NCCT Review: Medical Office Management - Law & Ethics

Right and wrong conduct is known as


The most common type of medical tort liability is


A person being sued is called the


The withdral of a physican from the care of a patient without reasonable notice of such discharge from the case by the patient is


An unlawful threat or attempt to do bodily injury to another is


The health worker is protected by law if it can bedetermined that he or she acted reasonable as compared with fellow workers. This is called

Reasonable care

Negligence by a professional person is called


An act that violates criminal law is called


The breaking of a law, promise, or duty is called


The ability to see things from another person's point of view is


The time established for filing law suits is

Statute of limitations

A writ that commands a witness to appear at a trial or other proceeding and to give testimony is a(n)


A wrong commited against another person or the person's property is a


Holding or detaining a person against his will is

False Imprisonment

A violation of a person's right not to have his or her name, photograph, or private affairs exposed of made public without giving consent is

Invasion Of Privacy

A major crime for which greater punishment is imposed other than a misdemeanor is


One who institutes a lawsuit is


A legal statement of how an individual's property is to be distributed after death is


Information given by a patient to medical personnel which cannot be disclosed without consent of the person who gave it is

Privileged communication

A rule of conduct made by a government body is


Failure to do something that a reasonable person would do under ordinary circumstances that ends up causing harm to another person or a person's property is


Permission granted by a person voluntarily and in his right mind is


Injuring the name and reputation of another person by making false statements to a third person is


An agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of some definite thing is


Lack of physical or mental fitness is known as


The final decision of a court in an action or suit is


Responsibility of an employer for the acts of an employee is

Respondeat Superior

A latin term signifying that a person is not of sound mind is

Non compos mentis

A person who is no longer under the care, custody, or supervision of a parent is called a(n)

Emancipated minor

An impartial panel established to listen to and investigate patient's complaints about medical care or excessive fees is called a _________ committee

Medical grievance

Latin for "things done; deeds"; the facts and circumstances attendant to the act in question would be called

Res gestae

Testimony of a witness under oath and written down before trial for possible use when the case comes to trial is


A statute that enforces private right and liabilities, as differentiated from criminal law is called a

Civil Law

Violation or omission of a legal or moral duty is called

Breach of duty

A deliberate physical attack upon a person is called


Latin for "he who acts through another acts for himself" is called

qui facit per alium facit per se

The branch of study of moral issues, questions, and problems arising in the practice of medicine and in biomedical research is called


A statement given concerning some scientific, technical, or professional matter by an expert, such as a physician is called

Expert testimony

A patient's failure to act prudently and reasonably, or doing that which a reasonable person would not do under similar circumstances is called

Contributory negligence

Consent to treatment based on a full understanding of all possible risks of unpreventable results of that treatment is called

Assumtion of risk

Conduct, courtsey, and manners that are customarily used in a medical office by medical professionals are known as

Medical etiquette