Medical Assisting Review Examination CH 19 Administration of Medication


a type of drug dissolved in a solution of alcohol and water

how far above the rectal sphincter muscle must a suppository be inserted

2 inches

an alcohol extract of a therapeutic material is known as


gauge of needles for intradermal injections is usually between

25 and 26

a drug dissolved in a solution of sugar and water is called a


Metric System

most commonly used system of measurement

1 mL equals

1 cc

a physician orders conjugated estrogen (premarin) for a menopausal patient in the following dose 1.25 mg orally every day. conjugated estrogen are available in 0.625 mg tablets. if the physician prescribes the med for one week, how many tabs should the pt


most appropriate site for administration of the rabies vaccine is the

deltoid muscle

drug placed between the gums and the cheek, the route of administration is



method of administration is the most appropriate for injecting meds that may be irritating to the skin

a type of drug order used for a specific condition for which the drug should be administered


example of an inscription

valium 10 mg tabs

drug combine with a volatile alcoholic solution


following means "x 1000


reverse insulin shock


nicotine patch is an example of

a transdermal administration

types of immunity do vaccines produce


when performing a purified protein derivative (PPD) tb what is the correct angle for needle insertion

15 degrees

administering a med in a physicians office best method of identifying the pt is to

ask the pt to state his or her full name

History of Allergies

most important factor to check before administering meds

hollow part of the needle is called the


if a physician orders 100 mg of a drug that only comes in 25 mg tabs, how many tabs constitute the correct does


if a physician orders 20 grains of a drug that is available in 120 mg tabs, how many tabs constitute the correct dose


amount of drug injected through the subcutaneous routine should not exceed more than

2 cc

physician orders 420 mg of a drug and it is only available in 7 grain tabs how many tabs constitute the correct dose


a syringe marked with U100 will be used for which of the following administrations


to install ear drops in an infants ear, ma should pull the pinna

up and back

which of the following needle gauge is most appropriate for an intramuscular administration of very thick penicillin


route of administration for an allergy skin test injection


physician orders 250 mg of drug to be take every day, but drug comes in tabs that contain only 25 mg how many tabs should pt take every day


one tablespoon equals

3 teaspoons

which angle should be used for intramuscular injections

90 degrees

which of the following statements about the inhalation method of drug admin is true

the respiratory tract absorbs med more rapidly than any other mucous membrane
oxygen should be kept in every medical practice


parenteral method of drug administration

Hepatitis A vaccines should be administered intramuscular into which of the following muscles


True about Intravenous injections

usually used in emergency situations
needles used are 1 to 1 1/2 inches in length
needle gauges are usually between 20 and 21

Apothecaries system

an older less accurate system of measurement


route of administration allowing for quickest absorption of medication

how many units does the most common insulin syringe have


for a med to be maintained at the proper blood level, must be given

at right time

epinephrine and allergy treatments are often administered


following is an abbreviation for drop


giving an intradermal injection you should not inject more than

0.2 cc

the z track method for an injection of iron is used to

prevent irritation of and discoloration to skin and tissue

a tb syringe has a capacity of

1 cc

true of oral med administration

the drug is absrobed through the lining of the stomach

true about drugs given in subcutaneous injections

non viscous
water soluble

angle of insertion for an intradermal injection

15 degrees

Mantoux test should be read

within 48 to 72 hours

preffered site of injection for children under 3

vastus lateralis

antibiotics and viscous meds are administered to which mucscle

gluteus medius

in emergency situation a med order should be written down and signed by the physician in

24 hours

a 3/8 inch needle would most likely be used for

intradermal injection

True of Administration of medication into the deltoid muscle

major blood vessels and nerves in the upper arm are located in posterior portion of the arm
23 gauge 1 inche needle most frequently used
muslce is commonly used for injections of tetanus boosters
good site for a small amnt of medication

a prn drug order

specifies that a drug be given only when pt needs it such as before surgery

point at which the shaft of the needle attaches to the hub is called


after administering insulin you should

not massage the injection site

maximum volume of a drug injected through the subcutaneous route

2 mL

statement is true about Hepatitis a vaccine

is is usually administered into deltoid muscle


a small sealed glass container that holds a single dose of medication

Mantoux test is administered using

an intradermal needle and syringe

physician orders 60 mg of a drug that comes only in 1 grain tablets, how many tabs constitute the correct dose


how long after the first vaccination for rabies must the last vaccination be scheduled

4 weeks

whihc part of the needle is determined by diameter of its lumen


advantage of intramuscular injections

IM injections cause less irritation of the skin than SC injections
one can give a greater amount of med in an IM injection

drug route method of applying a drug to unbroken skin
