uner revenue code 026X (IV Therapy)

A ( IV therapy/supplies)

67- Ememergency room charges (045X) can be billed on

A ( Both inpatient and outpatient claims)

68- A revenue code for physical, occupational or speech therapy is also reported with

C ( A value code and an occurrence code)

69- Which of the following is a subcatergory description under revenue code 032X (Radiology-Diagnostic)

D ( Chest X-ray)



71 For claims other than Medicare, wich field contains the covered and noncovered charges for each revenue code
a FL49
b FL46
c. FL 47
d. FL 48


72- In FL 50 (payer name), which line is used to report the primary payer

A ( Line A)

73- The code chices to complete FL 52 (release of information certification indicator) are

C Y(yes), I informed consent

74- To indicate that the patient has refused to assign benefits, what code is reported in FL 53 (Assignment of Beneficts Certification Indicator)

B ( W not applicable)

75- Code 01 (spouse) is a choice for which of these form locators

B ( FL 59 patient relationship to insured)

76- The health insurance claim number is entered in whihc of thes form locators

C ( FL 60 insured unique identifier)

77- In FL 58, the name Geller-Brown should be entered using the following format

A (Geller-Brown)

78- WHich of the following types of provider data contained in the NPI database is not considered disclosable under the Freedom of Information Act

A ( Social Security Number)

79- Which of the following codes is used in FL 59 (Patients Relationship to Insured) to identify a child of the insured

C (19)

80- Which of the following is not an accurate description of a change from the UB-92 to the UB-04 claim form

a decreased dumber of fields for secondarty diagnoses

81- the correct format on the UB - 04 form for diagnosis code 425.4

C - 4254

82- In which of the following encounters wold it not be appropriate to use a V Code

b. patient being evaluated postoperatively

83 which type of codes are liste first highet priority amoung the other secondary diagnosis codes on a claim

b. comorbidities and complications

84- The CMS-assigned UPIN had how many alphanumeric characters?

c- six

85- Fl 78-79 Other proveders names and identifiers are used to report which of the followin

d. a physician other thena the attending and operating physician who treated the patiednt

86- Which of the following is not a qualifier code used in the Code-Code field?

a. R1 (Overflow Revenue Codes)

87- In physician billing taxonomy codes are used to indicate

a. the providers specialty



89 In hospital billing, taxonomy codes are used to indicate

a the type of hospitat that is submitting the claim

90- The letter U in UB-04 stands for uniform


90- The I in the 837I stands for inpatient


91- THe paper claim used by physician is the CMS-1450


92- When a continuing claim is submitted, the provider expects that subsequent bills will be sent


93- A continuing claim is the first in a series of claims to be submitted


94- TOB is the abbreviation for type of bill


96- the priniciple dialog in


97-only one procedure code can be reported for a billing perion


98- a provider number is assigned by a payer


99 A document control number and intranal control serve as 2 different purpose


100- NPI is the abbreviation for nation provider identifier
