Com Arts 155 Final


HTML tags as boxes that hold your content. Your content can include text, images, etc. HTML tags are the boxes around the content. Sometimes, you need to places boxes inside of other boxes. Those "inner" boxes are nested inside of others.

block level boxes vs inline boxes in web design

block level boxes: start on a new line and act as the main building blocks of any layout
inline elements: flow between surrounding text

containing or parent element

if one block-level element sits inside another block-level element then the outer box is known as this

positioning schemes in web design

allow you to control the layout of a page: normal flow, relative positioning, and absolute positioning

normal flow

positioning scheme in CSS; every block element appears on a new line, causing each item to appear lower down the page than the previous one (default behavior)

relative positioning

moves an element from the position it would be in normal flow, shifting it to the top, right, bottom, or left of where it would've been placed -- does not affect the position of surrounding elements

absolute positioning

these elements move as users scroll up and down the page

fixed positioning

these elements do not move when the user scrolls up and down the page

floating elements

allows you to take that element out of normal flow and position it to the far left or right of a containing box -- other content flows around it

Because screen sizes and display resolutions vary very much, web designers try to create pages around ___________-__________ pixels wide


fixed width layout

the design does not change size as the user increases or decreases the size of their browser window

advantages of fixed width layout

-pixel values are accurate at controlling size and positioning of elements
-designer has more control over the appearance of the page

disadvantages of fixed width layout

-you can end up with big gaps around the edge of a page
-if the user's screen is a much higher resolution than the designer's screen, pages may be harder to read
-if user increases font sizes, text may not fit in the spaces

liquid layout

these designs stretch and contract as the user increases of decreases the size of their browser window

advantages of liquid layout

-pages expand to fill the entire browser window so there are no spaces around the page on a large screen
-if the user has a smaller window, the page can contract to fit it without the user having to scroll to the side

disadvantages of liquid layout

-if you don't control the width of sections of the page then the design can look very different than you intended with unexpected gaps around certain elements of items squashed together

What is the W3C?

World Wide Web Consortium; an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards; members come from the technology industry


structure, hypertext market language, original primary programming language of the internet, made up of elements which describe the structure of the page

some important elements in html

<p> paragraph
<strong> bold
<h1> large text


presentation; brought more flexibility to the web, updating the content of the site can now occur without having to change the code for the visual design; allowed the separation of content and style elements (font, color, spacing) determined by CSS coding


parts of an HTML with an <opening and closing tag> ; each element tells the browser the information that sits in between opening and closing tags

___________" is content color (or foreground color) while "______________" is background color

color vs background-color`

Hue Saturation Lightness (HSL)

hue is the color on the color wheel
saturation is the amount of gray in a color (0% saturation being a shade of gray)
lightness is the amount of white or black (0% lightness is black)


element you use when you are embedding video from YouTube or another third party site

box model

content, padding, border, margin; we control the width which is how wide the content is

relative link

when linking to other pages with the same site, you do not need to specify the domain in the URL, you can use the shorthand known as relative URL

Normal Document Flow

every block level element appears on a new line, causing each item to appear lower down on the page than the previous one -- leave it alone as much as you can

Ira Glass' Two Building Blocks of Radio Storytelling

1. Anecdote - a sequence of actions. story in its purest form
2. The moment of reflection -- what it all means. don't forget this part!

Tips from Ira Glass

conflict is the essence of the story, keep it conversational, visual details are great for putting us in the scene,

alex chadwick says write and talk in ____________ _____________

short sentences (they have clarity, they have punch, they are easier for listeners to process, commas are the enemy)

tips from alex chadwich

write and talk in short sentences, short sentences have clarity and punch
they are easier on the listeners to process
commas are evil


number of cycles per second (waves per second) described in Hertz; we interpret frequency as a sound's pitch; range of human hearing is 20 to 20,000 Hz


the loudness or volume of the sound; measured from the crest or trough to the midline of a sound wave

sample rate

the number of samples per second (CD audio has 44,100 samples per second; digital video and Tascam Zoom has 48,00 samples per second); Sampling involves taking snapshots of an audio or video signal at very fast intervals, usually tens of thousands of time

