econ 103

Unit of Account

a means for comparing the values of goods and services

Store of Value

Something that keeps its value if it is stored rather than used

Checkable deposits are classified as money because

they can be readily used in purchasing goods and paying debts

In defining M1 economist exclude time deposits because

they are not directly or immediately a medium of exchange

M1 is

Currency and Checks

M2 is

Saving, deposits, money market disposable, and small time deposits

M3 is

large time deposits

An excessive increase in the money supply will

decrease the purchasing power of each dollar

Coins held in commercial banks are

not part of the money supply

The twelve Federal Reserve Banks are

owned and operated by the U.S. Treasury

Federal Reserve members serve

14-year terms

The seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reseve System are

appointed by the President with the confirmation of the Senate

Commercial banks and thrift institutions

have been becoming increasingly similar in recent years

What describes the identity embodied in a balance sheet

Assets equal liabilities plus Net Worth

The reserves of a commercial bank consist of

deposits at the Federal Reserve Bank and Vault cash

Money is destroyed when...

loans are repaid

Excess Reserves of Banks

difference between actual reserves and required reserves

The amount that a commercial bank can lend is determined by its

excess reserves

Commercial banks create money when they

create checkable deposits in exchange for IOU's

When a bank loan is repaid the supply of money is...


When commercial banks use excess reserves to buy government securities from the public

new money is created

The multiple by which the commercial banking system can expand the money supply is equal to the reciprocal of

the reserve ratio

If the monetary authorities want to reduce the monetary multiplier they should...

raise the legal reseve ratio

When a commercial bank borrows from a Federal Reserve Bank

commercial bank's lending ability is increased

The Fed can change the money supply by...

1.changing bank reserves through the sale or purchase of government securities
2. Changing the quantities of required and excess reserves by altering the legal reserve ratio
3. Changing the discount rate so as to encourage or discourage commercial banks i

The purchase of government securities from the public by the Fed will cause

the money supply to increase

When the reserve requirements is increase

the excess reserves of member banks are reduced

If severe demand-pull inflation was occurring in the economy, proper government policies would involve a government

surplus and the sale of securities in the open market, a higher discount rate and higher reserve requirements

Generally, the prime interest rate

moves in the same direction as the Federal funds rate

To increase the Federal Funds rate the Fed can...

sell government bonds to commercial banks

The Federal Funds rate is

lower than the prime interest rate

If the Fed wants to lower the Federal funds rate, it should...

buy government securities in the open market