

the science of foods and the nutrients and other substances they contain, and of their actions within the body. The social, economic, cultural and psychological implications of food and eating


products derived from plants or animals that can be taken into the body to yield energy and nutrients for the maintenance of life and the grown and repair of tissues


the foods and beverages a person eats and drinks

functional foods

foods that contain physiologically active compounds that provides health benefits beyond their nutrient contributions; sometimes called designer foods


nonnutrient compounds found in plant derived foods that have biological activity in the body


the capacity to do work


chemical substances obtained from food and used in the body to provide energy, structural materials, and regulating agents to support growth, maintenance, and repair of the body's tissues.


not containing carbon or pertaining to living things


a substance or molecule containing carbon-carbon bonds or carbon-hydrogen bonds

essential nutrients

nutrients a person must obtain from food because the body cannot make them for itself in sufficient quantity to meet physiological needs; also called indispensable nutrients.

energy yielding nutrients

the nutrients that break down to yield energy the body can use: carbs, fat, protein


units by which energy is measured.

energy density

a measure of the energy a food provides relative to the amount of food


organic, essential nutrients required in small amounts by the body for health


inorganic elements


the complete set of genetic material in an organism or a cell

nutritional genomics

the science of how nutrients affect the activities of gees and how genes affect the interactions between diet and disease


Dietary Reference Intakes: a set of nutrient intake values for healthy people in the US and canada


Estimated Average Requirement: the average daily amount of a nutrient that will maintain a specific biochemical or physiological function in half the healthy people of a given age and gender group


the amount of a nutrient below which almost all healthy people can be expected, over time, to experience deficiency symptoms


Adequate Intake: the average daily amount of a nutrient that appears sufficient to maintain a specified criterion; a value used as a guide for nutrient intake when an RDA cannot be determined


Tolerable Upper Intake Level: the max daily amount of a nutrient that appears safe for most healthy people


Estimated Energy Requirement: the average dietary energy intake that maintains energy balance and good health in a person of a given age, gender, weight, height, and physical activity.


Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges: ranges of intakes for the energy nutrients that provide adequate energy and nutrients and reduce the risk of chronic diseases


any condition caused by excess or deficient food energy or nutrient intake or by an imbalance of nutrients


deficient energy or nutrients


excess energy or nutrients

nutrition assessment

a comprehensive analysis of a person's nutrition status that uses health, socioeconomic, drug, and diet histories


relating to measurement of the physical characteristics of the body, such as height and weight


out in the open and easy to observe

primary deficiency

caused y inadequate dietary intake of a nutrient

secondary deficiency

caused by something other than an inadequate intake such as a disease condition or drug interaction that reduces absorption

subclinical deficiency

a deficiency in the early stages before outward signs have appeared


hidden, as if under covers

chronic diseases

diseases characterized by a slow progression and long duration

risk factor

a condition or behavior associated with an elevated frequency of a disease but not proved to be casual


providing all the essential nutrients, fiber, and energy in amounts sufficient to maintain healthy


providing foods in proportion to one another and in proportion to the body's needs

kcalorie control

management of food energy intake

nutrient density

a measure of the nutrients a food provides relative to the energy it provides

empty kcalorie foods

a popular term used to denote foods that contribute energy but lack protein, vitamins, and minerals

nutrient profiling

ranking foods based on their nutrient composition


providing enough but not too much of a substance


eating a wide selection of foods within and among the major food groups

food group plans

diet planning tools that sort foods into groups based on nutrient content and then specify that people should eat certain amounts of foods from each group


plants of the bean and pea family with seeds rich in protein

discretionary kcalorie allowance

the kcalories remaining in a person's energy allowance after consuming enough nutrient dense foods to meet all nutrient needs for a day

healthy eating index

a measure that assesses how well a diet meets the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid

exchange lists

diet planning tools that organize foods by their proportions of carbs, fat, and protein. foods on any single list can be used interchangeably.

processed foods

foods that have been treated to change their physical, chemical, or sensory properties


the addition to a food of nutrients that were either not originally present or present in insignificant amounts.


the process by which the coarse parts of a food are removed


the addition to a food of nutrients that were lost during processing so that the food will meet a specified standard

whole grain

a grain that maintains the same relative proportions of starchy endosperm, germ, and ran as the original; not refined

textured vegetable protein

processed soybean protein used in vegetarian products such as soy burgers

imitation foods

foods that substitute for and resemble another food, but are nutritionally inferior to it with respect to vitamin mineral or protein content.

food substitutes

foods that are designed to replace other foods

functional foods

contain physiologically active compounds that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition

nutrient claims

statements that characterize the quantity of a nutrient in a food

health claims

statements that characterize the relationship between a nutrient or other substance in a food and a disease or health related condition

structure function claims

statements that characterize the relationship between a nutrient or other substance in a food and its role in the body