Ch 23 CMA Exam Review - Medical Emergencies & First Aid

What percentage of the body is involved in a burn that covers one arm and the head of an adult?
A. 1%
B. 9%
C. 18%
D. 36%
E. 40%


The Good Samaritan law explicitly allows medical assistants
A. To administer first aid within the scope of their competence
B. To call the EMS system and stay with the victim until EMS personnel arrive
C. To act freely in an emergency situation to save th

To administer first aid within the scope of their competence

In emergency childbirth, at what point should the umbilical cord be tied and cut?
A. When the infant is fully out
B. Within 10 minutes of birth
C. When the infant starts breathing
D. When the mother and baby get to the hospital
E. When the baby is ready t

When the infant starts breathing

To treat frostbite, a medical assistant can
A. Massage the affected area gently
B. Rub the affected area with a warmed towel
C. Keep the patient's head and shoulders slightly elevated
D. Wash the area with soap and water
E. Place warm clothing and blanket

Place warm clothing and blankets around the affected area

Which of the following are symptoms of heatstroke?
A. The body tingles, and the patient feels pain
B. There is a white, waxy, or grayish yellow build-up on the skin, and the patient has a high body temperature
C. The skin feels moist and hot, and the pati

The pulse is rapid, the skin is hot and dry, and the patient feels weak

When treating a second-degree burn, a medical assistant should
A. Break blisters to relieve the patient's pain
B. Immerse the burned area in cold water
C. Remove charred or adhered clothing
D. Apply medical ointments to the affected area
E. Apply a wet, s

Immerse the burned area in cold water

When Bill Williams scraped his skin, he most likely got a(n)
A. Incision
B. Laceration
C. Abrasion
D. Puncture
E. Bruise


Irreversible brain damage can be caused by tissue anoxia lasting
A. More than 2 minutes
B. More than 3 minutes
C. More than 4 to 6 minutes
D. More than 45 minutes
E. More than 3 hours

More than 4 to 6 minutes

Which of the following is a correct way to treat a snakebite?
A. Administer activated charcoal
B. Walk the patient to a hospital
C. Suction the wound and apply ice
D. Immobilize the bitten area and wash it with soap and water
E. Cut out the affected area

Immobilize the bitten area and wash it with soap and water

If a patient is bleeding from the lower arm and direct pressure and elevation do not stop the bleeding, where should pressure be applied?
A. Radial-ulnar artery
B. Brachial artery
C. Subclavian artery
D. Carotid artery
E. Phrenic artery

Brachial artery

One possible cause of stroke is
A. Occlusion in the brain by a thrombus
B. Decreased cerebral blood flow
C. Ingested poisons
D. Hypocalcemia
E. Hyperthermia

Occlusion in the brain by a thrombus

White, waxy, or grayish yellow skin that also feels crusty and softness in tissue beneath the skin could indicate
A. Heatstroke
B. Frostbite
C. Contusion
D. Hypothermia
E. Shock


Which of the following is a possible treatment of syncope?
A. Having the patient lower his or her head between the legs
B. Laying the patient flat on the patient's back with the feet slightly elevated
C. Loosening tight clothing and applying a cold cloth

All of the above.

The Heimlich maneuver is used for which of the following?
A. Convulsion
B. Epistaxis
C. Hematemesis
D. Shock
E. Choking


Anaphylactic shock occurs following
A. Hemorrhage
B. Allergic reaction
C. Toxemia of pregnancy
D. Cardiac arrest
E. None of the above

Allergic reaction

Which of the following should not be done by a patient with a concussion?
A. Eat
B. Take aspirin
C. Take acetaminophen
D. Rest
E. Gradually resume normal activities

Take aspirin

The most severe and major complication for burn victims is
A. Pain
B. Anemia
C. Infection
D. Malignant fever
E. Both B and C


Which of the following should not be done when a patient complains of abdominal pain?
A. Have the patient lie on the back
B. Apply heat to the patient's abdomen
C. Have the patient flex the knees
D. Monitor the patient's pulse
E. Check for signs of shock

Apply heat to the patient's abdomen

Closed wounds are called
A. Bruises or contusions
B. Lacerations
C. Abrasions
D. Scrapes
E. None of the above

Bruises or contusions

When administering CPR, how many compressions should you do in 1 minute?
A. 20
B. 30
C. 50
D. 100
E. 90


According to Good Samaritan laws,
A. Emergency care is required of all medical personnel in all situations
B. Emergency care is permitted only with the verbal consent of the patient
C. Emergency care is permitted when it is within the scope of competence

Emergency care is permitted when it is within the scope of competence of the person

Chest pain might indicate
A. Cocaine use
B. Myocardial infarction
C. Epistaxis
D. Both B and C
E. Both A and B

Both A and B

When you suspect neck injury, what action should you take to open the patient's airway before administering rescue breathing?
A. Place your mouth over the patient's nose and blow air into it until the patient's chest rises
B. Put your fingers behind the j

Put your fingers behind the jawbone just below the ear and push the jaw forward

Treat hypoglycemia by
A. Administering glucose
B. Giving the patient plain orange juice
C. Loosening the patient's restrictive clothing and elevating the patient's head
D. Administering immunization as soon as possible
E. None of the above

Administering glucose

What is the best location to check the pulse of an adult who is unconscious and not breathing?
A. At the radial artery of the wrist
B. At the brachial artery of the arm
C. At the carotid artery of the neck
D. On the chest, directly over the heart
E. At th

At the carotid artery of the neck