Metabolism: Transformation and Interactions

Catabolic Reaction

Hydrolysis is an example of a(n):

Adenosine Triphoshpate

During metabolism, released energy is captured and transferred by:


Converts glucose to pyruvate:

Metabolically irreversible

The pathway from pyruvate to acetyl CoA:

TCA cycle

For complete oxidation, acetyl CoA enters:

ammonia and a keto acid

Deamination of an amino acid produces:

acetyl CoA

Before entering the TCA cycle, each of the energy yielding nutrients is broken down to:


The body stores energy for future use in:

amino acids

During a fast, when glycogen stores have been depleted, the body begins to synthesize glucose from:

condensing acetyl CoA

During a fast, the body produces ketone bodies by:

Ketone Bodies

Compounds produced during the incomplete breakdown of fat when glucose is not available.

Red blood cells

Contains no mitochondria and must depend on glucose for energy.

� 0 2 consumed
� H20 and CO2 produced
� Energy captured in ATP

The results of the electron transport chain:


A carbohydrate intermediate of the TeA cycle.


The principal nitrogenexcretion product of protein metabolism. Two ammonia fragments are combined with carbon dioxide to form urea.


The transfer of an amino group from one amino acid to a keto acid, producing a new nonessential amino acid and a new keto


A compound with the chemical formula NH3; produced during the deamination of amino acids.

keto acid

An organic acid that contains a carbonyl group (C=O).


Amino acids that can make glucose via either pyruvate or TCA cycle intermediates are:


Amino acids that are degraded to acetyl CoA are:


The making of glucose from noncarbohydrate sources


The liver is the major site of this process, but the kidneys become increasingly involved under certain circumstances, such as starvation.

fatty acid oxidation

The metabolic breakdown of fatty acids to acetyl eoA; also called beta oxidation

Cori cycle

The path from muscle glycogen to glucose to pyruvate to lactate (which travels to the liver) to glucose (which can travel back to the muscle) to glycogen; named after the scientist who elucidated this pathway.


A 3-carbon compound produced from pyruvate during anaerobic metabolism


The cellular organelles responsible for producing ATP; made of membranes (lipid and protein) with enzymes mounted on them.


Requiring oxygen


Not requiring oxygen


The metabolic breakdown of glucose to pyruvate. This process does not require oxygen (anaerobic).

electron transport chain

The final pathway in energy metabolism that transports electrons from hydrogen to oxygen and captures the energy released in the bonds of ATP.

TCA cycle or tricarboxylic acid cycle

A series of metabolic reactions that break down molecules of acetyl CoA to carbon dioxide and hydrogen atoms; also called the Kreb's cycle after the biochemist who elucidated its reactions.


Coenzyme A; the coenzyme derived from the Bvitamin pantothenic acid and central to energy metabolism

acetyl CoA

A 2-carbon compound to which a molecule of CoA is attached.


A 3-carbon compound that plays a key role in energy metabolism

A healthy diet provides

� 45-65 % kcalories from carbohydrate
� 10-35 % kcalories from protein
� 20-35 % kcalories from fat


Reactions in which large molecules are broken down to smaller ones.


A common high-energy compound composed of a purine (adenine), a sugar (ribose), and three phosphate groups.

coupled reactions

Pairs of chemical reactions in which some of the energy released from the breakdown of one compound is used to create a bond in the formation of another compound.


Complex organic molecules that work with enzymes to facilitate the enzymes' activity.


The general term for substances that facilitate enzyme action: they include both organic coenzymes made from
vitamins and inorganic substances such as minerals.


Reactions in which small molecules are put together to build
larger ones


The process by which green plants use the sun's energy to make carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water.


The sum total of all the chemical reactions that go on in living cells. Energy metabolism includes all the reactions by which the body obtains and expends the energy from food.