bit depth

dynamic range of your sound; in photographic terms, its like depth of field and number of f-stops you capture combined

sound: analog vs digital editing

reproduces an approximation of the sound wave
reproduces an approximation, then converts it into code

what is the difference between analog vs digital editing

no degradation or generation during digital editing

when to use omni mics

when you have to record audio from multiple people, sound you want to capture is coming from multiple directions

when to use uni mics

when you are interview subjects in a controlled situation; audio is isolated to a small location


the character or color of a sound apart from pitch or loudness

sound presence

the subjective closeness a listener feels to the sound

sound perspective

perception of the sound in space. stereo and surround sound, gives us tools for crafting sound perspective


part of sound, just like negative space is part of design


background sound

diegetic sound

sound that is part of a story space; the character in the story can hear it

non-diegetic sound

sound that is not part of the story space; characters cannot hear it, added in during editing

shotgun microphone

named because of its gun barrel like appearance and its need to be properly aimed in order to be useful; designed for recording audio at a distance from the source; useful when you do not wish to see the frame of the microphone in the shot


measurement of one full cycle; from crest to crest (wavelength = velocity (speed of sounds) / frequency
longer the wavelength, lower the frequency, longer the pitch


the reproduction of everyday sound effects that are added to film, video, and other media in post-production to enhance audio quality (ex: footsteps)

synchronous sound vs non-synchronous sound

synchronous: sound matching action and recorded at the same time as a picture
non-synchronous: sound that does not match action and recorded at different time from picture

Dorthea Salos 321 rule

3 copies
2 different formats
1 off-site copy
Use open source and/or well documented media format
Migrate your data into different formats, because playback technologies may die before the data.
Backing up is not enough. Make sure you check up and audit th


camera movement in which the camera pivots right or left on a horizontal axis


camera movement in which camera pivots up and down


changing focal length resulting field of view through movement of lens elements; change views vantage point, make viewer visually closer to subjecy

tracking shot

the camera itself is moving, either on tracks or dolly tracks ; A mobile framing that travels through space forward, backward, or laterally.

film records at ____ frames per second (fps), while video records at _______ frames per second

24 vs 29.97

beat sheet

an outline of the most important narrative beats to your story; its good to aim for 8 to 15 beats in planning for a narrative short film/video (what are the key moments that need to occur for the story to make sense and totally resonate?)

begin the scene at the __________ possible moment; end the scene at the _________ possible moment

latest, earliest

Four Theories that makes things funny

1. incongruity (inconsistency)
2. benign penetration
3. social interaction
4. mark of culture and community

how to tell a joke

-Set up
-Wait for it...
-Tag it

continuity editing

appearing to have things appear as a continuous action, happening in treal time even though they were taken at different times; style of film and video editing in which shots are pieced together to create a realistic linear progression through time that r

features of continuity editing

180 degree rule, establishing shot, shot/reverse shot, eye-line matches, match on action, coverage

180 degree rule

imaginary axis that connects two subjects (guided by the respective gazes) or is defined by directional movement and provides a constriction for camera movement; video cannot cross imaginary line or it will look disoriented to audience

shot/reverse shot

film technique where one character is shown looking at another character and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character; typically in a conversation situation

match on action

taking snippets and matching them together like they are an organic whole (used in many short films)


visual transition in which one source gradually disappears by becoming transparent while another appears by becoming opaque. can be used to soften abrupt changes or signal a change in time or place
-taking two images and overlaying them


juxtaposition, reproduce something with different meaning
-depends upon fair use
-a method by which underrepresented groups can tell their stories and talk back
-its an argument that works across visual and sonic registers, often with humor
-more accessib

fair use

describes situations in which it's ok to use copyrighted works without getting permission or paying a fee.

two things that determine fair use

2 things that determine fair use:
Is it transformative?
The amount used

YouTube Contract

1. can't personally arrange for paid ads in your video
2. you own what you post, but YouTube can do whatever they want with it
3. you lose exclusive distribution rights
4. you can be sued for anything you put on YouTube
Youtube can do what they want with