When drawing blood, always have the patient make a ___________________


When performing an EKG (ECG), the ______lead is placed on the shoulder.


When giving a (PPD) purified protein derivative injection or TB test, the CMA should draw up _______of vaccine into the syringe.

0.1 ml

The CMA has many duties. Just a few include performing venipuncture, giving injections, taking vital signs, doing paperwork, but NEVER _____________.

giving medical advice.

A common side effect of a patient taking Coumadin or Warfarin is a __________ (bruise).


A ___________infection, also known as a Hospital Acquired Infection or HAI, is an infection whose development is favored by a hospital environment, such as one acquired by a patient during a hospital visit or one developing among hospital staff. Such infe


A _________ (or butterfly) is used for patients with fragile veins.

winged infusion set

_____________ position is most vital for patients whose BP drops rapidly.


____________ is a surgical fixation of a segment of the small intestine to the abdominal wall.


_____________is a condition in which the lens of the eye loses its ability to focus, making it difficult to see objects up close. The CMA should escort this patient and lead them since their vision has been compromised.


The 10 rights (R')s of medication administration are:

1) RIGHT Patient
2) RIGHT Medication
3) RIGHT Dose
4) RIGHT Time
5) RIGHT Route
6) RIGHT Education
7) RIGHT to Refuse
8) RIGHT Assessment
9) RIGHT Evaluation
10) RIGHT Documentation

When performing CPR, the CMA should do at least __________ compressions per minute. _____ to ________ compressions per second.

100 compressions per minute. 1 to 2 compressions per second.

The __________position is the best position to put a patient in to obtain a rectal temperature.


A patient with TB should be in ___________precautions.


Infectious agents move from the source to the host by means of "_________________

mode of transmission

Please list the 6 elements in the Chain of Infection:

1) Susceptible Host
2) Infectious Agent
3) Reservoir
4) Portal of Exit
5) Mode of Transmission
6) Portal of Entry

__________ (Material Data Safety Sheets) is a vital component of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration).


________pulse is used in determining the heart rate of infants.


____________________ enforces safety conditions in the medical office.

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

Following a blood draw, the CMA should watch the patient intently if they start to ______or_________.

twitch or shake

_________means the study of causation or origination. The word is most commonly used to refer to why things occur or even the reason behind the way things act.


The CMA must make sure that when assisting with an OB/GYN exam that the ________be warmed up by _________over it and then ________properly.

running warm water over it and then lubed properly

A ________is an abnormal growth of tissue projecting from a mucous membrane. If a patient states that he or she has a growth that grew rapidly, the CMA would chart it as a ___________________.

Polyp; Polyp

Laboratory tubes and additives:
Yellow Tube Top

Additive = SPS (Sodium Polyanethal Sulfonate)

Laboratory tubes and additives:
Light Blue

Additive = Buffered Sodium Citrate

Laboratory tubes and additives:

Additive = NONE

Laboratory tubes and additives:


Laboratory tubes and additives:
Light Green

Lithium Heparin

Laboratory tubes and additives:
Dark Green

Sodium Heparin

Laboratory tubes and additives:

EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetracetic Acid)

Laboratory tubes and additives:

Potassium Oxalate

___________ or hCG is a hormone produced during pregnancy that is made by the developing placenta after conception. Levels of hCG may be measured in the blood or urine. Most commonly, this is done as a ____________test, intended to indicate the presence o

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin; Pregnancy test

The ___________________form is also called a "super bill" or "encounter form" and is the ________________claim form used by physicians.

CMS-1500 form; universal claim form

Alcohol swabs should be ordered __________at a physician's office.


An ___________________injection is given to patients who are being tested for allergies.


