MCI Infantry Patrolling

Define an Infantry Patrol

A detachment of ground, sea, or air forces sent out by a larger unit for the purpose of gathering info, carrying out destructive, harassing or mopping-up mission; or conducting a security mission.

Purposes of an Infantry Patrol


Size of Patrols

Fire team 3-4 (Reconnaissance, w/o special equipment) or Squad, Platoon, or Company (with attachments)

Three primary considerations for patrol organization

Unit Integrity (assault, security elements) General Organization (formations of movement) Task Organization (individual capabilities)

Two type of missions

Combat, Reconnaissance patrols

4 types of combat patrols

Ambush, Contact, Raid, Security

4 types of reconnaissance patrols

Area, Route, Zone

4 elements of a combat patrol

Assault Element, Headquarters Element, Security Elements, Support Elements.

3 elements of a recon patrol

Headquarters element, (recon and security) or combined recon-security element.

5 Types of special purpose (Fire) Teams

Aid and Litter, Breach, Demolition, Prisoner, Search.


Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and available Fire Support Time, Space, Logistics.

Six Individual Patrolling Skills

MOTLCC Movement, Observation, Tracking, Land navigation, Camouflage, Cover and Concealment.

6 Recognition Factors

Color, Movement, Shadow, Shape, Sightings, Surface texture.


Key Terrain, Observations and fields of fire, Cover and concealment, Obstacles, Avenues of approach.

5 Aspects of Military Weather

Cloud Cover, Precipitation, Temperature/Humidity, Visibility, Winds

5 Coordinating Items of a Patrol

FLDUI Fire support, Logistical Support, Departure and reentry of friendly lines, Updated intelligence, Interactions with other patrols.

4 items Fire Support Coordinator can update a patrol leader on

DFLT Directions of fire, Fire support control measures, Locations of all fire support agencies, Types and amounts of munitions available.

Updated Intelligence factors for patrols

Enemy; situation, gear, uniforms, and weather, imagery, photographs, Information Requirements to be fulfilled.

4 parts of a warning order

Situation, Mission, General instructions, Specific instructions.

6 Main Paragraphs of a Patrol Order

( OSMEAC) Orientation, Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration and Logistics, Command and signal

3 Types of Rally Points

(EIO) En route rally point, Initial rally point, Objective rally point.

5 S's and T for EPW's

Search, Silence, Segregate, Speed (to the rear) Safeguard, Tag.

4 Types of Patrol Formations

Column, Wedge/Vee, Echelon, Line/Skirmisher

3 Control Methods for a Patrol

Audible, Visual, Written

Hand and Arm Signals

Decrease speed, Change direction (column R or L), Enemy in sight, Range, Commence firing, Fire faster, Fire slower, Cease fire, Assemble, Form column, Are you ready/I am ready, Shift, Echelon (R or L), Skirmishers, Wedge, Vee, Fire team, Squad, Platoon, C

2 Types of danger areas

Linear and Cross compartment

3 Far side recon techniques

Zig-Zag, Box, Heart

Basic Immediate action drills

Air attack, Counter ambush (Far 50m more & Near 50m less), Freeze, Hasty ambush, Immediate assault,

2 Endstates of Ambushes

Destruction, Harassment (no ass. )

2 Classifications of Ambushes

Deliberate, Opportunity (not hasty)

2 Types of Ambushes

Area, Point

3 Common Formations for an Ambush


Patrol Signals

Alert, Cease fire/search kill zone, Initiate ambush, Re initiate fires, Withdraw from ambush site.

3 Purpose of a Security Patrol

Detect and Destroy infiltration by enemy, Protect against surprise and ambush, Engage and destroy enemy within capability of the patrol.

3 Types of Recon Patrols

Area, Route, Zone

6 Principals of Urban Patrolling

Depth, Deception/Pattern avoidance, Est. reactionary force, Intra-patrol comms, Mutual support, Three-Dimensional threat

2 Aspects of Mutual support

Supporting Range, Supporting Distance

4 Types of Movement for Urban Patrols

Combination, Dismount, Helicopter borne, Vehicular

4 C's for IED's

Confirm, Clear, Cordon, and Control

3 Types of vehicle patrol comm

Vic to internal, Vic to Vic, External to Patrol

6 Common Incidents Urban Patrol may entounter

Snipers, Decisive engagement, Bomb threat/discovery, Bomb detonation, Civil disturbance, Breaking Contact.

2 Types of VCP's

Hasty, Deliberate