CCMA Exam Prep (NHA)

During an emergent crisis, DO NOT

alarm the patient

3 essentials when performing blood draws

1. test requisition review
2. proper patient identification
3. site choice

2 essentials when performing EKG or other cardiac monitoring

1. inform pt. of what is expected
2. observe for complications

CLIA-waived tests

simple, performed with low risk of error

When performing a CLIA-waived test, always...

1. identify the patient
2. wear PPE
3. read all manufacturer directions and instructions

BIG OSHA (needle) protocol

do NOT recap needles

Sharps container

Puncture and leak proof and labeled with biohazard symbol for disposal of scalpels, needles and any other sharp object

Biohazard bag

Leak proof bag for disposal of gloves, gauze and bandages

Standard Precautions

ALL bodily fluids except sweat are to be considered infectious for all patients.

Change gloves...

When handling contaminated surfaces and in-between patients

Before putting gloves on you should always

wash hands with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

Blood pressure measures the

pressure of blood against the walls of the artery and ventricles

The artery and ventricles contract so that the ...

blood is pushed to the aorta and pulmonary artery


heart contracts


heart relaxes

FIRST thing you do when taking any pt. vitals

Tell patient what you're going to do

If you have to manually obtain a BP, what should you palpate?

Brachial artery in antecubital region of arm

When taking BP, which arm should you use?

Generally the right unless the left has stronger pulse

Heart rate gives physician information about the heart's...

rhythm, volume and vessel elasticity

How long should you count to get a pt.'s HR?

30 sec. (multiply by 2) or 1 minute
*IF there are irregularities, count for 1 minute

T/F: You should tell the pt. when you are measuring their respirations.

False, do NOT tell the pt. as this may cause them to change their breathing patterns.

How long should you observe a pt.'s respirations for?

30 sec. (multiply by 2) or 1 minute

Most common site for a temperature reading


Question to ask pts. before taking their oral temp:

Have you eaten anything, had anything to drink, smoked, or exercised within 30 minutes of coming to the doctor today?

What position do you put patients in to obtain a rectal temperature?

Sims or lateral recumbent position: pt. lies on left side, left hip and leg straight, right hip and knee bent

For an aural/tympanic temperature, how should you manipulate the ear in a pt. over the age of 3?

Pull up and back

For an aural/tympanic temperature, how should you manipulate the ear in a pt. under the age of 3?

Pull down and back

Where is the temporal artery temperature readings taken?

On the forehead

Where is the axillary temperature reading taken?


Anthropometric measurements include...

height and weight

For an infant or child up to 3 years old, growth is measured via...

head circumference, length and weight

Conversion C -> F

(C x 9/5) + 32

Conversion F -> C

(F - 32) x 5/9

lbs -> kg

lbs x 0.45

kg -> lbs

kg x 2.2

ft -> in

(ft x 12) + in

in -> cm

in x 2.54

cm -> in

cm x 0.39


pt. flat on back, face up

Dorsal recumbent

supine, with knees bent

Fowler's position

lay on table, table elevated 90 deg


pt. lies face down

Sim's position

pt. lay on left side, left leg extended, right bent with knee on table


pt. rests knees and chest on table with head turned to side


pt. supine, bottom of table elevated 30 deg

After every patient, the exam room must

Be inspected for cleanliness, waste and spills must be cleaned, restocked, paper must be changed

5 steps to prep patient for an exam

1. check medical record for completion
2. pt. needs to sign all consent forms
3. ask pt. reason for visit
4. answer any questions pt. has
5. review medical record and have any lab results out for Doc

T/F: Honestly discuss any discomfort a pt. may have during an exam up front.


Most important concepts when administering medications

1. always check pt. allergies
2 double check expiration dates
3. review meds and clarify with Dr. before administering
4. check 3 times to ensure dose matches order and that it is measured properly

How many times should the dose and measurement be checked against the physician's order?