To routinely clean the examination table, the CMA would use the technique of _______________ to disinfect.

medical asepsis

Hazardous waste should be put in a _________________________bag

red bio-hazard

The special delivery for an arterial blood gas (ABG) is on _____________


You must always report a needle stick to your supervisor _________________


It can be considered _____________if a CMA enters a patient's room without introducing themselves or acknowledging the patient.

invasion of privacy

The most important thing to tell a patient when collecting a 24 hour urine test is to ______the first urine in the morning. Because the first urine will be ______________

void; more concentrated

Venipuncture Procedures: (please list them in order)

1) ID patient
2) Introduce yourself, explain what you are about to do
3) Wash your hands
4) Put on gloves
5) Apply tourniquet
6) Palpate to find a vein
7) Clean venipuncture site
8) Let the site AIR DRY (Do NOT blow on site, wave hands or dry with gauze)

When measuring an infant from head to toe, the ___________position is the best position to obtain an accurate measurement.


When communicating with a patient who is hearing impaired and has a caregiver, the CMA should speak directly to the _________________


The best solution to clean up urine off a floor is a ______ percent bleach solution, by mixing _____ percent bleach to ________percent water

10% bleach solution; 10% bleach to 90% water

A ________________must be obtained per some health insurance policies to determine if a particular procedure will be covered under the patient's health insurance.


When collecting blood cultures from a patient it is recommended that you collect at least _______mLs of blood.


What is Informed Consent?

Inform the patient of the possible risk and outcome of a procedure

What is Implied Consent?

Extending an arm for phlebotomy or an unconscious patient who needs treatment in an emergency.

What is Written Consent?

Must be written and signed by the patient or legal guardian. An example would be an HIV test or pregnancy test. All of these situations must be documented.

When collecting a urine sample, place the patient's name and DOB on the specimen _____. Not the _______since the ______can be lost.

bottle; not the lid, since the lid can be lost

If a STAT electrolyte panel was reported to have a critically elevated sodium level, then most likely a ________ (color tube top) was drawn. A STAT chemistry test should be drawn in a ___________(color) top tube.

Gold; green

If a patient has Parkinson's Disease and needs an EKG (ECG) most likely this patient would have ________________show up on his or her EKG (ECG).

somatic tremor

A streptococcal test would always be collected on the _____________


Always ____________the patient.


Call for help ___________when a fire is present.


Order of draw and Laboratory Dept

1) Yellow - Microbiology
2) Light Blue - Coagulation
3) Red - Chemistry
4) Gold - Chemistry
5) Light Green - Chemistry
6) Dark Green - Chemistry
7) Purple/Lavender - Hematology
8) Gray - Chemistry

ST segment elevation shown on an EKG (ECG) is associated with a ______________

myocardial infarction

A CMA cannot perform a CBC test with a____________


__________________is removal of a kidney


If a patient is having an EKG (ECG) and is diaphoretic, the CMA should apply _______________to help facilitate a better connection.

conduction gel

Please list the steps in Capillary Collection (finger sticks)

1) ID patient
2) Introduce yourself and explain what you are about to do.
3) Wash hands
4) Put on gloves
5) Ask patient to rest arm in a downward position for at least 30 seconds
6) Choose either the middle or ring finger
7) Clean with alcohol and allow t

Please list the steps in obtaining a stool sample:

1) Introduce yourself
2) Explain the procedure to the patient
3) Have the patient defecate into a clean, dry bedpan or commode (or a plastic "hat" )
4) Instruct patient NOT to contaminate specimen with urine or toilet tissue
5) Put on gloves
6) Using a to

When doing an EKG (ECG) on a person with large breasts, have the patient _______and place the electrodes ________the breasts.

have the patient LIFT the breasts; place electrodes UNDER the breasts.

if a patient has not been seen by the physician in over a year, the patient should complete a ____________________form.

new patient registration form

The process of ________________gets rid of ALL forms of microbial life and spores.


The first step a CMA should take when a patient is found unconscious is to ________immediately (call _____) . If the CMA starts CPR, then precious moments are wasted. Notify ______first and then the CMA can start CPR. Help is on the way.

Notify EMS (call 911); Notify EMS FIRST

A ________________is an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs. It is a ________ ________ ________for the measurement of respiration flow rates. The _______________records the amount of air and the rate of air that is

spirometer; precision differential pressure transducer; the spirometer

__________________is the medical specialty dealing with disease involving the respiratory tract.


Any and All communicable diseases such as TB or Aids must be reported to an outside source, i.e. _____________

CDC ( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

The ___________________Color Test is an example of a color perception test for red-green color deficiencies. It was named after it's designer, Dr. Shinobu Ishihara, a professor at the University of Tokyo, who first published his tests in 1917.


