Econ Midterm 1

Would large economies such as the US that have large populations tend to have lower or higher openness indicators?


The index of openness for a nation that had $400 million in exports, $400 million in imports, and GDP of $1600 would be?


A relative measure of the importance of trade is?

trade as a percentage of GDP

The openness indicator is measured as?

exports + imports / GDP

An important factor that increased international capital flows in the second half of the nineteenth century was

technological innovations

Labor mobility was

greater in 1900 than 1999

One important difference between the international economy of today and the economy of 100 years ago is

the presence of international bodies such as the IMF and world bank

Economists overwhelmingly support more open markets because trade

leads to a better allocation of resources inside countries

One of the most important ways in which local instabilities are quickly spread to the international economy is through the mobility of


T/F: Smaller countries tend to have lower openness measures than large countries


Increasing free trade may

A. increase competition and innovation
B. bring a variety of choices for consumers
C. promote efficient allocation of resources

T/F: Since the end of WW2, world trade has grown much faster than world output.


T/F: Daily foreign exchange transactions have grown from about $15 billion in 1973 to more than $3.2 trillion today, according to the bank for international settlements


Compare and contrast globalization as it existed in the late 19th century with today

-in % terms, significant portion of world economic activity was engaged in trade in both
-in 19th, trade was mostly agricultural products and commodities
-today trade is more capital goods
-labor may have been more mobile in past due to changes in immigra

Institutions are

a set of rules governing behavior,, whether written or not

Which of the following is an example of an institution whose primary concern is global stability?


The international organization that serves as a forum for trade discussions and the development of trade rules is


Which of the following was a creation of the Bretton Woods Conference? World Bank, IMF, IBRD, WTO

World bank, IMF, IBRD

Original mission of the world bank was to

provide financial assistance for the reconstruction of war damaged nations

Primary mission of World Bank today is

provide capital to underdeveloped countries

From the late 1940s til the creation of the WTO, the organization that was primarily responsible for conducting rounds of trade negotiations was


Most Favored Nation (MFN) status means that a country treats another country

the same as its other trading partners

Which of the following are criticisms to the IMF?
A. Lacks openness in decision making process
B. Serves the interests of wealthier countries
C. Violates national sovereignty
D. Heavily bureaucratic and gives harmful advice
E. All of the above

All of the above

The international organization that serves as a forum for the trade discussions and the development of trade rules is


Until the Uruguay round of trade negotiations, the following sectors were nOT included in the rules for international trade

Agriculture and apparel

Trade policies in which industries have been the most contentious in the Doha round?

Agriculture, particularly US subsidies and EU tariffs and developing nation tariffs on imported manufactured goods

T/F: WTO talks in the late 1990s led to the openings in both financial services and telecommunications


The Tokyo round of the GATT negotiations was notable because it was the first round that

began establishing rules on subsidies

A free trade agreement plus a common set of tariffs toward non-members is called

a customs union

T/F: A common market is more deeply integrated than a customs union.


Which of the following is a feature of a common market?
A. Free trade in goods and serves between the members
B. Common external barriers to trade
C. Factor mobility
D. All of the above

All of the above

If a good or service does not get used up as it is consumed, then it is said to be


An important function of international institutions during times of crisis is to

prevent free riding

IMF conditionality refers to

Requirement for the borrowing member to carry out economic reforms in exchange for a loan

With a partial trade agreement

two or more countries agree to liberalize trade in a selected group of categories

Which of the following is NOT a feature of a common market?
A. Substantial coordination of macroeconomic policies among the members
B. Free trade in goods and services between the members
C. Common external barriers to trade
D. Factor Mobility

A. substantial coordination of macroeconomic policies among the members

Which round of GATT first addressed subsidies

Tokyo round

What result of the Uruguay round was the most significant for global trade?

the creation of the WTO

The IRBD part of the world bank is set up to lend to whom and for what types of projects?