3 times

It's always important to observe a patient for __ & __ __ when administering oral medications

choking & adverse reactions

Before administering parenteral/topical medications, the patient should be notified of

any tingling or burning they may experience

Before administering ___/___ medications, check the skin for any complications

parenteral / topical

Transdermal medication

typically patch of some form

DO NOT place transdermal medication on...

broken skin

What should you write directly on the transdermal patch for a patient?

Removal date

T/F: Pt. cannot shower with transdermal patch.


What 4 things should you ALWAYS tell the patient before administering any type of injection?

1. what the medication is
2. how it is applied
3. any side effects
4.the fact that it may pinch

What 2 things should you always check and re-check before administering a medication?

the medication itself and its expiration date

Items to assemble before administering an injection are:
*hint: there are 7!

1. the meds, 2. gloves, 3. alcohol wipes, 4. syring, 5. sterile needle, 6. gauze, 7. sharps container

Steps to take BEFORE administering ANY type of injection:

1. wash hands and glove up
2. assemble items
3. wipe vial with alcohol swab
4. draw up medication- no air!

Steps to take AFTER administering ANY type of injection:

1. place gauze next to needle and remove at the same angle as it was inserted
2. place needle in sharps container
3. if pressure is needed, apply now
4. remove gloves and wash hands
5. document the dosage, method, location and any complications in the pt.

Area to insert needle into for INTRAMUSCULAR injections

deltoid muscle

Area to insert needle into for INTRADERMAL injections

volar forearm

Area to insert needle into for SUBCUTANEOUS injections

abdomen, back of upper arm, outer thighs, upper buttocks

Angle to insert needle for INTRAMUSCULAR injections

90 deg

Angle to insert needle for INTRADERMAL injections

15 deg

Angle to insert needle for SUBCUTANEOUS injections

45 deg

During INTRAMUSCULAR injections, do you aspirate?

Aspirate before injecting, then inject slow and steady

During INTRADERMAL injections, do you aspirate?

NO! Be swift with injection.

During SUBCUTANEOUS injections, do you aspirate?

Aspirate before injecting, then inject slow and steady

After INTRAMUSCULAR injection, what do you do?

Apply pressure and wiggle muscle

After INTRAERMAL injection, what do you do?

DO NOT apply pressure or wiggle

After SUBCUTANEOUS injection, what do you do?

Apply pressure at the Doc's request


pulmonary function test

For a PFT to be accurate, pt. must not have done what 3 things?

Smoke, use nebulizer, or use bronchodilator within 6 hours of taking test

How many times must you repeat a PFT ?


Long distance visual test

Snellen chart

Basic outline of long-distance Snellen chart test

start on line 27, stop when pt. gets 2 incorrect

First step in suture removal (after washing hands & explaining procedure, etc.)

1. place gauze sponge next to first suture

During suture removal, you use forceps to do what?

Grab the knot of the suture, beginning with the first suture, gently pull it away from the skin so that you can cut the suture close to the skin with siccors

After the suture is cut, what do you do next?

Gently pull the suture through the skin and place it on the gauze sponge

What are the final steps of suture removal after the suture has physically been removed?

Inspect the area then continue until all sutures have been removed. Dispose of trash in biohazard container and cover wound with SteriStrip or a bandage.

T/F: You should make conversation with patient throughout suture removal and let them know what is going on.


What should you explain to a patient after his/her sutures have been removed?

They need to keep the area clean and dry and call the office with any issues

T/F: When documenting suture removal, it is not important to document that you gave the patient verbal instructions on how to care for their wound.

False; this is a must

Saliva tests are different from other tests because the specimen are treated differently; how?

Saliva specimen are frozen

Semen samples must be... (3 things)

protected from light, kept at normal body temperature and processed within 1 hour of collection

How should a patient be positioned for eye irrigation?

supine or sitting with head back

Difference between documenting an irrigation procedure vs. everything else:

MUST include how much solution was used to irrigate

Basic outline of ear irrigation

1. inspect ear with otoscope
2. drape shoulder, place container for spills on pt shoulder, have pt. stabilize
3. pull pinna up and back for adults or down and back for kids
4. irrigate, inspect with otoscopt
5. repeat until cerumen is gone
6. dry with gau

If a pt. goes into shock, what 3 things can a MA do?

