Chapter 17 Review Medical Administration and Business Practices

A tumor or tissue that had been found to be noncancerous is termed


What is the term that is used for two simultaneous conditions?


A disease or condition that has a rapid onset and a short, severe course is said to be


A disease or condition that progresses slowly and has a long duration is said to be


A disease process or condition that develops more slowly than an acute process but more rapidly than a chronic condition is said to be


An area of new and abnormal tissue growth is a


The prevalence of a disease in a certain population is its rate of


Coded medical data is used to track the number of deaths due to a particular cause in a certain population; this is known as


Which coding system for medical services uses 5-digit numbers with 2-digit modifiers

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

How often are diagnostic and procedural codebooks updated?

Every year, before October 1st

Computer assisted coding software converts words and phrases entered about a patient's condition into which type of data that must be checked and edited by a professional coder?


The typical services provided by one surgeon for all services involved in a surgical procedure code make up the

Surgical Package

ICD-10-CM includes how many more codes than ICD-9-CM to cover more diseases and conditions and allow for greater specificity in coding

Over 55,000 additional codes

The coding system used to document the diagnoses made by physicians is

International Classification of Diseases (ICD)

The coding system used to document services and supplies provided to patients and procedures performed is the

HCPCS Level I & II

In the CPT codebook, a code with a bullet beside it is a

New Code

In the new CPT codebook, a code with a triangle beside it is a

/\ Revised code

ICD-10-cm codes used for diagnoses in an outpatient setting may be found in

Volumes I & II

Which CPT modifier indicates that the services required were substantially greater than usual for a particular procedure


Which CPT modifier indicates that the service was mandated by a third party, such as an insurance company or government payer


Which CPT modifier indicates the professional component in a technical diagnostic procedure, such as when he or she interprets the result of a laboratory test or xray


Diagnostic codes are input into a nationwide central computer database which is accessed by ____ and used for _____.

All insurance companies, International statistical reporting

Who addresses coding regulations

HIPAA, OSHA, Stark I & II regulations

Electronic coding programs are considered a vital tool: however, to reduce possible return errors it is prudent to use

Correct coding initiative edits

What does a CAC do

Computer-assisted coding, automatically assigns codes to clinical procedures and services

HCPCS Level II codes are both temporary and

Permanent codes

National correct coding initiative (NCCI) edits relate to

Both CPT and HCPCS codes

When a similar service is provided to a hospital patient by more than one physician on the same day, it is referred to as

Concurrent Care

The use of consultation codes has been eliminated by


Over-utilized CPT codes are codes that are

Upcoded frequently

In CPT, the E/M section is used to code

Office and hospital visits

The largest section of the CPT is the

Surgery section

The musculoskeletal subsection is part of what section

Surgery section

If a Medicare patient, who has been scheduled for surgery, is seen for a pre-operative visit one day prior to being admitted to the hospital, why would you not bill for the E/M service

Because it's included in global package

Days that follow major surgery and are included in the price of surgery (surgical or global package) are called

Follow-up days

A "CABG" (coronary artery bypass graft) is a procedure performed on what system


When cutting open the abdomen to perform surgery, it is referred to as a ____ procedure


Codes are arranged in the urinary subsection according to

Anatomic site starting with the kidney

In CPT, intersex surgery is listed as a separate _____ in the surgery subsection


A total abdominal hysterectomy is the removal of the

Uterus (Corpus & Cervix)

What section would the procedure amniocentesis be found in

Maternity Care & Deilvery Section

When frequent tests are grouped together in the pathology and laboratory section, they are called


What section are vaccines found in

Medicine section

What is the compliance date that all health care providers have to implement the use of ICD-10-CM

October 1, 2013

ICD-10-CM coding guidelines have been developed by the

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services (CMS), National Center for Health Statistics

When a diagnostic code has "NEC" by it, it means

The description necessary to code in a more specific category is not listed

When you read the term "and" in a narrative statement, it represents


Some conditions have an underlying cause along with a disease that occurs due to the underlying condition. In such cases code the _____ first and the _____ second

Underlying condition (Etiolgy), manifestation

All ICD-10-CM codes have how many digits

3-7 alphanumeric digits

In the diagnostic statement, "malignant mass of the left arm," the main term is


In the diagnostic statement, "umbilical hernia in a 3-year old child," the main term is


Most categories for sprains, strains, and fractures coded from chapter 19 to have 7th character extensions that are required to indicate the

Type of encounter

What is an adverse effect

When a drug has been properly administered but a patient has a reaction to it

When a patient has a personal or family history of a disease that affects their current condition; the risk factor should be coded with a _____ code.



One or more services covered under a main procedure code


Fraudulent practice, also known as exploding, in which a procedure is broken down into separate billable codes to obtain a higher payment


Assigning a numerical code to a medical diagnosis procedure


Fraudulent practice of billing for higher procedure codes than services actually performed to obtain a higher payment

Down Coding

Converting a submitted code to a lower-level code, which typically results in a lower payment


Two- digit code used in addition to the five-digit code to add specific information about the circumstances


Character used in the ICD-10-CM codebook that allows for future expansion and is required for the code to be considered valid

Add-on Code

CPT code indicated by a +, used in combination with a primary procedure code

Code Linkage

On an insurance claim, when the submitted procedure codes match up with appropriate diagnostic codes


Character shown alongside certain CPT codes to provide additional information about the code


Removal and examination of a tissue sample for diagnostic purposes


Examination that visualizes body cavities and hallow organs using a special instrument


Physician provides a second opinion regarding a patients condition or need for surgery


Physician meets with patient to discuss test results, diagnosis, prognosis, or the risks and benefits of various treatments


The physician meets with the patient and provides some type of care

Postoperative Care

Period immediately following surgery

Concurrent Care

Services provided by more than one physician to the same patient on the same day

Critical Care

Services provided to a patient who is unstable or acutely ill or injures

Quantitative Analysis

Laboratory test that measures the amount of a substance present in a fluid or tissue

Qualitative Analysis

Laboratory test that determines the presence of an agent within the body

The cause of a disease is know as its


A physician provides a _____ diagnosis when he or she tells the patient that a disease or condition is suspected or likely but has not yet been confirmed


A coding _____ program is put in place to ensure that medical coding is done in alignment with HIPAA regulations and other legislative requirements


A secondary term used in the diagnostic codebook that reports specific circumstances or additional information related to a diagnosis is a _____


Both a _____ code and an administration code must be included for injections


If a patient presents with an _____ fracture, this means a bone has broken through the skin


When a medical practice hires a company to provide billing and coding services instead of having employees perform those functions, this is known as _____


When a physician moves or adjusts tissue or bone as part of treatment, this is _____ of the affected body part
