Big O

Constant Time: 1

No matter how many elements, operation time will always be the same

Logarithmic Time: log(n)

If doubling the amount of elements doesn't double the work. Always assume that searching operations are log(n)

Linear Time: n

Iterating through all elements in a collection of data. If you see a loop from 0 to array.length, this is linear runtime


Almost linear, increases by 1 and a little bit. Sorting operations.

Quadratic Time: n^2

Every element in a collection has to be compared to every other element. 'The handshake problem'

Exponential Time: 2^n

If you add a single element to a collection, the processing power required doubles.

Constant Time


Logarithmic Time


linear time


Quasilinear Time


Quadratic Time


Exponential Time


Iterating with a simple for loop through a single collection

Probably O(n), linear time

iterating through half a collection

Still O(n). There are no constants in runtime

Iterating through two different collections with separate for loops

O(n + m)

Two nested for loops iterating over the same collection

O(n^2), quadratic

Two nested for loops iterating over different collections

O(n*m), sort of quadratic


log(n)), quasilinear. Cutting in half is log(n), n
log(n) is cutting in half, but then there's a linear bit on the end.

searching a sorted array?

O(log(n)), logarithmic