Sci SG

What is a valence elcectron

Highest energy level in

Which ring does the valence electrons count for

Last ring

What is the dot diagram

A digram that shows the chemical symbol with dots (valence lectrons around it

Who was the dot diagram named after

Lewis Dot

What is a chemical bond

the force of attraction that holds two atoms together







How many valence electrons does the Aliki Metals have


How many valence electrons does the earth Alkiline Metals have


How many valence electrons does the Boron Fam have


How many valence electrons does the Carbon Fam have


How many valence electrons does the Nitrogen Fam have


How many valence electrons does the Oxygen Fam have


How many valence electrons does the Halogens have


How many valence electrons does the Noble Gases


What is in the Aliki Metals

Nitrogen, lithium, sodium, potassium

What elements are in the Earth Alkaline Metals

Beryllium, magnesium, calcium

What elements are in the Boron Fam

Boron, Aluminum, Gallium

What elements are in the Carbon Fam

Carbon, Silicon, Germanium

What elements are in the Nitrogen Fam

Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Arsenic

What elements are in the Oxygen Fam

Oxygen, Sulfur, and Selenium

What elements are in Halogens Fam

Florine, Chlorine, Bromine

What elements are in the Noble Gases

Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton

What is element 1 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Hydrogen, H, 1, 1, 1, lose, 1+

What is element 2 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Helium, He, 2, 4, 2, stay same, o/

What is element 3 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Lithium, Li, 3, 6, 1, lose, 1+

What is element 4 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Beryllium, Be, 4, 9, 2, lose, 2+

What is element 5 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Boron, B, 5, 10, 3, lose, 3+

What is element 6 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Carbon, C, 6, 12, 4, either, 4+-

What is element 7 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Nitrogen, N, 7, 14, 5, gain, 3-

What is element 8 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Oxygen, O, 8, 15, 6, gain, 2-

What is element 9 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Florine, F, 9, 19, 7, gain, 1-

What is element 10 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Neon, Ne, 10, 20, 8, stay, 0

What is element 11 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Sodium, Na, 11, 23, 1, lose, 1+

What is element 12 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Magnesium, Mg, 12, 24, 2, lose, 2+

What is element 13 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Aluminum, Al, 13, 27, 3, lose, 3+

What is element 14 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Silicon, Si, 14, 28, 4, either, 4+-

What is element 15 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Phropuerous, P, 15, 31, 5, gain, 3-

What is element 16 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Sulfur, S, 16, 32, 6, gain, 2-

What is element 17 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Chlorine, Cl, 17, 35, gain, 1-

What is element 18 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Argon, Ar, 18, 40, stay, 0

What is element 19 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Potassium, K, 19, 39, 1, lose, 1+

What is element 20 (element name, chemical symbol, atomic number, atomic mass, valence electrons, lose or gain, oxidation number)

Calcium, Ca, 20, 40, 2, lose, 2+

What is a covalent bond?

when two atoms share electrons

What is an ionic bond?

the atrratction of two oppositly chared ions

Is this an ionic or covalent bond? K+S


Is this a ionic or covalent bond? H+Cl


Is this an ionic or covalent bond? Ne+Be


Is this an ionic or covalent bond? C+H


What is a polyatomic ion

It is a ion composed of more than one atom

What is a double bond

when two pairs of atoms share electrons

What is a triple bond

when three pairs of atoms share electrons

What is a diatomic molecule

a molecule composed of two atoms

what is a molecular compound

a compound composed of molecules

what is a polar bond

a unequal sharing of electrons

what is a nonpolar bond

an equal sharing of electrons

What is a subscript

it tells you the ratio of the elements in the compound

What is a ionic compond

a compound consiting of positive and negative ions

What is a chemical formula

a combination of symbols to show ratio between the elements in the compound

What is an alloy

a mixture of two or more elements (one is a metal)

What is a metallic bond

atrration of negative and positiuve ions with other elctrons around

What is an ion

atom or group of atoms that have an eletrical charge

what are the properties of metals

solid at room temp.,lust, malleable, ductile, hard, conductor, dense, high boiling at melting points

what are the properties of nonmetals

gas and solid at room temp., not malleable or ductile, poor conductors, not lust, low melting and boiling points.

what are the properties of Metalloids

characteristics of metals and nonmetals