Economics Final

The aggregate expenditure model focuses on the relationship between ________ and ________ in the short run, assuming ________ is constant.

total spending; real GDP; the price level

The key idea of the aggregate expenditure model is that in any particular year, the level of GDP is determined mainly by

the level of aggregate expenditure.

A decrease in consumer confidence can put your job at risk if

aggregate expenditures fall.

Household spending on goods and services is known as

consumption spending.

The aggregate expenditure model focuses on the ________ relationship between real spending and ________.

short-run; real GDP

Which is the largest component of aggregate expenditure?

consumption expenditures

A decrease in Social Security payments will

decrease consumption spending.

The marginal propensity to consume is defined as

the change in consumption divided by the change in disposable income.

If firms are more optimistic that future profits will rise and remain strong for the next few years, then

investment spending will rise.

Refer to Figure 11-1. At point L in the figure above, which of the following is true?

Actual inventories are greater than planned inventories.

Which of the following leads to a decrease real GDP?

an increase in interest rates

Refer to Figure 11-3. Suppose that investment spending increases by $10 million, shifting up the aggregate expenditure line and GDP increases from GDP1 to GDP2. If the MPC is 0.9, then what is the change in GDP?

$100 million

Autonomous expenditure is a type of expenditure that does not depend on


If an increase in autonomous consumption spending of $10 million results in a $50 million increase in equilibrium real GDP, then

the MPC is 0.8.

A general formula for the multiplier is

1 / (1 - MPC)

Refer to Figure 11-2. If the U.S. economy is currently at point K, which of the following could cause it to move to point N?

Household wealth declines.

The aggregate demand curve illustrates the relationship between ________ and the ________, holding constant all other factors that affect aggregate expenditure.

the price level; quantity of planned aggregate expenditure

If firms reduce the rate at which inventories are rising,

firms are less likely to reduce production when sales fall.

A decrease in aggregate expenditure has what result on equilibrium GDP?

Equilibrium GDP falls.

Given the equations for C, I, G, and NX below, what is the equilibrium level of GDP?
C = 1,000 + 0.8Y
I = 1,500
NX = 100


Equations for C, I, G, and NX are given below. If the equilibrium level of GDP is $21,500, what is the marginal propensity to consume?
C = 1,500 + (MPC)Y
I = 1,000
G = 2,000
NX = -200


U.S. net export spending rises when

the growth rate of U.S. GDP is slower than the growth rate of GDP in other countries.

The difference between GDP and disposable income is

net taxes.

Investment spending will increase when

business cash flow increases.

Investment spending ________ during a recession, and ________ during an expansion.

declines; increases

Which of the following is true?

National income = Consumption + Savings + Taxes

If the marginal propensity to consume is 0.75, the marginal propensity to save is


Which of the following will raise consumer expenditures?

an increase in expected future income

Aggregate expenditure includes spending on

C + I + G + NX

Refer to Figure 11-1. According to the figure above, at what point is aggregate expenditure greater than GDP?


The static aggregate demand and aggregate supply curve model helps explain

short term fluctuations in real GDP and the price level.

The aggregate demand curve shows the relationship between the ________ and ________.

price level; quantity of real GDP demanded

Which of the following best describes the "wealth effect"?

When the price level falls, the real value of household wealth rises.

When the price level in the United States rises relative to the price level of other countries, ________ will rise, ________ will fall, and ________ will fall.

imports; exports; net exports

The international trade effect states that

an increase in the price level will lower net exports.

Inflation will


If the U.S. dollar increases in value relative to other currencies, how does this affect the aggregate demand curve?

This will shift the aggregate demand curve to the left.

The level of long-run aggregate supply is not affected by

changes in the price level.

The level of real GDP in the long run is called

potential GDP.

The long-run aggregate supply curve

is vertical.

Potential GDP is also referred to as

full-employment GDP.

What is potential GDP?

the level of real GDP in the long run

On the long-run aggregate supply curve,

an increase in the price level has no effect on the aggregate quantity of GDP supplied.

Changes in the price level

do not affect the level of aggregate supply in the long run.

The invention of the cotton gin ushered in the Industrial Revolution and began a long period of technological innovation. What did this technological change do the short-run supply curve?

It shifted the short-run aggregate supply curve to the right.

