RMA Review

An abnormal increase in the size of an organ


The abbreviation for "right eye" is


An abnormal decrease in the total number of white blood cells (WBCs) is known as


An extremely high fever is called


Which suffix refers to eating?


A suffix used to denote destruction is


A rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure on the


The prefixes apo-, de-, and ab- mean

Away from

The creation of an opening in the abdomen to bring some portion of the colon onto the surface is a


The abbreviation meaning four times a day is


The prefix hypo- means


Pyuria is

Pus in urine

Another term for pain when urinating is


The term that means to control or stop bleeding is


The combining form for heart is


The cell from which bone tissue develops is a(n)


Excessive amounts of hair on the body is synonymous with


Another term for swallowing is


A cicatrix in the popliteal area is a

Scar on the back of the knee

Adipose tissue is


A disease process of unknown origin is referred to as


The function of the optic nerve is


A patient with urticaria most likely has


The membrane that surrounds the abdominopelvic cavity is the


Which type of membrane lines cavities that open to the outside?

Mucous Membrane

The dorsal region of the body is described as


The body cavity that contains the heart and lungs is the

Thoracic Cavity

Movement of a body part away from the midline of the body is


The plane that divides the body into right and left halves is


An acute disorder that tends to follow viral illnesses in children is

Reye's syndrome

The first (neck) section of the vertebral column is the


Which type of lesion is characterized by asymmetry, irregular borders, and change in color?


This chronic skin condition is characterized by exacerbations and remissions of patches of scaly skin


The bone that makes up the forehead area of the skull is the


The peripheral nervous system is composed of how many pairs of cranial nerves?


The largest part of the brain is the


Malabsorption of vitamin B12 results in which type of anemia?


Wheezing is a classic sign of which respiratory disease?


Another name for the eardrum is

Tympanic Membrane

The vein that returns blood to the heart from areas below the diaphragm is the

Inferior Vena Cava

The pacemaker of the heart is the

Sinoatrial node

Which electrolyte is important for the activity of the heart muscle?


Flexion is an example of what kind of muscle action?


Food is conveyed from the mouth to stomach by the


An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine is known as


The beta cells in the pancreas are responsible for the production of


The cranial nerve that is involved in the sense of smell is the


To confirm a fracture of the lower leg, a radiograph should include which bones

Tibia and Fibia

The opposite of lateral is


The basic structural and functional unit of the body is the


A group of similar cells make up


The outer membrane of a bone is the


Types of muscle tissue include..

Smooth, Cardiac, and Skeletal muscle

The heart muscle is the


Another name for the voice box is the


The primary site of absorption of nutrients is the

Small Intestine

What are the functions of the urinary system?

Eliminate waste, regulate salt levels, balance water gain and loss, regulate pH balance

The region between the vaginal opening and the rectum is the


Male sterilization is performed on the

Vas deferens

The central nervous system is made up of

The brain and spinal cord

The brainstem is made up of the..

Midbrain, Pons, Medulla oblongata

Olfactory receptors are located in the


The master gland is the

Pituitary Gland

Athlete's foot is also called

Tinea pedis

Small, purple hemorrhagic spots on the skin are called


Suppuration means

Pus Formation

Coryza is associated with

The common cold

The probable outcome of a disease process in a patient is the


The type of immunity that develops when an antigen is introduced into the body is


The type of immunity that results from an immunization is called

Artificial active

An important symptom of diabetes mellitus is


A sudden loss of blood or body fluids may cause

Hypovolemic shock

Which blood element is involved in the coagulation process?


Another name for earwax is


The vitamin involved with the coagulation process is

Vitamin K

The part of the eye that enables a person to see color is/are the


How many chromosomes are in the nucleus of a normal cell?


The diaphragm separates which two body cavities?


A partial-thickness burn that results in blisters and redness is classified as

Second degree

The tough band of tissue that connects bone to bone at a joint is the


Paralysis on one side of the body is called


The medical term for farsightedness is


Which structure creates an opening between the pharynx and the middle ear?

