Fit and Well Chapter 9

Weight Statistics

-68% of Americans are overweight
-33.8% are obese
-24% of young adults are obese.
-1/3 of children have risk of obesity

What is the most important consideration of health?

Body Composition

Goal for wellness

1. Adopt healthy behaviors
2. Achieve an appropriate body composition
*Not to conform to rigid standards of total body weight

What is the secret to managing body weight?

1. Eating a moderate diet
2. Getting regular physical activity

How much has the prevalence of type two diabetes risen in the last decade?


Ho many deaths occur annually in the U.S. due to inactivity and being overweight?

100,000 deaths

What is one of the six major controllable risk factors for heart disease?


Obesity reduces life expectancy by how many years? And what do scientists predict about the future?

10-20 years
*They predict that the average American's life will soon decline by five years

Why is gaining weight over the years dangerous?

A recent study shows that women who have gained 22 lbs since 18 had a 7x more likely risk of heart disease.

How much weight loss do obese people need to reduce risk of weight-related health conditions and increase life expectancy?


What are the four factors that determine body weight and composition?


What is the estimated genetic contribution to obesity? How many genes have been linked to obesity?

25-40% of an individual's body fat
600 genes

What do genes influence?


If both parents are obese what percent of risk of being obese do their children have? One parent?


How do hereditary influences compare to the contribution of the environment in producing obesity?

The TENDENCY to develop obesity may be inherited, but the expression of this tendency is affected by environmental influences.

What are the physiological factors linked to obesity?

*Metabolism: regulation of body fat and body weight
-Carbohydrate craving: due to low levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin

Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)

The energy required (in calories) to maintain vital body functions, while the body is at rest.
-Includes respiration, heart rate, body temp, and blood pressure.


The sum of all the vital processes by which food energy and nutrients are made available to be used by the body.

What is the energy-balance equation?

-Food In
-Physical activity: 20-30%
-Food digestion: + or - 10%
-Resting metabolism: 65-70%

What affects metabolic rate?

Heredity and behavior

What does a higher RMR mean?

A person burns more calories while at rest and can therefore take in more calories without gaining weight.

Who has a higher RMR, men or women?

Men because they have a higher proportion of muscle mass.
-Muscle tissue is more metabolically active then fat.

Why does exercise have a positive effect on metabolism?


What happens in the following: neutral, positive, and negative weight balances?

Neutral: manage weight
Positive: gain weight
Negative: loose weight

What is one hormone thought to be linked to obesity? And what does it do?

Leptin: when secreted by the body's fat cells, it's carried to the brain, where it appears to let the brain know how big or small the body's fat stores are.
-This info. allows the brain to regulate appetite and metabolic rate.
*These cases are rare that obesity is solely based on hormones.

Why are genetic and physiological factors not sufficient to explain the increasing rate of obesity?

-Gene pool hasn't changes much over last 40 years, but obesity has more than doubled.

How much do people underestimate portion sizes? By how much do people underestimate their calorie intake in the last 24 hours?

600 calories

How much has the average American intake increased since 1983?


How are schools negatively affecting children's activity level?


How much can the incidence of being overweight link to watching too much TV? How much does the average American exercise compared to watch TV or movies?

-15 mins exercise compared to 170 minutes of TV and movies

Binge Eating

A pattern of eating in which normal food consumption is interrupted by episodes of high consumption.

Obesity is linked to what? (hint $$)

Socioeconomic status
-income level goes down, obesity goes up (mostly women)
-men though are somewhat more obese at higher levels

With all research what weight factor is the most responsible?


Why is early adulthood a good time to develop a lifestyle for successful weight management?

Healthy behavior patterns have a better chance of taking hold.

Diet vs. Dieting

Diet: daily food choices
Dieting: involves some form of food restriction

What determines how many calories I need?

USDA: Gender, age, activity level
Precise: heredity, fitness status, level of physical activity, and others.

Weight loss and total calories


Which is more difficult for most people: loosing or maintaining weight?


Energy density?

The number of calories per ounce or gram of weight in a food. The lower the energy density the more full it will make you because it has more volume and bulk with fewer calories.
Ex: 100 calores
-20 baby carrots (10 oz) = more full
-4 pretzel twists (1 oz) = less full

How many meals are suggested per day?

4-5 small meals

Why are sweeteners added to foods?

To promote low carbohydrate products and lower overall calorie consumption.

Will fat and sugar substitutes help achieve and maintain a healthy?

Depends on eating and activity habits

What does skipping meals do?

Leads to excessive hunger, feelings of deprivation, and increased vulnerability to binge eating or snacking.