Hurricane Katrina destroyed oil and natural gas refining capacity in the Gulf of Mexico. This subsequently drove up natural gas, gasoline, and heating oil prices. As a result, this should


Which of the following would cause the short-run aggregate supply curve to shift to the right?

a technological advance

Long-run macroeconomic equilibrium occurs when

aggregate demand equals short-run aggregate supply and they intersect at a point on the long-run supply curve.

A decrease in aggregate demand results in a(n) ________ in the ________.

recession; short run

Short-run macroeconomic equilibrium occurs when


An increase in aggregate demand in the economy will have what effect on macroeconomic equilibrium in the long run?

The price level will rise, and the level of GDP will be unaffected.

Refer to Figure 12-1. Which of the points in the above graph are possible long-run equilibria?

A and C

Refer to Figure 12-1. Which of the points in the above graph are possible short-run equilibria but not long-run equilibria? Assume that Y1 represents potential GDP.

B and D

Refer to Figure 12-1. Suppose the economy is at point C. If government spending decreases in the economy, where will the eventual long-run equilibrium be?


The long-run adjustment to a negative supply shock results in

the short-run aggregate supply curve shifting to the right.

Which of the following is not an assumption made by the dynamic model of aggregate demand and aggregate supply?

Aggregate demand and potential real GDP decrease continuously.

Refer to Figure 12-2. In the figure above, LRAS1 and SRAS1 denote LRAS and SRAS in year 1, while LRAS2 and SRAS2 denote LRAS and SRAS in year 2. Given the economy is at point A in year 1, what is the growth rate in potential GDP in year 2?


Refer to Figure 12-2. Given the economy is at point A in year 1, What will happen to the unemployment rate in year 2?

It will rise.

In the dynamic aggregated demand and aggregate supply model, inflation occurs if

AD shifts faster than AS

In the early 2000s, oil shocks have been less likely to push the U.S. economy into recession than in the past. Which of the following can explain that?

Increases in oil prices have occurred more abruptly recently.

Money is

an asset that people are willing to accept in exchange for goods and services.

A barter economy is an economy where

goods and services are exchanged for other goods and services.

A major source of inefficiency in barter economies is that they require

a double coincidence of wants in exchange.

By making exchange ________, money allows for ________ and higher ________.

easier; specialization; productivity

When a grocery store accepts your $5 bill in exchange for bread and milk, the $5 bill serves as a

medium of exchange.

Which of the following is the most liquid asset?


Liquidity is defined as

the ease with which a given asset can be converted to a medium of exchange.

M1 includes

currency in circulation, checking account deposits in banks, and holdings of traveler's checks.

In the United States, currency includes

paper money and coins in circulation.

________ is the profit made by the government from issuing fiat money.


A person's wealth

equals the value the person's assets minus his or her liabilities.

If households in the economy decide to take money out of checking account deposits and put this money into savings accounts, this will initially

decrease M1 and not change M2.

Assets are

something owned by or owed to a firm.

Liabilities are

something a firm owes to someone else.

A bank's largest liability is its

deposits of its customers.

Net worth is

the difference between a firm's assets and liabilities.

A bank holds its reserves as ________ and ________

vault cash; deposits at the Federal Reserve

Suppose the reserve ratio is RR. Then,

required reserves = RR � deposits.

A commercial bank like Wachovia creates money by

making loans.

If the required reserve ratio is RR, the simple deposit multiplier is defined as

1 / (RR)

A central bank can help stop a bank panic by

acting as a lender of last resort.

Which of the following is not a major function of the Federal Reserve System?

setting income tax rates

The primary tool the Federal Reserve uses to increase the money supply is

The primary tool the Federal Reserve uses to increase the money supply is

Which policy tool allows the Federal Reserve the greatest control over monetary policy?

open market operations

Lowering the discount rate will

increase reserves, encourage banks to make more loans, and increase the money supply.

If the Fed buys U.S. Treasury securities, then this

increases reserves, encourages banks to make more loans, and increases the money supply.

If the Fed lowers the reserve requirement, then this

increases excess reserves, encourages banks to make more loans, and increases the money supply.

The quantity theory of money assumes that

the velocity of money is constant.

The quantity equation states that

M � V = P � Y.

The quantity theory of money implies that the price level will be stable (no inflation or deflation) when the growth rate of the money supply equals The quantity theory of money implies that the price level will be stable (no inflation or deflation) when

the growth rate of real GDP.