Eustachian tube

A freely moving blood clot in the circulation is called a(n)


The medical term for a nosebleed is


An abnormal bubbling or rattling sound heard on auscultation is


The medical term for a loss of appetite is


All of the following are part of the large intestine except the
[Ascending colon]
[Descending colon]


A condition characterized by stones in the gallbladder is


The structural and functional unit of the kidney is the


The basic unit of heredity is

A Gene

The process of cell division is known as


The surgical removal of tubes and ovaries is called a


An unborn child during the first 2 months of prenatal development is referred to as a(n)


An absence of menstrual flow is called


The superior vena cava returns blood to the

Right Atrium

Deaths must be reported to a coroner in each of the following situations except
[Industrial injuries]
[Occurring while in custody of the law]
[Following long-term illnesses]
[Occurring without medical attendance]

Following long-term illnesses

A physician performed a breast augmentation on a patient and later published an article with photographs of the patient in a medical journal. The patient did not give permission to publish the pictures. This constitutes

Invasion of privacy

The initial report for a Workers' Compensation claim should be filed

Immediately after the initial visit

When a physician accepts a patient for treatment, the physician has a duty to

Use care, diligence, and skill in treatment

When a physician treats a Medicaid patient, the physician agrees

To accept the fee approved by Medicaid as payment in full

When the release of medical records is authorized, the medical assistant should

Give the patient a copy of the original records

All of the following are considered a tort except...
[Assault and battery]
[Breach of contract]
[Defamation of character]
[Invasion of privacy]

Breach of contract

Which of the following is a mandatory form of credential?


Which of the following documentation situations could create a liability?
[Altering a document]
[Failing to document a procedure]
[Recording incorrect information]
[Scribbling out an error]
[All of the above]

All of the above

Rendering care to a patient without consent could result in a charge of


A commitment or obligation to act in certain way(s) is a(n)


The medical assistant's signature on an informed consent form means that the medical assistant

Verified the patient's signature

A person's failure to act in a prudent and reasonable manner is known as


Elizabeth K�bler-Ross established

The five stages in the process of grief

Which is not a common reaction to illness?


Which is not an example of anxiety?
[Not hearing instructions]
[Asking relevant questions]
[Frequent use of the bathroom]
[Moist hands]
[Frequently moistening the lips]

Asking Relevant Questions

Patients are most likely to remember instructions when
[The most important information is given first]
[The instructions are given verbally]
[Medical terms are used]
[The instructions are detailed]
[Instructions are given hurriedly]

The most important information is given first

When communicating with a hearing-impaired person, how should you speak to them?

Speak naturally

Which is not an element of the communication process?


Communication can best be defined as..
[The process of sharing meaning]
[The process of talking]
[The process of explaining]
[The process of nonverbal actions]
[The process of analyzing meaning]

The process of sharing meaning

Poor eye contact is an example of...
[Therapeutic communication]
[Verbal communication]
[Nontherapeutic communication]
[Nonverbal communication]

Nonverbal communication

The matrix of a schedule is the

Times not available

Scheduling patients with the same medical complaints on the same day is

Grouping scheduling

Ideally, a telephone should be answered before

The third ring

Patients who are always late or who habitually cancel appointments should be scheduled

At the end of the day

The medical office works on a fixed appointment schedule and a patient arrives without an appointment requesting to see the physician. The patient should..

Be squeezed in for a brief visit so the physician can decide what the next treatment step should be

If a patient calls to cancel his or her appointment, what should you do?

Immediately offer a new appointment time

A good telephone technique is a

Low-pitched and expressive voice

What should be recorded when taking a telephone message?

Date of call
Time of call
Person called

A patient calls to cancel an appointment. This should be noted by...

Writing "cancelled" in the appointment book

Which of the following telephone calls from a patient should not be charted?
[A request for a change in appointment time]
[A request for a prescription renewal]
[A request for a referral to a specialist]
[Patient report that symptoms have disappeared]

A request for a change in appointment time

A patient may base his or her perception of the medical office on..
[Previous experiences at this office]
[Previous medical care experiences]
[The attitude and appearance of the receptionist]
[Charges for care]

The attitude and appearance of the receptionist

What information is needed to properly matrix the appointment book?
[Hours of hospital rounds]
[Times to schedule routine physical exams]
[Hours for walk-ins]
[Patient preferences for appointment times]
[Times for immunization clinics]

Hours of hospital rounds

Which of the following is demographic information included in a medical record?
[Present illness]
[Date of birth]
[Lab reports]
[X-ray findings]
[Complete physical exam]

Date of birth

An error was made in charting the patient's record. The method used to correct the error is to

Draw a single line through the error, write the word "error", make the correction, date and initial the entry

SOAP is an acronym for

Problem-oriented progress notes

A procedure was charted but not performed. The entry in the medical record should

Have a single line drawn through it and marked "not done

Which is true of the medical record?
[If it is not recorded, it was not done]
[The patient owns the information]
[The physician owns the record]
[A signed release is waived if the record is subpoenaed]
[All of the above]

All of the above

Which of the following steps in the filing process checks for and repairs damaged documents?


