
The development of chronic diseases to poor diet and:

-can be reduced by food choices along with lifestyle choices

Effects of physical activity on the body include all of the following EXCEPT:

-decreased bone density

Nutrition-related health objectives for the nation have been published by the:

Department of Health and Human Services

All the following nutrients are organic EXCEPT:
a. minerals
b. fat
c. vitamins
d. carbohydrates

a. minerals

The energy-yielding nutrients include:

Proteins and fat

The most energy-rich of the nutrients is:


Carbohydrate and protein each contain___________calories in a gram

- 4 Calories

Foods that have been subjected to any processed such as addition of additives, milling, or cooking are called___________ foods.


Many factor influence food choices by indiciduals. Among these are:

-The convenience of meals that require little or no preparation

The source of valid nutrition information is:

-Scientific journals

In the precontemplation stage of change, the best action to take is to:

-Collect information and learn about your current behavior

When evaluating the effectiveness of the nutrition and physical activity objectives in Healthy People 2010, public health officials have found that:

-We have been successfull in reducing the numbers of deaths from heart disease and stroke

Your best friend tells you she has started taking vitamins supplements to give her energy. How would you respond to her statement?

-Vitamins do not yield because they undergo oxidation

The main purpose of the national reseach projects, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES) and the Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individual (CSFII), is to:

-Determine what the nutrients and dietary intakes of the population in our country are.

Scientist have developed a new type of margarine containing plant ingredients they think will lower blood cholesterol levels in people who use the new margarine for a while and then compare their cholesterol levels with those of a group of people who use

-Intervention study

You see a new finding about nutrition reported in your local newspaper. Based on this information you would:

-Wait to apply the findings until they have been repeated and confirmed by scientists.

Which of the following statement is not true about the DRI?

-They are minimum requirements, not recommendation

If a nutrient does not have a Tolerable Upper Intake Level, this means that:

-Insufficient data exist to establish a value

The DRI commitee recommended a diet that contains __________% of its calores from carbohydrates


The Diary Value reflect the needs of an "average person" consuming between________calories a day.

2,000 and 2,500

A major guideline for healthy people is to limit calorie intake and obtain more and varied selections of __________.

-fruits and vegetable
-whole grains
-nonfat or low fat milk or milk products

Food group plans primarity dictate:

Numbers and sizes of servings to choose each day

All of the following are true regarding the discretionary calorie allowance EXCEPT:
a. It may be spent on nutrient-dense foods
b. The added fat absorbed by the batter in fried chicken does not contribute to discretionary calories
c. it may be affected by

b. The added fat absorbed by the batter in fried chicken does not contribute to discretionary calories

When planning a healthful diet, you should remember that:

The more physically active you are, the greater your discretionary calorie allowance

Which of the following foods do not fit into any of the five major groups in the USDA Food Guide?

margarine, gravy, and jelly

Exchange systems help primarily with:

Calorie control

George is a 35 years old athlete using nutrient supplement to give him a competitive advantage. Which of the following nutrients intake recommendation would you suggest that George become familiar with?

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels

When determining the amounts of food to eat from each group in the USDA Food Guide each day, you need to remember that:

The recommended amounts will vary, depending on age, physical activity, and gender

A food manufacturer has included the following claim on the container label for a product: "Help maintain normal iron levels." If you were evaluating the claim, you would:

Be suspicious because this is a structure/fuction claim requiring no advance approval.

The Dietary Guide for Americans are intended for healthy adults and children ages_____ and older


What are the DRI designed for?

-Health maintenance
-Disease prevention

Cells can best be described as:

Self contained living entities

Which of the following determines the nature of the cell's work?


Cells lining the digestive tract replace themselves every:

3 days

Which of the following types of cells do NOT reproduced, and if damaged by injury of disease, are lost forever?

Brain cells

The body's circulating fluid in:

-Intra cellular fluid

The blood picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide in the:


When the pancreas detects a high concentration of the blood's sugar, glucose, it releases:


Hormones are secreted and released into the blood by _______.


Which of the following does NOT occur as part of the stress response?
a. The Muscle tense up
b. The liver pours forth glucose from its stores
c. The digestive system speeds up
d. The fat cells release fat

c. The digestive system speeds up

The digestive tract needs______, which provides the bulk against which the muscles of the colon can work.


The stomach's main function is the digestion of what nutrient?


The purpose of the villi and microvilli in the intestinal tract is to:

Trap the nutrient particles and absorb them into the cells

The major function of the kidneys is to:

excrete wastes from the body in urine

During the fight or flight reaction to stress the nervous system reacts by:

Releasing stored glucose from the liver

As food moves through the digestive tract it spends the most time in the:

Large intestine because of the need to partially digest fiber and absorb water.

Which of the following advice would you give to a friend suffering from constipation?

-Consume foods with adequate fiber
-Drink enough water

Which of the following strategies should be used by someone experiencing heartburn?

-Drink liquids an hour before or after meals
-Eat smaller meals

Nutrients are delivered from the intestines through the circulatory system to the cells by:

transport through the blood to the liver for chemical altering to make them better suited for use by the tissue

When given a choice between tasting a snack of cookies, potato chips, or dill pickles, most people would:

Select the cookies because of our preference for sweet tastes