Medical Assistant Certification Review-Anatomy and Physiology

The thoracic and the abdominal cavities are separated by the:


The main tissue of the outer layer of the skin is:


The glands that are saclike in structure and produce oily secretions that lubricate the skin are:


The portion of skeletal bone that manufactures blood cells is the:

red bone marrow

The structure that attach muscles to bones are:


Nerve fibers are insulated and protected by a fatty tissue material called:


The function of the lacrimal apparatus is to:

produce tears to lubricate to the eye

A bone that is part of the pelvic girdle is the:


The cellular components of blood include:

erthrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets

The chambers of the heart are the:

ventricles and atria

An organ located in the left upper quadrant is the:


An example of active immunity is:

producing antibodies as a result of having a disease

The structure in the body also known as the voice box is the:


The wavelike movement that propels food through the digestive tract is called:


The process that does not require oxygen for the breakdown of glucose is referred to as being:


The term that means the body is in a state of equilibrium:


The funnel shaped basin the forms the upper end of the ureter is the:

renal cortex

In both males and females, the entire pelvic floor is called the:


A pregnancy that develops in a location outside the uterine cavity is referred to as:


The body system that includes the thyroid and the pituitary glands is the:


The term inguinal pertains to what area or structure of the body?


The measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution is called:


A term that describes a solution that has the same concentration as cell fluids is:


The fibrous bands that support organs to hold them in place are:


The membrane that surrounds the heart is the:


The small tip of cartilage at the lower end of the sternum is the:

xiphoid process

A major muscle in the body that assists in raising the arm away from the body is the:


Cells that carry or transmit impulses toward the central nervous system are called:

afferent neurons

The spaces in the brain where cerebrospinal fluid is formed is/are the:


Impulses from the receptors for smell are carried to the brain by the:

olfactory nerve

The hormone that is essential for growth is produced in the :

pituitary gland

The layers of the heart are:

epicardium and myocardium

The blood vessel that brings blood from the head, chest, and arms back to the heart is the:

superior vena cava

The proper sequence for the flow of blood in the body is:

artery, arteriole, and capillary

The condition of inflammation of the lymphatic vessels is called:


The lymphatic system includes what organs and tissues:

thymus, spleen, tonsils, and adenoids

The process in which white blood cells take in and destroy waste and foreign material is called:


The structure common to the respiratory and digestive systems is the:


An accumulation of air in the pleural space the may lead to collapse of the lung is called:


The leaf shaped cartilage that covers the opening of the larynx is the:


Most of the digestive process occurs in the:

small intestine

The lining of the stomach has many folds called:


The first portion of the small intestine is the:


An accumulation of excessive fluid in the intercellular spaces is called:


The kidneys are located in the:

retro peritoneal space

The term hydronephrosis means:

distention of the renal pelvis resulting from obstructed flow of urine

The sex glands of the male and female reproductive system are the:

testes and ovaries

The bone that lies between the hip and the knee is the:


The largest artery in the body is the:

abdominal aorta

The term that refers to absence of menstrual flow in a woman of reproductive age is:


The hormone produced by the embryonic cells of the fetus is:

human chorionic gonadotropin horomone

A substance necessary for proper formation of a blood clot is:


The left atrioventricular valve (AV) in the heart is also know as the:

mitral valve

The only artery in the body that carries deoxygenated blood is the:

pulmonary artery

A localized dilation resulting form weakness of a blood vessel wall is a(n):


An example of a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is:


A portion of the large intestine is the:


A chronic degenerative disease of the liver is:


The tube that permits urine to pass from the bladder to the outside of the body is the:


The innermost layer of the uterus is the:


The frontal or coronal plane of the body divides the body into:

front and rear

The membrane attached to internal organs is the:

visceral layer

The term that describes a disorder that breaks down tissues in a body system is:


The study of the cause of any disease or of all factors that may be involved in the development of a disease:


The chronic skin condition characterized by a red, flat area covered with silvery scales is:


The cranial bones are:

frontal, parietal, ethmoid, and temporal

The bone that is part of the shoulder girdle and is between the sternum and the scapula:


The type of muscle responsible for producing peristalsis is:


The type of joint motion that allows movement away from the midline of the body; such as moving the arms straight out to the sides, is:


The sympathetic system of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for:

dilation of the bronchi of the lungs

The portion of the brain that aids in the coordination of voluntary muscle action is the:


Strabismus is a condition of the eye causing:

cross-eyed appearance

A structure found in the inner ear is the:


The clusters of cells called the islets of Langerhans are located in the:


A goiter is associated with abnormal function of the:

thyroid gland

A the Rh factor is blood is:

an antigen that affects a person's blood type

The area of the heart that initiates a heartbeat is the:

sinoatrial node (SA node)

A heart disease that is present at birth is:

congenital heart disease

A blood vessel that is proximal to the heart:

Ascending aorta

Acquired, natural, active immunity is achieved by:

contracting the disease

The human immunodeficiency virus is the cause of what disease?

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

An accurate statement about the lungs is:

the sac covering the lungs is the pleural sac

A communicable, infectious disease of the lungs is:


A example of inflammatory bowel disease is:

Crohn disease

A function of the liver is to:

detoxify harmful substances, such as alcohol and certain drugs

The fluid contained within the body cells is called:

intracellular fluid

Two important electrolytes found in the body are:

sodium and potassium

A condition resulting from renal failure and causing high levels of blood urea nitrogen is:


The period of pregnancy is called:


The hormone that causes contraction of uterine muscle during labor is:


The region located directly below the umbilical region is the:

hypogastric region

An example of exocrine glands are:

sebaceous glands

The order of the vertebral column from top to bottom is:

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx

The muscle located on the anterior thigh and that functions to extend the leg is the:

quadriceps femoris

The artery located in the upper arm is the:

brachial artery

Any foreign substance that enters the body and induces an immune response is a (n);


The smaller leg bone, lateral to the tibia, is the:


The small pouch that is the first portion of the large intestine is the:


The hormone that regulates the amount of water that is eliminated with urine is:


An excessive curvature in the thoracic portion of the spinal column, also known as hunchback is:


Diabetic retinopathy is a result of damage to the:


Type 2 diabetes is:

non-insulin dependent diabetes

Protein found in the epidermis that makes skin waterproof is:


Common condition of the eye associated with aging:


The structure at the neck of the bladder and surrounds the urethra is the:


The epigastric anatomical region of the abdomen is located:

distal to the sternum

Collegen, a substance found in the dermis, is a:

fibrous protein

Glands that are located on the sides of the vaginal opening and produce mucus are the:

bartholin glands

When the foot is moved outward, the joint movement is:


The master gland of the body is the:

pituitary gland

A fracture of the radius characterized by bending of the bone with the skin left intact is referred to as:

greenstick, closed

Spermatozoa normally fertilize the female ovum in the:

fallopian tube

The glomerulus is a cluster of blood capillaries found in the:


The disorder characterized by uncontrolled episodes of falling asleep is:


The regulation of body temperature is controlled by the:


A substance that is not a neurotransmitter is:


Cranial nerve 1, the olfactory nerve, is related to the sense of:


A blood cell that carries oxygen and has no nucleus is a/an:


During repsiration, exhaled air contains primarily:

carbon monoxide

A condition causing a backflow of stomach acid through the incompetent esophageal sphincter:

GERD ( gastroesophageal reflex disease)