The most common color-coding system color codes the

Patient's surname

A disadvantage of alphabetic filing is

Difficulty in retrieving

The reason for clearly marking an allergy in a patient's chart is..

It is unpredictable

The purpose of OUT guides is to ensure

The place to replace a file

Which of the following is objective information?
[Health habits]
[High blood pressure]
[Previous illnesses]
[Medical insurance]
[Family history]

High Blood Pressure

A complimentary close that is appropriate for a business letter is

Sincerely yours

A major advantage of using a computer for word processing is

Extensive editing capability

Which is not true of certified mail?
[Insurance coverage is available]
[Receipt of delivery can be obtained for a fee]
[Only first-class mail can be certified]
[Record of delivery is kept by the post office]
[Restricted delivery can be obtained for a fee]

Insurance coverage is available`

Which of the following must be sent by first class mail?
[Printed materials]
[Personal letters and postcards]
[Equipment catalogs]

Personal letters and postcards

Which is correct for an inside address?
[Dr. David Roberts]
[Dr. David Roberts, M.D.]
[Mr. David Roberts, M.D.]
[Roberts, David, M.D.]
[David Roberts, M.D.]

David Roberts, M.D.

Which is not true about a postage meter?
[It prints its own postage]
[Some can seal the envelope]
[It locks when the postage is used up]
[The mailer leases the machine and purchases the postage]
[A license must be obtained from the post office]

A license must be obtained from the post office

Which letter style requires that the complimentary closing and typed signature is placed in line with the left margin of the body of the letter?

Full block style

Which of the following is not included in a memorandum?
[Complimentary close]
[Writer's name]
[Reference initials]

Complimentary close

The second page of a two-page letter contains which of the following in the heading?
[Name and date]
[Name and page number]
[Name, page number, and date]
[Name, page number, date, and subject]
[Name, writer's name, subject, and date]

Name, page number, and date

The complimentary close of a letter is typed how many lines below the last line of the body?


A computer program is


When it is 4:00 PM in New York City, what time is it in Seattle, WA?

1:00 PM

A patient refuses to follow medical advice and the physician decides to terminate the relationship. The letter to the patient should state all of the following except..
[A referral to another physician]
[An offer to make records available]
[That the physi

A referral to another physician

Preparing the magnetic surface of a blank disk to accept data is done by


The entry, editing, manipulation, and storage of text using the computer is

Word processing

A signature stamp may be used for..
[Return to school forms]
[Workers' Compensation claims]
[Transcribed operative notes]
[Disability reports]
[Dictated discharge summaries]

Return to school forms

The complimentary close may be omitted in which letter style?


The fastest type of U.S. mail service is


Which is not considered to be a closing of a letter?
[Complimentary closing]
[Signature line]
[Enclosure notation]
[Reference notation]


Dear Mrs. Johnson: is an example of the


How should the date be written for the heading of a business letter?

December 30, 2010

Why should all documents be proofread, even if a spell checker is used?

Correctly spelled words may be used incorrectly

Which is not considered to be an input device?
[Light pen]


When a shipment of supplies is received, the supplies should be checked against the

Enclosed packing slip

A Medicare claim for a deceased beneficiary may be paid directly to the physician if

The estate is billed

All checks received as payment for charges should be endorsed


A fee profile is derived from

Physician charges

In which of the following do physicians provide services on a discounted fee-for-service basis?
[An HMO]
[Workers' Compensation]
[Private insurance carrier]


A pegboard system is often referred to as

A write-it-once system

The process of recording transactions to an account is called


A patient's account has been turned over to a collection agency and the patient calls about the bill. The patient should be told to

deal with the collection agency

A credit balance on an account occurs when

The patient pays in advance

An endorsement that contains a signature and a "for deposit only" statement is known as


The portion of a fee that the patient with insurance must pay is called the


Why might a check be dishonored?

