NU220 Exam 3

What percentage of an adult's body is water?


The hormone that stimulates the kidneys to reabsorb water rather than excrete it is :


Electrolytes in the body function to:

maintain fluid balance

Which of the following is a trace mineral?


The primary regulator of extracellular fluid volume is:


An important function of chloride in the body is to:

maintain fluid balance


is the body's principal electrolyte inside the cells

Heart failure related to potassium loss may occur:

as a result of severe diarrhea

The typical U.S. diet provides __________ potassium.


When blood calcium falls too low, a regulatory system acts in three locations to raise it. Which of these is not one of the locations?


Which of the following enhances calcium absorption from the GI tract?

vitamin D

Magnesium's major functions in the body include all of the following except:

regulation of body temperature

Amino acids containing the mineral ________ help to form the shape of proteins.


Iron is a component of the protein _________ which transports oxygen in the bloodstream.


Pica is a behavior seen in some people who are deficient in:


Which of the following food components or nutrients does not contribute to iron deficiency?

Vitamin C

Zinc is most abundant in foods with a high ______ content.


Keshan disease is related to a deficiency of:


Fluoride seems to be helpful in preventing:

dental decay

When selecting a vitamin-mineral supplement, choose one in which the nutrient levels are:

at or very close to the RDA

The most potent single predictor of an infant's future health status is:

the infant's birth weight

The effects of malnutrition during critical periods in pregnancy:

are irreversible

Ample carbohydrate is needed by the pregnant woman in order to:

fuel the fetal brain and spare protein needed for fetal growth

The RDA for protein during pregnancy is an additional ______ grams per day.


Pregnant women who are vegans should get their protein from:

legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and tofu

A low intake of __________ increases the likelihood that an infant will be born with a neural tube defect.


Women who enter pregnancy with iron-deficiency anemia have a greater risk of:

preterm delivery

What nutrients are typically found in greater quantities in prenatal supplements compared to regular vitamin/mineral supplements?

folate, iron, calcium

The benefits of physical activity during pregnancy include all of the following except:

it prevents anemia

Nora, who is pregnant, awakens at 2 AM craving pickles and chocolate sauce. The craving probably indicates that she:

is experiencing hormone-related changes in taste and other senses

The warning signs of preeclampsia include:

hypertension, edema, and protein in the urine

Herbal supplements during pregnancy:

are not recommended due to lack of evidence about their safety and effectiveness

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics support exclusive breastfeeding until an infant is ________ months old.


If a lactating woman's diet is poor, her milk:

quality will be maintained at the expense of maternal stores

Which of the following situations indicates that the mother should not breastfeed?

drug addiction

An infant weighing 7 pounds at birth would normally weigh about _______ pounds at five months of age.


With the possible exception of _________, the vitamin content of the breast milk of a well-nourished mother is ample.

vitamin D

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a supplement of ________ for all infants who are exclusively breastfed in the first six months of life.

vitamin D

Which of the following is considered a risk of formula feeding an infant?

Formula may be incorrectly prepared and cause malnutrition and growth failure.

The two nutrients needed early by infants and provided by the introduction of solid foods are:

iron and vitamin C

A one-year-old child needs about ______ kcalories a day.


A child who drinks a lot of milk and won't consume much else is likely to show signs of:


Which of the following is likely to occur if candy, cola, and other concentrated sweets are permitted in large quantities during the growing years?


Which of the following statements is false?

Children can be trusted to naturally choose healthful foods.

How many ounces of protein foods are needed daily to meet nutrient needs for a child who needs 1000kcal/day?


Nutrient deficiencies during childhood:

can affect a child's mood and behavior

When a food protein enters the body and evokes an immunologic response, this causes:

a food allergy

Which of the following foods is most likely to cause anaphylactic shock?


True hyperactivity:

is not caused by poor nutrition

Which of the following statements regarding children's food intake and health status is true?