Make sure pt.'s airway is open, position them in supine position with feet elevated and call for help

Signs of syncope

flushed, heavy sweating, faint (or literal fainting)

If syncope occurs when a pt. is on your watch, what do you do?

loosen their clothes, lay them in supine position and monitor vitals for the physician

2 aseptic cleaning techniques

sterilization & disinfection


prevents contamination, usually an autoclave is involved (250-320 F)


KILLS microbes; bleach is most commonly used (1:10)


removes debris and reduces microbes and viruses before sterilizing or disinfecting

What two age groups should be given special patient consideration?

pediatric patients and elderly patients

How would you introduce yourself to a patient who has arrived to have their blood drawn?

Hi, I'm Tess, I'm your medical assistant. I see that today we are going to have some blood drawn. I will be assisting you with that today.


























blood vessels

-ac, -ar

related to

-ic, -oid, -ous, -tic

related to


of blood








surgical opening



As a CCMA, it is NOT in your scope of practice to give a patient...


If vital signs are outside of normal ranges, what should you do with the data?

Record it in the pt's chart and contributing factors, if any

What does the heading of a letter consist of?


What is the opening of a letter comprised of?

address, salutations, attention line with title and academic degree

The body of the letter states the

reason for correspondence

A signature is included in the _ of a letter


Form letter" are used in...

routine correspondence

Emails and faxes must have 2 things:

1) confidentiality notice, 2) instructions detailing what to do if the message is received in error

BCC (blind carbon copy) is used for an email when

it is a bulk email message

What two things comprise the "care components" of a patient's EMR?

nursing orders and medications

EHR & EMR help physicians eliminate

duplicate tests and treatments from being ordered

always give patients the following basic education before an appointment:

instructions on what to bring, how early to arrive, any lists or information they need

2 important communication modifications to make for patients using wheelchairs

talk to the pt. at eye level and ask if assistance is needed before giving it

2 important communication modifications to make for a patient with a hearing impairment

speak face-to-face so they can lip-read and speak naturally and clearly

1 important communication modification to make for patients with Alzheimer's or dementia

repeat information and write it down as well

Before giving a pt. information on community resources, you should always do what first?

Check with the resource to make sure they can still aid the pt., but without giving out too much PHI.


Subjective: the patient's complaint


Objective: evidence like lab results and the physical exam


Assessment: diagnosis


Plan: treatment and therapies for the future

Who owns a medical record?

the facility where the record originated


problem-oriented medical record

Four components of a POMR

1. database- chief complaint, lab results
2. problem- list of pt. problems
3. treatment- therapy
4. progress- #'d notes to match pt. problems

Five tasks to prepare paper records for storage

1. conditioning
2. releasing
3. indexing/coding
4. sorting
5. filing

Consent forms MUST contain:

the procedure, it's risks and benefits, any alternatives and any important demographic information

Who has to witness the patient's signature?

Someone other than the physician

T/F: The patient's questions must all be answered.


The original consent form goes __

in the patient's chart

T/F: If an outside facility needs the consent form for any reason, they can have it.

False, they only get a copy

A consent form for a surgical procedure must be review by the _ and the patient.


It (is/is not?) within the CMAA's scope of practice to answer questions and review the consent form with the patient.


When scheduling a pt. for an outpatient procedure, always ask the facility...

if the patient needs to know any special instructions

Outpatient test results are always added to the patient's...

medical record

Urgent care facilities utilize __ __ scheduling

open office

HIPAA allows transfer of persona data for __ __.

insurance payment

HIPAA Privacy Rule

other than the basic minimum, patients must sign a release to give insurance companies any more information

HIPAA Security Rule

any pt. information stored or transmitted must be properly protected

When a pt. refuses treatment, what should your initial response be?

Ask the pt. to repeat the recommended procedure back to you to make sure you know they understand it.

Durable" supplies

(ex. fax and EKG machine) need serial #, maintenance and current condition and status on file

Controlled substances are to be inventoried __


How many people must sign off on the daily controlled substance inventory?


