med term ch 8 female rep diagnostics and therapy


photographic procedure to image the entire cervix
produces a slide called a cervicogram
detects early cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
can be combined with colposcopy


abbr HSG
x-ray procedure in which contrast medium is used to image the uterus and fallopian tubes


imaging technique for the early detection of breast cancer
image produced = mammogram


measurement of the birth canal
clinical and x-ray, although x-ray is not commonly done


use of high-frequency sound waves to image the pelvic area
sonohysterography = imaging of the uterus
transvaginal = probe introduced into the vagina


endoscopic procedure used for cervical/vaginal biopsy
instrument = colposcope


endoscopic procedure used for biopsy of Douglas cul-de-sac


endoscopic procedure used for a myomectomy (fibroid removal) or polypectomy (polyp removal).


endoscopic procedure for removing lesions (lysis) or performing a hysterectomy or an ovarian biopsy


removal of fluid and cells from the rectouterine pouch to detect dysplasia

hormone levels

laboratory measurements of the presence and extent of specific hormones in specimens of blood, urine, or body tissues
information is useful in evaluating a range of conditions from pregnancy to menopause

Pap smear

exfoliative cytology procedure useful for the detection of vaginal and cervical cancer

alpha fetoprotein test

abbr AFP test
maternal serum (blood) test performed between 14 and 19 weeks of gestation
may indicate a variety of conditions, such as neural tube defects (eg spina bifida) and multiple gestation


removal and analysis of a sample of the amniotic fluid with the use of a guided needle through the abdomen of the mother into the amniotic sac to diagnose fetal abnormalities

chorionic villus sampling

abbr CVS
removal of a small piece of the chorionic villi that develop on the surface of the chorion, either transvaginally or through a small incision in the abdomen, to test for chromosomal abnormalities

contraction stress test

abbr CST
test to predict fetal outcome and risk of intrauterine asphyxia by measuring fetal heart rate throughout a minimum of three contractions within a 10-minute period

nonstress test

abbr NST
stimulation of the fetus to monitor for a normal, expected acceleration of the fetal heart rate

pregnancy test

test available in two forms: stand over-the-counter and a serum (blood) test for quantitative hCG

Apgar score

rates the physical health of the infant with a set of criteria 1 minute and 5 minutes after birth

congenital hypothyroidism

test for deficient thyroid hormones
if caught at birth, oral doses of the missing thyroid hormone will allow normal development
untreated - retarded growth and brain development


abbr PKU
test for deficiency of enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase, which is responsible for converting phenylaline, found in certain foods, into tyrosine
failure to treat = brain damage and mental retardation


resection (removal) of the uterine cervix


removal of the clitoris
"female circumcision


fixation of the vagina to an adjacent structure to hold it in place


surgical repair of the vagina


surgical repair of the cul-de-sac

dilation and curettage

abbr D&C
procedure involving widening of the cervix until a curette, a sharp scraping tool, can be inserted to remove the lining of the uterus


incision of the hymen to enlarge the vaginal opening


resection (removal) of the uterus
may be partial, pan-, or include other organs
surgical approach usually stated


suspension and fixation of a prolapsed uterus

loop electrocautery excision procedure

abbr LEEP
procedure done to remove abnormal cells in cervical dysplasia


removal of a tumor from the breast


surgical or cosmetic repair of the breast
augmentation, reduction


removal of the breast; may be unilateral or bilateral


reconstructive procedure to lift and fixate the breasts


resection of an ovary; may be unilateral or bilateral


removal of an ovarian cyst

pelvic exenteration

removal of the contents of the pelvic cavity
done in response to widespread cancer


resection of a fallopian tube, may be unilateral or bilateral


removal of the adhesions in the fallopian tubes to reestablish patency, with the goal of fertility


surgical and/or cosmetic repair of the nipple

uterine artery embolization

abbr UAE
injection of particles to block a uterine artery supplying blood to a fibroid with resultant death of fibroid tissue

cephalic version

process of turning the fetus so that the head is at the cervical outlet for a vaginal delivery


suturing the cervix closed to prevent a spontaneous abortion in a woman with an incompetent cervix

cesarean section

also c-section, CS
delivery of an infant through a surgical abdominal incision


incision to widen the vaginal orifice to prevent tearing of the tissue of the vulva during delivery


rapid birth
dystocia - difficult labor
eutocia - normal, "good" delivery

vaginal birth after c-section

abbr VBAC
delivery of subsequent babies vaginally after a c-section

vaginal delivery

cephalic presentation through the vagina
breech - feet or buttock presentation

artificial insemination

abbr AI
introduction of semen into the vagina by mechanical or instrumental means

gamete intrafallopian transfer

abbr GIFT
laboratory mixing and injection of the ova and sperm into the fallopian tubes so that fertilization occurs naturally within the body

intracytoplasmic sperm injection

abbr ICSI
injection of one sperm into the ovum and subsequent transplantation of the resulting zygote into the uterus

in vitro fertilization

abbr IVF
procedure that allows the mother's ova to be fertilized outside the body and then implanted in the uterus of the biologic mother or a surrogate to carry to term

zygote intrafallopian transfer

abbr ZIFT
mixing of the ova and sperm in the laboratory, with fertilization confirmed before the zygotes are returned to the fallopian tubes


rejoining of the previously cut fallopian tubes to re-establish patency
reversal of a tubal ligation


surgical procedure rendering a person unable to produce children
for women, may involve hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, or tubal ligation

tubal ligation

sterilization procedure in which the fallopian tubes are cut, ligated (tied), and cauterized to prevent released ova from being fertilized by spermatozoa