Nutrition and You Chap 5

______ is a category of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen compounds that are (hydrophobic) insoluble in water.


_______ is a type of lipid that is commonly found in the body and foods.


_______ is made up of three fatty acids attached to a glycerol backbone.


______ store and provide energy and provide insulation.


________ help manufacture steroids , bile salts and play a key role in transporting fat soluble nutrients to the body.


The manufacture of major sex hormones and cell membranes is made possible by __________.


________ provide and store energy, transport fat-soluble nutrients, provide insulation and are used to synthesis bile salts, sex hormones and cell membranes.


________ an organic compound that consists of chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms, with an acid group (carboxyl-COOH) at the alpha end and a methyl group (CH3) at the omega end.

Fatty Acids

What groups are attached to the alpha and omega ends of a fatty acid chain.

Carboxyl-alpha methyl-omega

Why do fats provide more energy than carbs or proteins?

The higher ratio of carbon and hydrogen to oxygen accounts for the higher number of calories.

How many carbon chains are found in the most common fatty acid?

12 to 24-long chain fatty acid

How many carbon chains are in a short-chain fatty acid?

2 to 4

How many carbon chains are in a medium-chain fatty acid?

10 to 12

How many carbon chains are in a long-chain fatty acid?

12 or more

Long-chain fatty acids are _________ at room temperature?


Why do long-chain fatty acids tend to be solid at room temperature.

The long chains are attracted to each other, fit tightly together and tend to form a solid.

______ a category of lipids that contain four connecting rings of carbon and hydrogen.


Cholesterol is a from of this type of lipid.


________ a category of lipids that consist of two fatty acids and a phosporus group attached to the glycerol backbone


Lecithin is an example of a ____________ found in food and in the body.


_________ is a fatty acid which all of the carbon are bonded with hydrogen.

Saturated fatty acid

_________ a fatty acid where one or more carbon molecules are bonded to each other forming one or more double bonds


____________ inhibit fatty acids from packing together.

Double Bonds

__________ are liquid at room temperature.

Unsaturated fatty acids

_________ a fatty acid that contains one double bond.


__________ a fatty acid that contains two or more double bonds.


____________ acid is an example of a monounsaturated fatty acid.


_______ acid is an example of a polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid.


_________acid is an example of a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid.


_____ is a family of polyunsaturated fatty acids with the first double bond located at the sixth carbon from the omega end.


_____ is a family of polyunsaturated fatty acids with the first double bond located at the third carbon from the omega end.


What determines the melting point of fat?

length of fatty acid chain and presence of double bond between carbon molecules.

______ fatty acid is found in olive oil.

monounsaturated (oleic)

_______ fatty acid is found in soybean oil.

polyunsaturated (linoleic, alpha-linolenic)

What are the two essential fatty acids for the human body?

linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids

_____ configuration is when the hydrogens are on the same side of the double carbon bond. up or down


________configuration is when the hydrogens are on opposite sides of the double bond. (T)wisted


Why do foods containing unsaturated fats become rancid faster than foods containing saturated fats.

The double bonds are more unstable and can easily lose a hydrogen molecule freeing the carbon molecule to bond with oxygen causing rancidity.

What do food manufactures use to prevent rancidity in foods.

Antioxidants natural-vitamin c or e synthetic-BHA or BHT and hydrogenation

_______ is adding hydrogen to an unsaturated fatty acid to make it more saturated and solid at room temperature.


__________make up 95% of the lipids found in foods.


________ is formed when three fatty acids attach to a glycerol backbone with a condensation reaction.


A molecule of water is released during the ______ process when a hydrogen from the glycerol bonds with the hydroxyl group of the fatty acid.


_________ are found in the blood, stored in the adipose tissue and are a major source of energy for the body.


________ are also referred to as fats.


____________ a phospholipid made in the body that is integral in the structure of cell membranes also known as phosphatidylcholine.


______ a member of the B vitamin family that is a component of the phospholipid lecithin.


_________have both fat-soluble and water-soluble properties which allows it to shuttle other lipids across the cell membranes.


Lecithin is used as an _________ in foods.


An _____, like lecithin is a compound that keep two incompatible substances, such as oil and water mixed together.


What lipid does not provide energy?


________are a lipid that does not contain glycerol or fatty acids.


________ are lipid digesting enzymes


_______ is a lipid found in cell membranes and is used to make a variety of hormones.


_______is used by the liver to produce bile and in the skin it is converted to pre-vitamin D by the ultraviolet sun rays.


During the digestion of fats, the fatty acids are removed from the glycerol backbone by _______ to form a combination of free fatty acids, glycerol and monoglycerides.


_________ lipase in the saliva begins the chemical digestion of fats but plays an insignification role.


_______lipase has a small role in fat digestion.


In the stomach, fat mixes with gastric ___________ and the enzyme hydrolyzes one fatty acid from the triglyceride, which produces a free fatty acid and a diglyceride.


