6th Grade Final Review

map scale

how distances on a map compare to distances on Earth

small scale map

A map that shows a larger area without much detail

large scale map

gives a close up view of a small area with a lot of detail

relative location

where a place is compared to another place

absolute location

using the lines of latitude and longitude to locate a place


the changes in shape, size, distance, and position of features that occur when representing Earth on a flat map

global grid

an imaginary grid of the world created by the intersection of lines of latitude and lines of longitude; helps find the absolute location of any place on Earth

map title

topic of the map

compass rose

directions on a map


what the symbols on the map stand for

map projection

mapping the round Earth on a flat surface

parallels of latitude

an imaginary line around the Earth that is parallel to the equator; run east to west

meridians of longitude

an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole

intermediate directions

southeast, southwest, northeast, northwest

cardinal directions

North, South, East, West

What is another name for parallels of latitude?

lines of latitude

What is another name for meridians of longitude?

lines of longitude

What direction to the parallels of latitude run?

East to West

What direction do the meridians of longitude run?

North to South

What causes the different seasons to happen?

the Earth's tilt; it affects the amount of sunlight received

What is the opposite of summer?


What is the opposite of spring?


What is the opposite of winter?


What is the opposite of fall?


How much of the Earth is covered by oceans?


What does the Goode's Homolosine projection show accurately?

size and shapes of continents

What is the name of the northernmost point where the sun's rays never beat straight down?

Tropic of Cancer

What is the name of the southernmost point where the sun's rays never beat straight down?

Tropic of Capricorn

What hemispheres is Europe in?

Eastern, Western, and Northern

What hemispheres is Africa in?

All four hemispheres

What hemispheres is North America in?

Northern and Western

What hemispheres is South America in?

Southern, Northern, and Western

What hemispheres is Australia in?

Southern and Eastern

What hemispheres is Antarctica in?

Southern, Eastern, and Western

What hemispheres is Asia in?

Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western

Online privacy

the ability to control what information you share about yourself online and who can see and share it

Digital footprint

all the information about you that appears online. This can mean anything from photos, audio, videos, and texts to "likes" and comments you post on friends? profiles.


The ideas, opinions, impressions, or beliefs that other people have about you; something that you can't be totally sure about but that you usually want to be positive or good

Personal information

Information that identifies a specific person - for example, your name, street address, phone number, Social Security number, email address, etc. - is called personal (or sensitive) info


sharing too much personal information or just too much about yourself in a certain situation or conversation online.


area in any digital product, app, website, etc., where you can define or adjust what you share and how your account is handled


An oversimplified, widely believed image or idea of a person, group or thing


The way a person understands a message, or the meaning they get from it


Information that surrounds the message or whatever we're seeing which helps us understand the message


A picture, symbol, or description that says a lot about (or expresses a truth about) a thing, a person, or a group


When you take a photo or video of a landscape, person, or object, the frame is what defines the section that the viewer can see.


Highest class.


Second highest class in the Mayan social pyramid.


3rd highest class in the Mayan Social Pyramid.


4th highest class in the Mayan social pyramid.


lowest class

Pre-Classic Maya

earliest era of the Maya on the timeline

Classic Maya

Center era on the timeline

Post-Classic Maya

Last era of the Maya on the timeline.


What took over the lowlands when the Mayan cities collapsed


What food was new to the Maya when the Europeans arrived.

It wore out soil

What was the biggest problem with slash-and -burn agriculture?


What agricultural technique did the Maya use to farm in the Mountains?

To predict future events like when to get married, go to war, or plant crops.

What was the importance of the Sacred Round?

It was a feature of their religion.

Why was the jaguar important to the Maya?

To foretell the future.

What were the roles of the Maya priests?


Maya who lived in many different communities over a wide area shared the same what?

The writing system.

One skill that the Maya adapted from the Olmecs was?


What made it possible for the Olmecs and the Maya to create permanent settlements?

Guatemala and Mexico

Where do a large number of the Maya civilization live today?


What were the Maya cities like Tikal made of ?