interpersonal communication


I follow what you said".

offering self

can I help you with your shoes,Mrs. Adams?

making observations

You appear tense today".


Patient states: "Do you think this is serious enough to discuss with the doctor?" medical assistant replies : "Do you think it is?


Describe your level of pain on a scale 1 to 5, with 5 being the most severe.


you're visiting the doctor today regarding a cough. How long have you been coughing ?


So what you are saying is that you feel the most pressure when you exercise?


Hi, Mr. Smith. Florida sure agrees with you.


allowing the patient time to think without pressure.


So, you are hear today because your swollen ankles and dizziness?

encouraging communication

Tel me when you feel anxious".


Your granddaughter's first birthday sounded wonderful. Now tell me more about your headaches".


the process of identifying someone's feelings

aggressive person

tries to impose his position on others or others or tries
to manipulate them .


harmonious positive relationship with coworkers.

conflict the workplace

arises when two or more coworkers have the opposing/opposition options of ideas.

assertive person

being firm and standing up for oneself while showing respect to others. "open honest and direct

closed posture

sitting in a chair with your arms crossed is described as having a closed posture.

personal space

is an area that is approximately 4 feet around a person.


is verbal or nonverbal response from as patient that she understood what has been communicated.

interpersonal skills

the manner in which a person interacts with people is referred to as interpersonal skills.

noise is anything that

interferes with the communication process

which of the following is an example of negative communication?


which of the following is NOT communication skills?


when interacting with patients of other cultures or ethnic groups,

never allow yourself to make value judgments

the most effective manner in witch to deal with an angry patients to

demonstrate your sincerity and respect by remaining calm.

a communication circle involves a message , a source, and a(n)


being (BLANK)when communicating with patients shows them that you, the doctors, and other staff members care about them and their feelings


your (BLANK) which is the way you hold or move parts of your body, can send strong nonverbal messages.

body languages

if a patient leans back or turns her head away when you lean forward, you may be invading her

personal space

positive communication with superiors involves keeping them informed, asking questions, minimizing interruptions, and showing (BLANK)


explaining procedures to patients, expediting insurance referral requests, and creating a warm and reassuring environment are all examples of (BLANK)

customer service

what are the 3 examples of negative communication

mumbling, avoiding eye contact, showing boredom

life stages for toddler

independence and develop self-control

oldest adult life stages

they live with out children on the houses

adolescence life stages

roll confusion they develop personality skills and lead to improper decision making

what is the difference between stereo type and generalization of different cultures?

stereo is negative statement and generalizing is a statement about common population


is negative statement about specific traits of a group that is applied unfairly to an entire population

list and briefly describe the five stages of death and dying

denial, patients are direct or periods of disbelief,generally temporally
anger patient realize that is really happening they also display temper
bargaining patients begging to attempt to make deals with physicians
depression they give signs withdrawal,

how does a person nonverbal communication convey his true feeling even when his words say otherwise?

body language

learning development life span models span
help you communicate with patients

it includes patients education with patients of al ages groups cultures and religious

you had a problem with a coworker and both of you have the same job title and often work together and you r coworker cuts you off in front patients how should you handle this situation

ask for a private moment to talk to your coworker and let them now what you don't appreciate being cuff off in front off patients

a patient is on the room waiting to be seen by the physician for sexual dysfunction and you and the coworker gossip of an unrelated comment of the patient a few minute the patients leaves what could it happened to avoid the patient to leave

not to gossip act professional at all times




occupational safety
health act