The pancreas secretes ________ lipase to hydrolyze the _________ in the small intestine.

pancreatic, triglycerides

Triglycerides are broken down in the small intestines into ________, _________ and ________.

monglycerides, glycerol, free fatty acids

Once the food enters the stomach, the hormone _______ is released which stimulates the release of gastric juices.


The digestion enzyme that acts as an emulsifier in fat digestion is _________


When the fat in chyme enters the duodenum, the hormone ________ is secreted, which stimulates the gallbladder to release bile.

CCK cholecystokinin

_____are transport carries in the small intestine that enable fatty acids and other compounds to be absorbed.


_________ are the carriers that transport digested fats and phospholipids from the GI tract into the intestinal cell.


__________ ,______ and _______ are lipids that can be absorbed into the bloodstream directly through the mucosa of the small intestine.

Glycerol, small and medium chain fatty acids

Long chain fatty acids, cholesterol and phospholipids are combined into a _____ before entering the lymph to be routed to the bloodstream.


________ capsule-shaped transport carrier that enables fat and cholesterol to travel through the lymph and blood.


________ a type of lipoprotein that carries digested fat and other lipids through the lymph system into the blood.


Chylomicron enter the bloodstream when the lymph fluid joins the blood through the ________ located next to the heart.

thoracic duct


Very low density lipoproteins, low density lipoproteins, high density proteins

LDL does what?

delivers cholesterol to the tissues deposits cholesterol in the wall of the arteries.

High Density Lipoprotein does what?

take cholesterol from cells and return to liver to make bile or be excreted from the body

Very Low Density Lipoprotein does what?

Delivers fat made by the liver to the tissues

_________ are globular-shaped transport carriers that have an outer shell high in protein and phospholipids and an inner core that carriers the insoluble fat, as well as cholesterol and other lipids, through the lymph and bloodstream.


The body has unlimited capacity to store excess energy as fat in _________


Fat cells can expand to as much as _______ times their original size.


_______ is an enzyme that hydrolyzes triglycerides into three fatty acids and glycerol

Lipoprotein lipase

_______an omega-6 fatty acid that formed from linoleic acid

arachidonic acid

________is a 20-carbon, four-double bond polyunsaturated fatty acid that is formed from linoleic acid

arachidonic acid

Alpha-linolenic acid is converted to ___________ and then elongated to _________.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

EPA and arachidonic acid are used to manufacture _____________


_______ are hormone-like substances that regulate the immune system, blood clotting, inflammation and blood pressure.


Prostaglandins, thromboxanes and leukotrienes are ______________.


A diet lacking in _______ will result in scaly skin.

alpha-linolenic acid

_______ and _____ are omega-3 fatty acids that are synthesized in the body and my be beneficial in reducing heart disease.


Which fat is best at lowering LDL levels.


What percentage of your total kcals should come from fats?

20% to 35%

Saturated and trans fats should comprise what % of your total fat consumption?

no more than10%, less than 1%

What percentage of your total kcals should come from the essential fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids.

5% to 10%, .6% to 1.2%

Dietary intake of cholesterol should be limited to _____ mgs?


What is a good source of linoleic acid?

walnuts, corn oil and soybean oil

What is a good source of alpha-linolenic acid?

flaxseeds, salmon, herring

Why are hydrogenated fats worst for you than saturated fats?

The raise LDL levels and lower HDL levels.

The majority of __________ are carbohydrate based and use plant polysaccharides such as fiber, starches, gums, and cellulose to help retain moisture and provide a fatlike texture.

fat substitutes

What is the number one killer in America

Heart Disease

_________ is a narrowing of the coronary arteries due to build up of debris along the artery walls.


_________ is hardened buildup of cholesterol-laden foam cells, platelets, cellular waste products, and calcium in the arteries that results in atherosclerosis.


_________ is high levels of triglycerides in the blood defined as 400 - 1,000 mg/dL


_______ is a significant risk factor for heart disease and 75% of adults with it die due to heart disease and stroke.


Type ___ diabetes is not preventable.


Type ___ diabetes is preventable through diet, exercise and other lifestyle changes.


______is the force of blood against the walls of the arteries and can affect the risk of heart disease.

Blood Pressure

Chronic high blood pressure or _______ can damage the arteries and begin the progression of atherosclerosis.


A normal blood pressure reading is___.

less than 120 mm/80mm

________ is a protein found in the blood that is released from the cells during inflammation; used as a marker for the presence of atherosclerosis

C-reactive protein (CRP)

_________ is a measurement of blood lipids used to access cardiovascular risks

blood lipid profile

Cholesterol levels over ______ mg/dl are considered high.


LDL levels over _____mg/dl are considered high.


_________ a remnant of fat digestion that consists of a glycerol with two attached fatty acids


___________ are phytochemicals simliar to antioxidants that are believed to prevent LDL cholesterol form becoming oxidized in the body.


The American Heart Association recommends consuming at least ____ servings of fish per week to obtain omega-3 fatty acids.