When a patient is wearing a ____________monitor they should avoid any magnetic fields.


____________________are used on BP cuffs to destroy dirt and sweat.


If a CMA has to treat a psychiatric patient, they must always make sure they are ___________________with the patient.

never alone

The International Classification of Diseases ( most commonly known by the abbreviation ICD) is a standard _____________tool for epidemiology, health mngmt, and clinical purposes. It is known as a health care _______________ system that provides codes to c

diagnostic tool; classification system; code

_______________( codes V01-V91) are used to describe encounters with circumstances other than disease or injury.

V codes

___________codes are supplemental codes that capture the external cause of injury or poisoning, the intent, and the place where the event occurred.

E codes

If a patient has abdominal pain and respiratory difficulties, the CMA should place the patient in the _____________position.


A blood pressure (BP) is measured in _________________ or mm.

millimeters of mercury

A BP is written with the _______________pressure on the top and the ________________pressure on the bottom, i.e., 120/80.

systolic; diastolic

You should take vital signs for a full _______


_________________testing is defined as medical testing at or near the site of patient care. The driving notion behind POCT is to bring the test _______________and_______________to the patient.

Point of Care testing (POCT); conveniently and immediately

If the physician is behind and a patient has been waiting past their scheduled app't, the CMA should ____________________

ask the patient if they want to reschedule

A________________should never give test results to a patient.


__________________is terminology used by national and state/provincial licensing boards for various professions that define the procedures, actions, and processes that are permitted for the licensed or certified individual. The ________________is limited

Scope of practice.; scope of practice

A CMA should never practice outside their ___________________

scope of practice.

_______________quality control test regulation ensures accuracy of results.

Point of care

When doing a urine pregnancy test the __________________urine specimen is the most accurate to use.

first morning urine

Buccal is ___________or______________

oral or mouth

Sublingual is ___________

oral under the tongue

Transdermal is _____________________

absorbed through the skin

Intradermal injections (ID) should be administered at a _______________ degree angle

15 degree angle

Intramuscular injections (IM) should be administered at a ____________degree angle.

90 degree angle

Subcutaneous injections (SC or Sub-Q) should be administered at a _____________degree angle.

45 degree angle

________________patches can give medications in a way that they are absorbed slowly creating a constant time released systemic effect.


A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that affects part of the urinary tract. When if affects the lower urinary tract it is known as a simple ________________ infection; and when it affects the upper urinary tract it is known as _______

cystitis or bladder infection; polynephritis or kidney infection.

A________________urine specimen is collected for a culture and sensitivity. (C & S)


Body Mass Index (BMI) is a heuristic proxy for human body fat based on an individual's wt and ht. BMI does not actually measure the percentage of body fat. BMI is defined as _________________divided by _______________

Body mass divided by square of his/her height

A ________________is a substance that dilates the bronchi and bronchioles, decreasing resistance in the respiratory airway and increasing airflow to the lungs. This is used commonly by ____________patients.

bronchodilator; asthma

________________sounds are the sounds medical personnel listen for when they are taking blood pressure (BP) using a stethescope. They are named after _______________, a Russian physician.

Korotkoff sounds; Dr. Nikolai Korotkoff

______________ or ________________disease is the spread of a disease from one organ or part to another non-adjacent organ or part.

Metastasis or metastatic disease

_____________is the partial or complete wasting away of a part of the body.


An __________________is a compound or substance that kills or slows down the growth of bacteria.


_________________are antimicrobial substances that are applied to living tissue/skin to reduce the possibility of infection, sepsis, or putrefaction.


Always check the ___________________of a drug before administering it.

expiration date

The ___________________is an agency of the US Dept of Labor, Congress established the agency under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

The Occupational Safety and Health Act was signed into law on __________________ by President ________________

December 29, 1970 by President Richard M. Nixon

The mission of OSHA is to ____________________for men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance.

assure safe and healthful working conditions

_______________________are US Federal regulatory standards that apply to all clinical laboratory testing performed on humans in the US, except clinical trials and basic research.

