Medical terminology final exam

Define the following Superficial

Situated near the surface

Define the following superior

Situated above

Define the following inferior

Situated below

Define the following distal

Situated away from the centre of the body

Define lateral

Situated at the side of a structure

Define saggital

Vertical plane that divides the body into left and right

What does ren mean


What is the word element for nerve


Define muscle atrophy

Muscles wasting away

Define endocrine gland

A gland that produces internal or hormonal secretion

What is gastroenterology

Medical study of the stomach and intestines

Define hypertension

Persistent high arterial blood pressure

Define micturition

Act of passing urine

Define nocturia

Excessive urination at night time

Define myocardium

All the heart muscle

What does blast/o mean

Germ or immature cell

What is the medical term for paralysis in the legs


In the skeletal system what does cervical refer to in the vertebrae

Pertaining to the neck

Define lacrimal

Pertaining to the tears and the tear apparatus

Define oligo

Scanty, too little

What root word means liver

Hepar - hepat

Define the element - emia

Blood condition

Define spermatogenesis

Process of male germ cell differentiate into sperm

Define conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the conjunctiva or the lining of the eye. Known as pink eye

Define respiration

Process of breathing. Taking in O2 exhaling co2 necessary to sustain life

Define the element cyte


What is another name for the digestive tract

Gastrointestinal or GI

What is the prefix for hidden


Define the element hemo


Define the element pleura

Membrane covering the lungs
Lining the ribs in the thoracic cavity

Define glia


Define blepharoplasty

Surgical repair of eyelid correcting of defects in the eyelid

Define hormone

Chemical formed in tissue or an organ that is carried thru the bloodstream to stimulate or inhibits function of another tissue,organ

Define genti

Primary male or female sex organ

Define primi


Define the word deferens

To carry away

Define photophobia

Fear of light sensitive to the eyes

Define meningitis

Inflammation of the membranes covering the spinal cord and brain

Define emesis


Define oid


Define histology

Study of the structure and functions of cell tissue organs

Define rhinoplasty

Surgical repair to the nose to change the shape or size

Define sigmoid

Sigmoid colon is s in shape

Define hemiplegia

Paralysis of one side of the body

Define periosteum

Strong membrane surrounding the bone

Define the asymptomatic

Without symptoms abnormalities as exhibited by the patient

Define sclerosis

Thickening or hardening of a tissue

Define sublingual

Under the tongue

Define contusion

Haemorrhage into a tissue ( bruising ) including the brain

Define otoscope

Instrument used to look into the ear

Define the root gest


What is the term for testosterone deficiency


Define the combine form lith/o


Define sulcus

Groove on the surface of the cerebral hemispheres that separate the gyri

Define the element dia


Define Oma

Tumor or mass

Define megaly

Enlargement of the heart

Define stasis


Define auto


Define quadri

Means four

Define the suffix that means small


Define oliguria

Scanty production of urine

Define ductus

To lead

Define idiopathic

Pertaining to a disease of unknown etiology

Define the root of tax


Define thoracentesis

Insertation of a needle into the pleural cavity to withdraw fluid or air

Define homeostasis

Regulation of an internal environment at all times

Define Phil


Define cholecystitis

Inflammation of the gall bladder

Define amnion

Membrane around the fetus that contains amniotic fluid

Define metastasis

Spread of a disease from one part of the body to another

What gives red blood cells their red colour


Define motile

Capable of spontaneous movement