3 Ways to Establish Healthy Eating:

1. Establish a regular eating pattern
2. Set some rules to govern your food choices
3. Don't put some food off limits, a better rule is "EVERYTHING IN MODERATION

What are the Best Exercises for Weight Loss?

Cardiorespiratory endurance exercise, resistance training, and stretching exercises.
1.) Moderate-intensity endurance exercise if done often for long periods can help burn a lot of calories.
-Also increases the rate your body uses calories after your exercise is over--burning 5-180 extra calories (according the intensity of the workout).
2.) Resistance training builds muscle mass. and more muscle means a higher metabolic rate.
-Helps maintain muscle mass during weight loss, help you avoid the significant drop in RMR that goes with weight loss.

What is the Best Way to Exercise for Weight Loss?

-Some say exercise at 55-69% of max. heart rate because the body burns fat at a slightly more efficient rate.
-Others say exercise at 70-90% of max. heart rate because it burns more calories overall.
-30 min at 80-85% of max. burns 30% more calories than a 30 min at 60-65% of max.
-But lower intensity workouts burn 20% more fat calories so stick with 55% until respiratory fitness improves.

How long do I work out?

60-90 mins
-break it up throughout the day 10-15 mins if its easier.

How much can I loose per week?

-Walking 3 miles in an hour, 5 days a week, you can loose 1.5 lbs.

How much do Americans spend on weight-loss plans and products every year.

$40 billion

How much calories can someone have on a low-calorie diet?

1200-1500 calories per day.
-By achieving 250-1000 calories of negative energy balance you can loose .5-2 lbs per week.

Why am I not loosing weight?

-Most low-calorie diets cause a rapid loss of body water first.
-When this phrase passes, weight loss declines.
-The smaller losses later are more significant because it's mostly fat.
-Reasonable weight loss is 8-10% of body weight over 6 months.

Dietary supplements and diet aids

-Can lead to complications
-Could be given in lethal doses
***Labels may not be accurate in ingredients or dosages

Safe Weight Loss Program

-Balanced and includes all food groups and physical activity should be strongly encouraged.
-Promote slow, steady weight loss .5-2 lbs per week
-Should offer physician evaluation and monitoring. Staff should include counselors and health professionals.
-Should provide info on all fees and costs, risks, and expected outcomes.

How many people maintain weight loss in a program?


What two chemicals do appetite suppressant increase levels of?

Catecholamine and serotonin (brain chemicals that affect mood and appetite).

Appetite Suppressants Facts

-Approved by the FDA for short-term use
-Produce 5-22 lbs loss
-Weigh loss levels or reverses after 4-6 months
-For people unable to loose weight with nondrug options and who have a BMI over 30 (or over 27 with 2 more additional risk factors ex: diabetes and high blood pressure).
*Try loosing weight on your own for 6 months before trying

Bariatric Surgery

-BMI over 40, or greater than 35 with obesity-related illnesses.
-5.7% of Americans are morbidly obese
-Modifies the gastrointestinal tract by changing the size of the stomach by partitioning the stomach with staples or band, or modifying the way the stomach drains.
*Goal: reduce the amount of food patient can eat
-10-20% of patients need a follow-up surgery to address complications.
-Weight loss 40-70% over the course of a year


Removal of small amounts of fat from specific locations.
-Not a method of treating obesity

Eating disorder

A serious disturbance in eating patterns or eating-related behavior.
-characterized by a negative body image and concerns about body weight or body fat.

Anorexia Nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by a refusal to maintain body weight at a minimally healthy level and an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat; self-starvation.
-1% of Americans, 3 million Americans, 95% female
-ages typically 12-18
-often stop menstruating
-death caused from heart failure from electrolyte imbalances.
-1/10 women with anorexia dies

How many Americans report that they are happy/satisfied with their bodies?


Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

-2% of Americans
-Sufferers are overly concerned with physical appearance.
-Related to obsessive-compulsive and can lead to depression, social phobia and suicide if not treated.

Muscle Dysmorphia

A disorder experienced by some bodybuilders and other active people who see themselves as small and out of shape despite being very muscular.
-obsessive weight training interfering with work and relationships.

8th graders body image

Girls 30% content with their bodies
Boys 70%

Most fashion models are thinner than __ Americans?

98% of Americans

Bulimia Nervosa

An eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating and then purging to prevent weight gain.
-5% of college-age women


The use of vomiting, laxatives, excessive exercise, restrictive dieting, enemas, diuretics, or diet pills to compensate for food that has been eaten and that the person fears will produce weight gain.

Binge-eating Disorder

An eating disorder characterized by binge eating and a lack of control over eating behavior in general.
-2% of Americans