Developing nations governments for specific development projects or major government economic policy adjustments

Which round of GATT led to the formation of the WTO

The Uruguay round

Which multilateral institution serves as the lender of last resort


How is the IMF funded?

it collects fees called quotas from its members

Adam smith was critical of


Which of the following would lead to economic growth in Adam Smith's economic analysis?
A. Specialization
B. Division of labor
C. Larger national market
D. All of the above

D. All of the above

If the world price for a good is above a nations pre-trade equilibrium price, then the nation

will export the good

What is the source of comparative advantage

higher relative productivity level

Based on theory of comparative advantage, nations maximize their well being when they

allocate resources more efficiently

If a country has lower overall productivity levels than its trading partners, then it will

have a lower standard of living than its trading partners

All of the following are true:
A. trade between two nations reduces their opp cost
B. trade makes nations dependent on each other
C. trade between nations will not benefit all citizens
D. the principle of comparative advantage applies to all countries eve


A country possesses a comparative advantage in the production of a product if

the opportunity cost, in terms of the amount of other products that it gives up to produce this product, is lower than it is for its trading partners

If two countries agree to specialize and trade based on comparative advantage

both countries will consume outside their respective production possibilities curve

If one nation is able to produce a good at a lower OC than another, it has

the comparative advantage in that good

Suppose Mexico can produce 5 autos or 10 corn. Suppose the US can produce 4 autos or 20 corn. If OCs are constant for both countries, what would be the feasible range of potential terms of trade?

1/2 and 1/5 auto for 1 corn

Suppose Paraguay can produce 12 wheat or 3 corn. Suppose Bolivia can produce 4 wheat or 2 corn. Suppose OCs are constant. Given these production possibilities, determine the comparative advantage for each country.

Paraguay = comparative advantage in wheat
Bolivia = comparative advantage in corn

Suppose Paraguay can produce 12 wheat or 3 corn. Suppose Bolivia can produce 4 wheat or 2 corn. Suppose OCs are constant. Which of the following is a potentially agreeable trade agreement?

bolivia trades one corn to paraguay for 3 units of wheat

Suppose that Canada can produce 15 timber or 3 film and Mexico can produce 9 timber or 3 film. OCs are constant. Which of the following are true?
A. Canada has an absolute advantage in timber production
B. Mexico has a comparative advantage in film
C. OCs

D. All of the above

Suppose Sandy can produce 10 reports or make 2 calls. Suppose Tim can produce 2 reports or make 1 call. The opportunity cost for Sandy of producing one report in terms of call is?

1/5 of a sales call

Economic restructuring that takes place as a result of opening to trade with other countries

improves the nations allocation of resources

A production possibilities curve that is bowed out represents the case of

increasing costs

The Stopler-Samuelson theorem predicts

the income distribution effects of trade

If the price of a good rises, then the effect on the income of the factors that are used intensively in its production will be

to raise income by a greater percentage than the rise in prices

After trade opens, the short run impact on the income of the variable factor will be

intermediate, depending on the consumption pattern of the owners of the variable factor

Forecasts of the income distribution impacts of NAFTA predicted that the biggest losers in the US would be

unskilled workers

Empirical tests of the theory of CA have provided strong support for the ricardian model and mixed support for the heckscher-ohlin model.


What is a proposition of the Heckscher-Ohlin model

countries will completely specialize in the product in which the have a comparative advantage if free trade is allowed to occur

Wage inequality has been on the rise in virtually all high income industrial economies since the 70s. The causes are probably numerous, but the leading explanation for the greatest share of the increase in inequality is

technological changes which increased the relative demand for skilled workers

Suppose that brazil is capital abundant and Chile is natural resource abundant. If timber is natural resource intensive and computers are capital intensive, then according to the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem, Chile should export goods that

intensively use natural resources

Using the HO model, assume that the US is capital abundant and Mexico is labor abundant. If soybeans are capital intensive and avocados are labor intensive, it would be reasonable to expect the US to

increase soybean production, but still produce some avocados

What does research thus far suggest about job loss and offshoring

outsourcing can be complementary and not just a substitute for domestic labor

Using the specific factors model, assume that strawberry production requires the specific factor of land, tractor production requires capital, and labor is variable. If the US is capital abundant compared to mexico, and mexico is land abundant compared to

the owners of capital in the US will see a larger increase in their incomes in % terms than increase in the price of tractors

Which of the following would be associated with the early phase of the product cycle?
A. Large amounts of production in low income developing countries
B. Standardized product with an assembly line style production process
C. Sophisticated marketing and c

sophisticated marketing and customer feedback

Chinese exports of toys and footwear
A. can be explained by factor endowments, CA
B. relative abundance of low skilled labor
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

All of the above

T/F: The United States has relative scarcity in unskilled labor


If the case studies are correct in their analysis of factor abundance,

chinese unskilled labor should see their income rise as trade increases

The relocation of service industry to another country is


T/F: The nation as a whole is better off from trade as long as the gains from the winners exceed the losses from the losers