Overdraft, postdated, NSF

What must always match the deposits for the month?

Received on account

Who is the responsible person on the new patient information form?

The person who will pay the bill

Accounts receivable include

Summary of amount owed to the physician by patients

ICD-10-CM coding would be applied to a(n)...
[Pap smear]
[Irritable bowel syndrome]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

An E-code in the ICD-10-CM coding system refers to..

External causes

For an ICD-10 code to be valid, the maximum number of code digits is


A superbill Is a..

Form designed to help in filing insurance claims

What type of insurance is available to dependents of active-duty military personnel?


The universal claim form is the


For payment purposes, Medicare is primary to


Failure to assign insurance benefits results in

Payments made to the patient

The insurance company that sells and administers a policy is called the


A physician must accept assignment on all of the following payments except..
[Independent commercial carriers]
[Title 19]
[Workers' Compensation]

Independent commercial carriers

If a patient's insurance has a $15.00 co-pay for an office visit, who pays the co-pay?

The patient

If a required preauthorization is not obtained for a procedure, who is responsible for the charges?

The patient

A key element in Standard Precautions is

Handling all blood and body fluids as if they are infected

The most important function of handwashing is to

Remove infectious microorganisms

Used disposable syringes and needles must be disposed of in

A sharps container

A substance that is capable of inhibiting the growth of microorganisms and is safe for use on body tissues is a(n)


The most common temperature and pressure used to sterilize in an autoclave are

Temp: 250� F; pressure: 15 lb

The complete destruction of all forms of microbial life is


Instruments that are sterilized unwrapped should be used


It is best to use which type of liquid in a steam autoclave

Distilled water

The timing of an autoclave load begins when

The desired temperature is reached

The smallest of all pathogens are


The first line of defense against invading microorganisms is the


Average pulse rate for an adult is

60 to 80 beats/minute

The pulse rate is usually higher in _____ than in _____

Usually higher in children than in adults

On an initial exam for a new patient, the blood pressure should be taken on

Both arms

Pulse rate can be increased by

Hypothyroidism, fear, fever, physical activity

A rectal temperature registers approximately how many degrees higher than an oral temperature?

1 degree

The carotid artery is located

At the right and left sides of the neck

A patient who weighs 150 pounds weighs how much in kg?

67.5 kg

A patient who is 65 inches tall is

5 feet 5 inches

Another term for rapid heartbeat is


The artery that is used most often to take a blood pressure is the

Brachial artery

The pulse rate taken at the wrist uses which of the following arteries?

Radial artery

Characteristics of the pulse include all of the following except
[Texture of the artery wall]


Cheyne-Stokes is

A type of respiration

Which of the following is subjective information?
[Lab reports]
[Treatment modalities]
[Electrocardiogram (ECG) reports]
[Past surgical history]

Past surgical history

A stethoscope is used to


A procedure that measures the amount of air that moves in and out of the lungs is


A patient with leukemia would be treated by which medical specialist?


Fluid may be obtained from a joint by which procedure?


The study of the diseases and treatment of the male reproductive system is...


A diagnostic procedure that internally visualizes the bronchus is


What is an oncologist?

A physician that diagnoses and treats cancers

Additional tests that may be performed as part of a complete physical exam would be...

CBC (Complete Blood Count)

A Pap smear can detect unusual cell growth on the..


Patients should be instructed not to douche, use creams or foams, or have intercourse for how long before a Pap smear?

24 to 48 hours

How many feet away from the Snellen chart should the patient stand or sit?

20 feet

A patient lying on the back with feet placed in stirrups is in which position?

Lithotomy position

An audiometer is used to measure


For a sigmoidoscopy, a patient should be placed in which position?


If a patient's vision is recorded as OS 20/40, this would mean that the patient can read with

The left eye at 20 feet what a normal eye can read at 40 feet

Routine blood tests that may be performed at an initial obstetrical exam include

CBC, blood type and Rh, VDRL, HIV, and rubella titer

This wave on an ECG represents the contraction of the ventricles


Each cardiac cycle takes approximately ____ second(s)

0.8 second

For the universally accepted standardization of the ECG, the stylus should deflect


According to the Food Pyramid, which of the following groups of nutrients should be consumed the most?


