Study Guide Ch.43,44

A patient who reports occasional acute pain in the big toe may be suffering from:

Gouty arthritis

Decrease in the density of the bone


The spine turns either right or left with :


Arth is a prefix meaning "joint" and scopy is a suffix meaning "to examine visually


Arth indicates joint; the suffix algia indicates pain


The suffix indicating "puncture to remove fluid" is centesis


Protrusion of the thoracic vertebrae is known as

humpback, or kyphosis

An inward curvature of the lumbar region is called


Several terms are used in anatomy and physiology to describe body movements. Which of the following is commonly described as bending?


All of the following are true about fibromyalgia except it

Occurs more frequently in more than in women

Develop fibromyalgia much more often than men do


Occurs in people whose work requires repetitive hand movements because of the pressure put on the nerves at the wrist

Carpal tunnel syndrome

What is the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

RA is an autoimmune reaction to synovial fluid

A common problem for patients with a herniated disk is:

A & D
Radiating pain down the left side
Chronic back pain

Most often occur in the lumbar area, placing pressure on the sciatic nerve and causing chronic pain

Herniated disks

Which of the following is categorized as a type of infectious arthritis?

Lyme disease

Which of the following injuries results in an overstretching of a muscle or tendon ?


The classic diagnosis of fibromyalgia is made when:

eleven of 18 specific points are extremely tender when palpated

Physicians use tenderness at specific points as a means of diagnosing:


Women with osteoporosis of the spine may develop which type of fracture?


Which type of fracture is common in young children?


Rickets is an unusual diagnosis in the United States because

Milk sold in the United States is fortified with vitamin D

A classic sign of osteoporosis is:


Occurs because of twisting or turning of the bone; it is considered grounds to suspect child abuse

A spiral fracture

The best method of diagnosing osteopenia and osteoporosis is which test ?

DEXA scan

Medications used to treat osteoporosis include


Medications used to treat rheumatoid arthritis include:


Passive ROM involves which procedure?

Physician m o ves the affected joont to assess its ROM

Electromyography is helpful in diagnosing problems associated with which disorder?

Nerve involvement from a herniated lumbar disk

Which of the following is not a common reason for failure to diagnose many neurologic problems in the early stages ?

Fewer diagnostic procedures are available for the neurologic system than for other body systems

Which condition is not usually associated with injuries caused by accidents?


If a patient describes seeing an aura before the onset of a severe headache, this often is a sign of a(n):

migraine headache

A patient calls to report symptoms that are commonly associated with the flu. However, he has not improved after 2 weeks of rest, so he may have:


A patient suffering from delirium:

is temporarily unable to connect with the environment

For which neurologic disorder should patients with hypertension and an elevated cholesterol level be monitored?


Which of the following means "inflammation of the covering of the brain"?


difficulty speaking


Cognex and Aricept are drugs used in the early stage of:

Alzheimer's disease

Which statement is NOT true of TIAs?

They cause permanent neurologic dysfunction

Which statement is NOT true of an absence or petit mal seizure?

It has a clonic tonic phrase

Parkinson's disease

All of the above
Affects men more often than women
Is caused by a deficiency of the neurotrdopamine
Is progressive and has no cure

Which statement is NOT true of multiple sclerosis?

Symptoms can be controlled with Rilutek

What diagnostic studies might the physician order for a patient suspected of having a brain tumor?

A and B
Ophthalmoscopic examination
CT scan

Which statement is NOT true ALS ?

It occurs most frequently In women in their 30s

A subdural hematoma is more likely to occur in which patient?

Elderly individuals

The function of the sympathetic nervous system is to:

stimulate the body to react while reducing the activity of the GI system

Which statement is true about hydrocephalus?

A shunt must be implanted surgically as soon as possible after birth

Risk factors associated with TIAs include

All of the above
Diabetes mellitus
Carotid artery disease

Patients diagnosed with grand mal seizures may be treated with which of the following medications?

Neurontin and Lamictal are anticonvulsant medications

Which statement is true about a positive Brudzinski's sign?

The patient spontaneously flexes the arm, hip, and knee in response to neck flexion

The Glasgow Coma Scale assesses patient responses in what three areas?

Eyes, move the arms and legs, and verbalize responses

A patient with quadriplegia suffers from spinal cord transection in what location?

Cervical Region

What are the primary symptoms of Parkinson's disease?

Mask like facial expression
Difficulty swallowing

Which statement is NOT true about brain tumors?

They are always primary tumors

Treatment of MS includes

Interferon injections

Peripheral neuropathy is frequently seen in patients with what other health problem?

Diabetes mellitus

Which statement is true about the treatment of major depression?

Patients can wean themselves off the medication as soon as they start to feel better