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988

A _______________________is another name for a bruise.


A ________________or _____________, is the final product of the blood coagulation step in hemostasis. It is achieved via the aggregation of ______________that form a _______________plug, and the activation of the coagulation system (i.e., clotting factors

thrombus or blood clot; platelets, platelet plug; a thrombus

_________________is a group of hereditary genetic disorders that impair the body's ability to control blood clotting or coagulation, which is used to stop bleeding.


________________is a medical test in which glucose is given and blood samples taken afterward to determine how quickly it is cleared from the blood.

Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)

_____________________is a language for accurately describing the human body and associated components, conditions, processes, and process in a science-based manner. The prefix can be added in front of the term to modify the word root by giving add'l infor

Medical terminology

What are the steps involved in doing a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)?

1) A zero time (baseline) blood sample is drawn.
2) The patient is then given a measured dose of glucose solution to drink within a 5 minute time frame.
3) Blood is drawn at intervals for measurement of glucose (blood sugar), and sometimes insulin levels.

__________________is the absence of a menstrual period in a woman of reproductive age.


______________________is a gynecological medical condition of pain during menstruation.


The term__________________refers to information that is subject to one's own opinion.


The term ___________________is measurable.


If a patient says it is hot in the room then that is ______________


If you take the patient's temperature and it is 105 degrees then that would be __________


____________information is gained by questioning the patient or taking if from a form.


______________________information is gathered usually by watching or observing a patient.


A _______________________would study and practice medicine associated with the skin.


A ____________________would study and practice medicine associated with the nerves.


HIPAA stands for ______________________

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

An _________________form is usually personalized by the practice. The ___________________form is often used as a charge slip and often called a super bill. This form would include ______________,________________, ________________and ________________

encounter form; encounter form; common charges, diagnosis, date of service and patient's name.

___________________is considered offensive touching or use of force on a person without his or her consent,


_______________is intentional or unlawful attempt of bodily injury to another by force.


Describe and define culture and sensitivity (C&S) testing.

A collection of a urine sample, blood sample, or other body fluid samples are cultured in a medium and analyzed for sensitivity. A culture and sensitivity (C &S ) is a diagnostic lab procedure used to identify the type of bacteria and to determine which a

20 small boxes on an EKG strip would equal the rate of _________________


OSHA and BBP training should be provided at______________________to employees

no cost

A _____________________chart is an eye chart used by eye care professionals and others to measure visual acuity.

Snellen chart

Snellen charts are named afer the Dutch ophthalmologist ___________________who developed the chart in 1862

Herman Snellen

Describe how the Snellen Eye Chart is typically used.

In the most familiar acuity test, a Snellen chart is placed at a standard distance, 20 feet in the US. At this distance, the symbols on the line representing "normal" acuity subtend an angle of 5 minutes of arc. This line, designated 20/20, is the smalles

The _______________________test or _________________test is one of several methods that detect the presence of fecal occult blood. Fecal occult blood is blood present in the feces that is not visibly apparent.

stool guaiac or guaiac fecal occult blood test

A heel stick should not be performed on a patient older than ____________year (s) old.

1 year ( One )

A finger stick should never be performed on a patient less than _______________ year (s) old.

1 year (One)

__________________or low blood sugar is an abnormally diminished content of glucose in the blood. The term literally means "low sugar blood.


If a patient is experiencing an episode of hypoglycemia, the CMA can help by giving the patient __________________

Orange juice

________________testing of the glucometer or any testing equipment promotes accurate test results.

Quality Control testing

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) also called a sedimentation rate or sed rate, is the rate at which _____________________sediment in a period of one hour. It is a common hematology test, and is a non-specific measure of _____________________. To p

RBCs ; inflammation; Westergren tube

__________________are measures of various physiological statistics, in order to assess the most basic body functions. The act of taking vital signs normally entails recording body temperature, pulse rate, (or heart rate), blood pressure, and respiratory r

Vital signs

Vital signs often vary by _______