The position of lead V1 is the

Fourth intercostal space right of the sternum

The rhythm strip on an ECG is the same as

Lead II

Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are of a particular concern in children with


Which of the following procedures may cause discomfort to the patient?
[CT scan]
[Lumbar puncture]

Lumbar puncture

Which of the following can cause a poor ECG tracing?
[Loose electrodes]
[Poor grounding of the machine]
[Muscle tremors]
[Electrical interference]
[All of the above]

All of the above

A KUB is a radiograph of the

Kidneys, ureters, bladder

An effective x-ray exam used for detecting early breast cancer is


A barium sulfate mixture is ingested by a patient before a(n)

Upper GI series

The position in which the x-ray beam is directed from front to back is


The therapeutic use of cold is referred to as


Ultrasound can be used to treat

Muscle sprains and strains

The angle for the insertion of the needle for an IM injection is

90 degrees

A needle for a subcutaneous injection is inserted at which angle?

45 degrees

A topical medication Is applied via..


The size and gauge of the needle for a subcutaneous injection are

? inch, 25 gauge

A drug that is used to relieve pain is an


The physician orders 500 mg Amoxil to be given to the patient. The stock on hand is 250 mg per capsule. How many capsules would be given to the patient?

2 Capsules

The official name of a drug is its

Generic name

The classification of a drug that destroys bacteria is an


A common medication that is contraindicated for use in children because of the link to Reye's syndrome is


A drug that is given parenterally is given by..


Amoxicillin is a(n)


Zoloft and Paxil are classified as


Which of the following are included in the Seven Rights of drug administration?
[Right patient]
[Right dose]
[Right drug]
[Right documentation]
[All of the above]

All of the above

Which medication administration route produces the quickest effect?

Intravenous (IV)

Which of the following is classified as an anticoagulant?


Which of the following lab tests would be abnormal for a patient with diabetes?
[Serum acetone]
[Serum uric acid]
[Fasting blood glucose]
[Total cholesterol]

Fasting Blood Glucose

One who specializes in the study of cells is


When a lab report is received in the office, it should be

Given to the physician to review

A stool specimen is tarry and black. This may indicate

Upper GI bleeding

A medication that may interfere with accurate Hemoccult results is


The most common sites used for venipuncture are the

Cephalic and basilic veins

Blood collected in a tube with EDTA added would be used for

Hematology studies

A common lab test that may be ordered for a patient who is on Lasix (furosemide) is

Potassium determination

Hematocrit is the volume of..

Packed cells

For proper insertion of a needle for venipuncture, how should the needle be inserted?

Bevel up, about �-inch penetration

Which cannot be detected on a urine dipstick?


The best urine sample to use for a pregnancy test is a

First morning specimen

A lens on the microscope is �100. The ocular is �10. Total magnification would be


Sedimentation rate can be used to screen for


The hematocrit is approximately how many times the hemoglobin value?

Three times

Which urinary constituents are not reported on a urinalysis?
[Trichomonas vaginalis]


Candida albicans is the most common cause of

Yeast infection

When a specimen is being prepared for transport to an outside lab, specimen labels should be affixed to the

Requisition form and container

Helicobacter pylori has been discovered to be a possible cause of


The normal value range for a hematocrit of a female is

37% to 47%

Decreased numbers of RBCs are seen in patients with


All of the following are granulocytes except


Which of the following guidelines govern quality control, quality assurance, record keeping, and qualified personnel for the clinical lab?
[CLIA '88]

CLIA '88

Controlled samples in the lab ensure

The accuracy of test results

Which is not the correct procedure to follow when performing a capillary puncture?
[Wiping away the first drop of blood]
[Performing the procedure quickly]
[Warming the finger before the procedure]
[Cleansing the site with alcohol]
[Squeezing the finger t

Squeezing the finger to ensure blood flow

Of the following group, the thickest suture material is


Transfer forceps are removed from the container with the prongs

Together and facing downward

Betadine (povidone-iodine) may be used for

Disinfecting the skin at the surgical site

Incision into, and removal of, a part of a lesion is a(n)

Incisional biopsy

A dressing that adheres to a wound may be soaked off with

Sterile saline