Human Nutrition - B Vitamins

Functions of all B vitamins

Function as coenzymes and in metabolism

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) function

keeps nervous system healthy and is needed for energy metabolism

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) function

gives energy and helps body tissues grow

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) function

breaks down food for energy

Vitamin B6 function

helps the brain function and body to build proteins for growth and development

Vitamin B12 function

promotes growth and development and helps make red blood cells

Folate (folic acid) function

pevents birth defects when take before and during pregnancy. Link between folate and cancer protection?

Pantothenic Acid function

energy metabolism

Biotin function

energy metabolism

Food sources of B vitamins

Grains, B12 deficiency is likely for vegans, Foilage for folate (leafy foods)

Why are the nervous system, GI tract and skin often affected by deficiencies of the energy releasing B-vitamins?

Cells in these tissues are metabolically active, and those in the skin and GI tract are also constantly being replaced.

Thiamin deficiency and symptoms

Causes beriberi - disease of the nervous system includes weight loss, emotional disturbances, weakness in pain in limbs, irregular heartbeat. Alcoholics at risk.

What is beriberi?

I can't, I can't" in Sinhalese. Results when glucose cannot be metabolized to release energy.

Riboflavin deficiency and symptoms

Deficiency causes inflammation of the mouth and tongue, dermatitis, cracking of tissue around the corners of the mouth, eye disorders, confusion

Niacin deficiency and symptoms

Causes pellagra - agression, dermatitis, insomnia, weakness, mental confusion, and diarrhea. Leads to dementia and death

What is pellagra?`

Only dietary deficiency disease ever to reach epidemic proportions. Major problem in southeast US in late 1800s - 1930.

Pantothenic Acid deficiency and symptoms

Result in acne and parasthesia. Uncommon except for alcoholics. Symptoms hidden among other Vit. B deficiencies

Biotin deficiency and symptoms

Scaly inflammation of the skin, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting. Uncommon

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) deficiency and symptoms

Depression, dermatitis, high BP, water retention. Occured in 1950s when heat destroyed vitamin B6.

Folate deficiency and symptoms

Macrocytic anemia and elevated levels of homo cysteine. Deficiency in pregnant women can lead to birth defects. Supplementation is often recommended during pregnancy.

Vitamin B12 deficiency and symptoms

Macrocytic anemia, elevated homo cysteine, peripheral neuropathy, memory loss and other cognitive deficits. Most likely to occur among elderly people.

Biotin and Raw Eggs

A protein called avidin in raw egg whites binds biotin and inhibits its absorption. Consuming many raw egg whites eventually leads to the deficiency disease.

Marginal folacin deficiency and pregnancy

Very important to get enough folacin, birth defects happen without enough folacin.

What is homo cysteine?

Folic Acid, B6, and B12 may help lower it. Homocysteine can increase chance of heart disease and stroke.

What are B12 injections good for?

Weight Loss

Whats is B6 toxicity?

Can lead to carpal tunnel and irreversible nerve damage.