Health- Chapter 7 Nutrition for Life

What do fats do?

provide energy, cushion your organs, help form the coating on nerves and the membranes on the body cells

What do proteins do?

provide energy, help build new cells, repair cells, form hormones, enzymes, and antibodies

What do carbohydrates do?

provide energy and maintain intestinal health

What do minerals do?

help with enzyme activity and bone formation

What does water do?

transports nutrients and oxygen through the body, helps get rid of wastes, provides proper environment for body's chemical reactions to occur, helps regulate body temperature

What do vitamins do?

maintain health and allow growth

Which type of vitamin is stored better and longer in the body?


What are the two types of fats?

saturated and unsaturated

What complex carbohydrate is important for healthy digestion?


What is the recommended amount of water you should drink each day?

8 glasses

Do you need supplements to meet your nutrient needs?

no, you can get all of your needed nutrients from the foods you eat

Does a person want higher levels of HDL or LDL?


What two things does an athlete need more of than the average person?

calories and fluids

What are the five most common diseases caused by an unhealthy diet?

heart disease, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, and cancer

How long should children and teens take part in physical activity for each day?

60 minutes

What is junk food defined by?

low nutrients and high fats, salt, sugar, oils, etc.

What is nutrient deficiency?

when you don't have enough of a nutrient or nutrients

What do adults need to do differently with their diet than teens and why?

eat a more balanced diet due to the fact that they aren't growing anymore and need fewer calories

What is the purpose for RDA's?

recommended dietary allowance that you should eat on a daily basis

What are the three main things on a nutrition label?

serving size, calories, and daily value

What are two non-dairy forms of calcium?

orange juice and green leafy vegetables

What are some of the things that you should limit in your diet?

oils, sugars, cholesterol, saturated fats, salt

What are the two minerals that teens lack the most of?

iron and calcium

Name two functions of nutrients.

maintain health and give energy

What nutrient is made up of amino acids?


What is nutrient density?

the amount of nutrients in a food compared to the energy it provides

What are the two categories of vitamins?

fat-soluble and water-soluble

What are the categories on the food pyramid?

grains, dairy, meat and beans, oils, fruits, and vegetables

What does RDA stand for?

recommended dietary allowance

What vitamins are stored better and longer in the body?


At what point in your life do you need the most nutrients?


What are the three types of nutrients that provide energy?

fats, proteins, and carbohydrates

What is an iron deficiency called?


What is the lack of milk called?


How much calcium do you need a day? How much is in one cup?

1300 milligrams; 300 milligrams