CCMA National Exam Practice Questions

What is the proper position for a patient who is to receive a rectal temperature measurement


A patient has been diagnosed with COPD. Upon observation, her skin shows signs Of being cyanotic and is cold to the touch. What vital signs would be expected to be out of range


Which artery is routinely used in performing a manual blood pressure


What is the appropriate angle when administering a subcutaneous injection


What is the substance that is removed when performing ear irrigation


What is the appropriate part of the eye which to aim the solution when beginning to perform an eye irrigation

Inner canthus

A patient measures 5'8" what is her height in centimeters

173 cm

What reading would be a normal adult temperature


What blood pressure reading indicates that a patient is in hypertensive crisis

Systole of 190

What is the correct device to perform a pulmonary function test


A physician signature is required on which letters

To a medical community committee member

What situation is it appropriate for physician to discuss the patient's information via email

Consulting with another physician

HIPPA permits faxes in which of the following situations

Forwarding care instructions to a nursing home

During directions to fast before lung cancer surgery a patient stairs straight ahead and does not respond what statement would be appropriate to make to the patient

Will your repeat to me when you should Fast

A patient who does not speak English has for family members in the room all attempting to speak at once to the medical assistant. which of the following is the appropriate action

Ask only one person to translate

Which term appropriately describes that a patient's heartbeat is rapid


What is the medical term for heart muscle disease


What patient statement would Help verify that she understands instructions for a urinalysis for pregnancy test

I will collect the sample first thing in the morning

What it suffix means removal of


What is the appropriate term to inform the nurse that the patient is having difficulty breathing


What would be charted in the objective section when using the SOAP method

A patient's blood pressure

Using the wave scheduling method which the following would be the priority patient to be seen

The patient arrives first

A patient's blood panel results have been sent to medical facility. if the medical record is organized by section how should the new results be placed

Above previous blood test results

What information is required for a pediatric patient that is not required of an adult patient

The name of the patients parent

A 22-year-old cancer patient has refused chemotherapy. what is an appropriate statement by the medical system

Will you explain to me what concerns you about this treatment

Who must discuss the informed consent form with the patient prior to the patient signing

The patient's physician

What is the initial information required prior to scheduling an inpatient procedure for a patient

The patient's physician's order

A visiting physician enters a medical facility to meet with the physicians attending a patient. what is the appropriate action

Inform the attending physician that there is a visiting physician

What statements would be appropriate when scheduling an outpatient procedure for patient

Will you repeat the date of the procedure

When there is an electrical fire which of the following fire extinguishers is the proper one to use

Class C

If blood splashes into the eye of a medical assistant which of the following steps be performed first

Flush the eyes

During a large fire which of the following is a proper action to take

Crawl to an exit

For a patient undergoing surgery which of the following does the patient have the right to know

How many procedures the surgeon has performed

A police officer opens a rape kit and hands it to a medical assistant he presents it to two physicians performing the examination. what information should be on the custody form

Initials and times of the police officer medical assistant and both physicians

For a venipuncture to be performed on a patient suspected of drunk driving which of the following is the proper cleansing agent

Benzalkonium chloride

What is the appropriate angle to hold the needle in performing a venipuncture


What is a blood culture primarily used to check for


When the state required testing of an infant capillary blood is done what must occur

The circles on the filter paper must be totally saturated

Fecal specimen collection is used to detect which of the following

Colorectal cancer

What types of urine collection is required for culture and sensitivity testing

Clean catch midstream specimen

What test should a first voided morning urine specimen be collected


patients and medical assistance must be careful during collection of sputum samples for tuberculosis test for what you the following reasons

The collection containers have a poisonous preservative inside of them

Tubes needed for culture and sensitivity test may be kept at room temperature for up to how many hours


Sealed or locked specimen transfer bags are used as part of which the following

Chain of custody

Which of the following is required for all specimens shipped in a reference laboratory

Watertight secondary containers

What should be used to clean a counter that is been exposed to bodily fluids

Bleach solution

What is the first action a medical assistant who has observed a healthcare professional abusing controlled substances in a physician office should take

Inform the physician

What a statement she would prompt a medical assistant to be concerned that a patient is abusing controlled substances

I need to refill my oxycodone prescription again

What action should a medical assistant take when a patient states that she is been a victim of domestic abuse

Inform a police officer

Ambulatory telemetry monitor

Measures an EKG of a period of time

Primary code in CPT coding system

Contains 5 digits

Holter Monitor

measures EKG for 24-48 hr

Ventricular fibrillation

Lower chambers quiver and the heart can't pump any blood causing cardiac arrest


18.5 or under -underweight
18.5-24.5 -normal
25-29.9 -overweight
30 plus -obese


Low density lipoprotein


thyroid stimulating hormone


Glucose Tolerance Test


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin


Partial thromboplastin Time


Current procedural Terminology

Enteric Coated Tablet

Tablet holds together until it reaches the stomach

Extended release tablet

Special coatings or ingredients that control how fast the drug is released from the pill into your body

Normal Sodium

135-147 mEq/l

Red Blood Cell Count

male: 4.5-5.5 (x 10^6 /ml)
Female: 4.0-4.9 (x 10^6 /ml)

