Medical Insurance Chapter 13 Part 2

Once an Application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is filed, there is a ______ waiting period before benefits begin.

Five month

A ____ is a denial of employer liability issued by the workers' compensation insurance carrier.

notice of contest

An individual with a disability described as preluding heavy work as lost ___of the capacity to push, pull, bend, stoop, and climb.

50 percent

Before an injured employee can return to work, a physician must write

A doctor's final report

_____ provides Workers' Compensation Insurance coverage to employees of the federal government.

Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA)

The classifications of pain used in workers' compensation claims are

minimum, slight, moderate, severe

A disability that limits a worker to jobs that are performed in an upright or standing position and that require no greater than minimum effort are classified as

limitation of light work

Vocational Rehabilitation programs provide _____ for individuals with job-related disabilities.

training in a different job

For a widow or widower age fifty years or older who is disabled to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), his or her spouse must have paid into Social Security for at least

ten years

An employee who believes the work environment to be dangerous may file a complaint with the

Occupational Safety and Health Administration