Dietary Reference Intake (terms)

Estimated Average Requirements (EAR)

The nutrient intake level that is estimated to meet the requirements of half of the healthy individuals in a group.
The value used to define the RDA for a given nutrient.

Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)

Determined after an EAR is established. If there is no EAR, it cannot be established.
The average nutrient intake level that meets the needs of 97% to 98% of the population.

Adequate Intake (AI)

When this is established, it means that more research needs to be done to establish more evidence-based values.
A recommended average intake level based on observations determined to be adequate for a healthy group of people.

Tolerable Upper Intake level (UL)

The highest nutrient level likely to pose no adverse health effects to a group of people.
When nutrient intake level exceeds greater than this value, the potential for health risks increases.

Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)

The value that is predicted to maintain energy balance in healthy individuals.
The dietary intake that is defined by a persons age, gender, height, weight, and activity level.

Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)

This considers the proportion of all energy sources in the diet that will decrease risk of disease.
The reference value that is expressed as a percentage of total calories
Has an upper and lower boundary. Above or below can increase risk of disease.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Requires that nutrition facts panel contains nutrient information.

Food manufacturers can choose to include this infromation

The servings of vegetable and meat equivalents according to myplate.
Picture of the food.