How often is the inventory submitted to the DEA?

every 2 years

ICD9 Vol. 1

V and E codes, organized by diseases and injuries

In Vol. 1 of the ICD9 manual, 3 digit codes represent...

a specific disease

In the subcategory section of Vol. 1 in the ICD9 manual __ digit codes are used to...

4 digit codes are used to break diseases down further

ICD9 5-digit codes are used to symbolize


ICD9 Vol. 2 contains

an alpha ordered list of all the same diseases as volume 1

ICD9 Vol. 2 is organized into 3 sections, they are:

1. diseases
2. poison and chemical substance
3. alpha index of external causes of disease

ICD9 Vol. 3 is an alpha and tabular index mostly used in _


ICD9 Vol. 3's codes are formatted with:

2 digit procedure code followed by a decimal then 1 or 2 digits

CPT codes are __ digit codes used to...

5-digit codes used to described procedures

CPT book that has codes for all patient and physician encounters based on place and type of service is in the __ section

Evaluation & Management

In the __ section of the CPT book, the ASA ranks pts. by level of complexity


In the __ section of the CPT book, there are "global periods" that describe all service that are part of patient care


The Radiology section of the CPT book includes information on __ and __ __

ultrasound and nuclear medicine

__ and __ services are grouped into panels in the CPT book.

Lab and pathology

Services not in other sections of the CPT book may be found in this section. (ex. immunizations)


according to the pt. bill of rights, the pt. has a right to...

info. about their treatment and the professionals and facility involved in their care

according to the pt. bill of rights, a pt. can choose between healthcare providers, ask for a __ __ and have access to help during an __

health screening, emergency

OSHA set guidelines for

environmental protection and workplace safety

according to OSHA, when using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, use a __-sized amount


What must be bandaged before donning gloves?

breaks in the skin

OSHA bloodborne pathogen standard limits exposure to...

disease-causing microorganisms

CLSI stands for

Clinical labs and stadards institute

CLSI is an organization that...

helps laboratories develop safety programs

CDC guidelines are a set of standard precautions that...

reduce the risk of pathogens in healthcare

As defined by the CDC standard precautions, pathogens are:

blod, bodily fluids, mucous membranes, tissues and non-intact skin

If a chain of custody form is needed for a patient suspected of illegal drug or alcohol use, what must every person who contacts the specimen do?

Initial and date (time) the form

Once a rape kit is opened, according to chain of custody, anyone who touches it must...

initial and write the time on the form

If you suspect anyone of committing Medicare and/or Medicaid insurance fraud, who should you contact?

Program Integrity contact in state office

In all and any emergent situations, what is your role as a CCMA?

keep calm, keep patients safe and calm as well

Fire extinguishers marked with "A" are designated for what type of fire?


Fire extinguishers marked with "B" are designated for what type of fires?

Flammable liquids and vapors

Fire extinguishers marked with "C" are designated for what type of fires?


Fire extinguishers marked with "K" are designated for what type of fires?


Wound should always be wrapped __ to proximal


Bandages should always extend __ inches beyond the dressing

1-2 inches

NORMAL Sodium ranges

135-145 mEq/L

Normal Potassium ranges

3.5-5.1 mEq/L

RBC males

4.3-5.7 x 10^6 microL

RBC females

3.8-5.1 x 10^6 microL

Normal Hematocrit males


Normal Hematocrit females


Normal Hemoglobin males

13.5-17.5 g/dL

Normal Hb females

12.0-16.0 g/dL

Normal platelet count

150-450 x 10^3 per microL

LDL cholesterol


HDL Cholesterol males

>29 mg/dL

HDL cholesterol females

>35 mg/dL

Normal glucose levels

70-115 mg/dL

When tending to wounds, alginates are good for

cleaning exudating wounds; helps in debridement

When tending to wounds, foam are good for

wounds with large drainage

When tending to wounds, hydrogels are good for

wounds that need sloughing off (ex.necrotic tissue or burns)

When tending to wounds, gauze is good for

minor wounds or as a second dressing

15 mL = __ tbsp.