Chapter 2

Economizing Problem

the choices necessitate because society's economic wants for goods and services are unlimited but the resources available to satisfy these wants are limited


pleasure or satisfaction

Economic Wants

desires of consumers to obtain and use various goods and services that provide utility

Objective of all Economic Activity

fulfill wants

Economic Resources

natural, human, and manufactured resources that go into the production of goods and services
-property resources: land, raw materials, and capital
-human resources: labor and entrepreneurial ability

4 Resource Categories

1) Land
2) Capital
3) Labor
4) Entrepreneurial Ability


natural resources (gifts of nature), that are used inthe production process
ex) land, forests, mineral and oil deposits, and water

Capital (capital goods or investment goods)

manufactured aids used in producing consumer goods and services
ex) tools, machinery, equipment, factory, storage, transportation, and distribution facilities


process of producing and purchasing capital goods

Capital Goods

satisfy indirectly by aiding in the production of consumer goods

Consumer goods

satisfy directly


physical and mental talents of individuals available and usable in producing goods and services
ex) retail clerk, machinist, teacher

Entrepreneurial Ability

human resource that combines the other resources to produce a product, makes nonroutine decisions, innovates, and bears risks

Entrepreneur's Function

-takes initiative: combining resources of land, capital, and labor to produce a good or a service
-makes basic business policy decisions
-innovator- commercializes new products, production techniques, new forms of business organization
-risk bearer

Factors of Production

land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability combined to produce goods and services

Rental Income

income from supply raw materials

Interest Income

income from supply capital equipment


income for labor


Entrepreneurial income

Full Employment

use of all available resources

Full Production

all employed resources should be used so that they provide the maximum posible satisfaction of our material wants


resources are not used because fail to realize full production

Productive Efficiency

production of any particular mix of goods and services in the least costly way

Allocative Efficiency

production of that particular mix of goods and sercvices most wanted by society

Production Possibilites Table

lists the different combinations of two products taht can be produced with a specific set of resources (and with full employement and productive efficiency)

Production Possibilities Curve

A curve showing hte different combinations of two goods or services that can be produced in a full-employment, full production, economy where supplies, resources, and technology are fixed

Opportunity Cost

amount of other products that must be forgone or sacrificed to obtain 1 unit of a specific good

Law of Increasing Opportunity Costs

the more of a product that is produced, the greater is its opportunity cost ("marginal" implied)

Allocative Efficiency

economy produce at the most valued, or optimal, point on the production possibilities curve

Economic Growth

the ability to produce a larger total output
result of
1) increase in resources
2) resource quality improved
3) technological advances

International Specialization

directing domestic resoures to output that a nation is highly efficient at producing

International Trade

exchange of these goods for produced abroad

Economic Systems

a particular set of institutional arangements and a coordinating mechanism

Market System (capitalism)

private ownership of resources and the use of markets and prices to coordinate and direct economic activity characterized


places where buyers and sellers come together

Pure Capitalism (laissez-faire)

governments role would be limited to protecting private property and establishing an environment appropriate to the opperation of the market system

Command System (socialism or communism)

government owns most property resources and economic decision making occurs through a central economic plan

Resource Market

place where resources or services of suppliers are bough and sold

Product Market

place where goods and services produced by businesses are bought at sold

Circular Flow Model

complex, interrelated web of decision making and economic activity involving business and households

Example of land resource

natural gas

Primary function of the entrepreneur is to


The law of increasing opportunity costs states that

if society wants to produce more of a particular good, it must sacrifice larger and larger amounts of other goods to do soq

Allocative efficiciency is concerned with

producing the combinations of goods most desired by society

The two general types of economic systems that exist today are

market systems and command systems

Distinguishing feature of a market system

wide-spread private ownership of capital

Which of the following is a capital resource

a piece of software used by a firm

The basic difference betweeen consumer goods and capital goods is that

consumer goods satisfy wants directly while capital goods satisfy wants indirectly

A production possibilities curve shows

the maximum amounts oftwo goods that can be produced assuming the full and efficient use of available resources

Four factors of production are

land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability

The optimal or allocatively efficient point on a production possibilities curve is achieved where

each good is produced at a level where marginal benefits equal marginal costs

The simple circular flow model shows that

households are on the selling side of the least-cost method production

A possible cause for the production possibilities curve shifting to the right because

a technological advance that allows farmers to produce more output from given inputs

For economists, the word utility means

pleasure and satisfaction

The economizing problem is one of deciding how to make the best us e of

limited resources to satisfy virtually unlimited wants

Opportunity cost is best defined as

the amount of one product that must be given up to produce one more unit of another product

Economic resources are also caleld

factors of production

Full employment refers to

the utilization of all available resources