.17% of U.S. children and teens 2-19 years of

A leading cause of pediatric hypertension is:


Which of the following is not generally a recommended approach for the treatment of childhood obesity?

dietary restriction

Children are more likely to eat vegetables when they are:

raw or slightly undercooked

All of the following factors undermine the efforts of the National School Lunch program to serve nutritious food at school except:

the availability of salad bars

Nutrients often found lacking in teenage diets include:

iron, calcium, and vitamin D

According to researchers, two behaviors of teens that can lead to weight gain are:

skipping breakfast and eating fast food

Snacks provide about _____ of the average teenager's total daily food energy intake.


At home, where teenagers are frequently snacking, the best strategy for parents is to stock the pantry with:

easy-to-grab nutritious foods

Adolescents eat about _____ of their meals away from home, which can enhance or hinder their nutritional well-being.


Persistent high blood cholesterol levels may need to be treated with drugs in children once they are _____ years old.


Increasing evidence suggests that overweight and obesity in middle age are associated with Alzheimer's disease.


Iron-deficiency anemia is more common in older adults than in young people.


Older adults spend more money per person on foods to eat at home than other age groups.


The fastest growing age group in the U.S. population is people over:


Life expectancy in the U.S. is _______ years.


The benefits of physical activity in older adults include all of the following except:

decreased muscle mass

The known connection between osteoarthritis and nutrition is related to:


Rheumatoid arthritis may respond to a dietary intervention involving a diet:

low in saturated fat and high in omega-3 fatty acids

Your grandfather is having trouble with his short-term memory. You suggest that he may be experiencing symptoms of a deficiency of:


The estimated energy requirements for adults decrease steadily after age:


Which of the following sources of protein are most appropriate for older adults?

legumes & fish

Protein is especially important for older adults to:

support a healthy immune system

Dehydrated older adults are more susceptible to all of the following except


Older adults face a greater risk of vitamin D deficiency than young people due to:

limited exposure to sunlight

An estimated ____% of adults 51 years and older lose the ability to absorb vitamin B12.

10 to 30

All of the following factors increase an older person's risk of iron deficiency except:

limited intake of milk

The most common drug that can affect nutrition in older people is:


Characteristics of foods preferred by many older adults include all of the following except:

inclusion of new recipes

Which of the following is not a common risk factor for malnutrition in older adults?

eating disorders

The largest federal food assistance program is:


The 24 hour recall provides accurate and complete data for assessing an individual's diet.


Serum protein values can be affected by fluid imbalances, pregnancy, infections, and some medications.



often increases overall patient care costs

The registered dietitian performs all of the following services except:

changing a patient's diet order

Which of the following is not one of the nurse's roles in nutrition care of a patient?

developing, implementing, and evaluating nutrition care plans

Which of the following health professionals does not assume a primary role for developing and implementing nutrition care plans?


The medical history provides information about:

genetic susceptibility to diseases

What is the first thing you ate or drank yesterday morning?" is often the first question asked in a:

24-hour food recall

Which of the following medical problems is not generally associated with malnutrition?


Which of the following methods of collecting a dietary history is the most time-consuming and requires a high degree of motivation to complete?

food record

Which of the following can be used to record behaviors associated with eating physical activity, medications, and symptom associated with eating?

food record

When direct observations are used to generate an estimate of a client's current food intake, the procedure is called a:

kcalorie count

Which of the following is used in infancy to assess brain development?

head circumference

Which of the following is most valuable for evaluating the degree of nutrition risk associated with acute illness?

percent usual body weight

Which of the following laboratory tests would aid in the diagnosis of anemia?

red blood cell count

Which of the following statements about albumin is false?

it is a sensitive indicator of effective nutritional intervention

Albumin has a half-life of:

2-3 weeks

Among the following, the least expensive lab test for evaluating protein status is:


The human body contains _________ chromosomes.


An elderly male is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of malnutrition three months after his wife died. The nurse recognizes that this is most likely due to which criteria for identifying malnutrition risk?

depression or social isolation