Economics Ch. 3

T/F We rely on others to produce most goods and services for us because we are bette of when we specialize in what we produce best and trade for other goods and services


T/F A market exists anywhere goods and services are bought and sold


T/F The demand curve shows how much a good a buyer actually purchases at a given price


T/F A market-demand curve can be found by adding, horizontally, the demand curves of all buyers in a given market


T/F There are no shortages or surpluses when the price of a good is equal to the equilibrium price


The goals of the principal participants in a market economy are to maximize

satisfaction for consumers, profits for business, and society's welfare for government


receive goods and services form the product mark

In the U.S. economy, foreigners participate in

both the product and factor market

According to the law of demand, a demand curve

has negative slope

A movement along a supply curve is the same as

a change in the quantity supplied

A market is said to be in equilibrium when

the quantity is demanded equals the quantity supplied

In a market, the equilibrium price is determined by

both demand and supply

When demand increases the equilibrium will also increase because

a shortage exist at the old equilibrium price

A market shortage is

all of the above

A laissez-faire economic policy would advocate

markets without government interference


what sellers are willing to sell


what buyers are willing to buy

factor market

where factors of production are being bought and sold

product market

where finished goods are being bought and sold

An increase in demand cause the demand curve to do what

shift up and to the right

price ceiling

the most a product can be sold for

price floor

the lease amount a product can be sold for