Nutrition Chapter 13, Trace Minerals

Trace minerals generic

- essential mineral nutrients
- found in human body in amounts less than 5 gms
- sometimes called microminerals

Iron (Fe++ and Fe+++)

- one of most important/ abundant trace minerals
- cofactor (mineral that works with an enzyme to facilitate a chemical reaction)
- most common nutrient deficiency worldwide
- most iron is contained in 2 body proteins (hemoglobin and myoglobin)


oxygen carrying protein in erythrocytes (RBC's)


oxygen holding protein in muscle cells

Heme iron

Heme: the iron holding part of hemoglobin and myoglobin proteins
Heme Iron: found only in animal foods (meat, poultry, fish)
- 10% total iron consumed/ day is heme
- 25-35% heme iron is absorbed

Non-heme iron

- found in both plant/ animal foods
- 90% total iron consumed daily is non-heme
- only 10% non-heme iron is absorbed

anemia and iron

- with anemia, individuals absorb more heme and non-heme iron
- iron absorption rate depends on need

non heme iron absorption is enhanced by what?

- MFP factor: factor associated with the digestion of Meat, Fish, Poultry (MFP)
- Vitamin C
- Acids (in food and stomach)
- sugars

Nonheme iron absorption is inhibited by what?

- phytates
- fiber
- oxalates
- calcium
- tannic acid (tea/ coffee)

iron forms

2 irons
- Ferrous iron (reduced state) Fe++
- Ferric iron (oxidized state) Fe +++

Iron chief function

- part of hemoglobin (oxygen carrier in blood)
- part of myoglobin (oxygen holding protein in muscle)
- cellular energy utilization- electron transport chain

foods iron is found in

- red meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, legumes, dried fruit

Iron deficiency symptoms and disease

- iron deficiency= Anemia
- symptoms: blue sclera of eyes, hypochromic/ microcytic RBCs, reduced immunity, reduced work production, weakness/fatigue, reduced cognitive function, increased distractivility, ithing, pale nail beds, concave nails, decreased a

Iron toxicity

- leads to liver damage and transplant
- lethargy, joint pain, organ damage, enlarged liver, death
- as few as 5 iron tablets have killed young children
- hemochromatosis
- hemosiderosis


hereditary iron metabolism defect leading to iron deposits in tissues and tissue damage. Most common genetic disorder in the US, affects 1.5 mil


long term dietary/supplementary iron overload that leads to deposits of iron storage protein hemosiderin in liver and other tissues

iron and vit c

consuming iron with vitamin c increases the amount of iron absorbed

RBCs in anemic people

are microcytic (small) and hypochromic (pale)

Zinc chief function

- required as a cofactor by >100 enzymes
- metalloenzyme
- associated with insulin
involved in making
- genetic material and proteins
- immune reactions
- transport of vitamin A
- taste perception
- wound healing
- making sperm
- normal fetal development

foods zinc is found in

- protein containing foods
- whole grains
- veggies

Zinc deficiency symptoms

- lowered taste acuity
- lowered wound healing
- growth retardation/ delayed onset of puberty (dwarfism in MIddle Eastern Countries)
- impaired DNA/ protein synthesis
- anorexia

Zinc toxicity symptoms

- anemia
- raised LDL
- lowered HDL
- GI upsets
- renal failure
- heart muscle degeneration

Acrodermatitis enteropathica

rare inherited zinc malabsorption disease that leads to additional severe deficiency symptoms

zinc deficiency in the elderly

- elderly are often zinc deficient because of decreased consumption of protein foods, whole grains and veggies (Expensive foods)
- zinc deficiency can lead to decreased taste acuity and wound healing which leads to even less consumption of good zinc sourc

zinc through the body

- absorbed by intestinal cells and attached to albumin and transferrin and carried through blood
- liver stores excess as metallothionein
- some losses in urine, skin, blood, semen
- pancreas uses zinc to make digestive enzymes and secretes them into dige

zinc deficiency in Middle Eastern Countries

- native middle eastern diets are typically low in high zinc foods (meats) and high in foods containing fiber and phytates which inhibit zinc absorption
- this leads to dwarfism which is only partially reversible

Iodine chief function

- component of thyroid hormones which regulate growth, development, and BMR
- found in iodized salt and seafood

simple goiter

- Iodine deficiency disease
- enlargement of thyroid gland due to iodine deficiency and thyroid gland malfunction


- iodine deficiency disease
- congenital disease characterized by mental and physical retardation caused from iodine deficiency during pregnancy

iodine deficiency symptoms

- Goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland), leads to hypothyroldism which leads to weight gain and slow BMR
- cretinism: severe mental and physicla retardation

Iodine toxicity

enlarged thyroid gland and goiter, just like deficiency symptoms

Selenium chief function

- antioxidant
- helps regulate thyroid hormone
- decreases risk of some cancers
- found in seafood, meat, whole grains

Selenium deficiency symptoms

- predisposition to type of heart disease characterized by cardiac muscle becoming fibrous (Keshan disease).
- Keshan disease can be prevented by consuming an adequate amount of selenium

Selenium toxicity symptoms

- GI disorders
- loss of hair and nails
- skin lesions
- nervous system disorders

Copper chief function

- metalloenyzme (part of several enzymes)
- necessary for iron absorption and use of iron in hemoglobin formation (catalyzes oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron)
- found in seafood, whole grains, seeds, legumes

Copper deficiency symptoms

- anemia
- bone abnormalities

copper toxicity symptoms

- vomiting
- liver damage

Menkes Disease

- genetic disorder that affects coppers status
- intestinal cells absorb copper, but cannot release copper into circulation. This leads to life threatening copper deficiency

Wilson's disease

- genetic disorder that affects coppers status
- copper accumulates in the liver and brain which leads to life threatening toxicity
- controlled by reducing copper intake, using chelating agents (penicillimine) and taking zinc supplements to interfere wit

Manganese chief function

- Metalloenzyme (cofactor for several enzymes)
- found in nuts, whole grains, leafy veggies

Manganese deficiency symptoms and toxicity symptoms

Deficiency: in experimental animals= poor growth, nervous system disorders, reproductive abnormalities
Toxicity: nervous system disorders

Manganese and miners

- miners who inhale large quantities of manganese on the job over long periods of time show symptoms of a brain disease, along with abnormalities in appearance and behavior

Fluoride chief functions

- involved in bone and tooth formation
- helps make teeth decay resistant by forming crystalline deposits in bones and teeth
- fluroapatite is a stabilized form of fluoride in bones and teeth.

foods fluoride is found in

fluoridated drinking water, tea, seafood

fluoride deficiency symptoms and toxicity symptoms

deficiency symptoms: suceptibility to tooth decay
toxicity: fluorosis (discoloration and pitting of tooth enamel caused by excessive fluoride during tooth development), nausea, chest pain, itching, vomiting

Chromium chief function

- associated with insulin
- required for the release of energy from glucose
- found in meat, refined foods, fats, vegetable oils

chromium deficiency and toxicity symptoms

deficiency: diabetes like condition marked by an inability to use glucose normally
toxicity: none reported


- cofactor for several enzymes (metalloenzyme)
- found in legumes cereals, organs meats
- no deficiency or toxicity symptoms

Nickel function

cofactor for several enzymes (metalloenzyme)

silicon function

bone and collagen formation

vanadium function

necessary for growth, bone development, normal reproduction

cobalt function

key mineral in Vit B12

boron function

may play a role in brain activities

contaminant minerals

heavy metals
- mercury, lead


- enters food supply in soil, water, pollution

lead poisoning

- lead competes with iron in heme structure and hemoglobin can't transport oxygen
- lead competes with calcium in the brain and the brain can't function properly

symptoms of lead poisoning in kids

- learning disabilities
- low IQ
- iron deficiency anemia
- sleep disturbances
- nervous system disorders
- seizures
- poor coordination
- impaired hearing

symptoms of lead poisoning in adults

- hypertension
- reproduction complications
- kidney failure