Nutrition Exercise

diet for exercise

Carbohydrates loading, Pre-game diet, During the game, Post-game diet


What is the most important thing to replete during exercise?


Cardiovascular endurance, Strength, and Flexibility

role of glycogen during exercise

it gives you fast energy because it breaks down to glucose, where it can give you spurts of energy


Ability to perform routine exercise without fatigue

aerobic exercise

cardiorespiratory endurance is increased by this

volume and vo2 max

endurance exercise increases these


the greater the VO2 max, the more intense an activity can be engaged in before lack of this affects performance

resisting force

muscle strength is increased by repeatedly engaging in exercise moving against a what


this determines the range of motion

lean body mass

those who are physically fit have a greater proportion of this

percent of body fat

lean body mass can be assessed by measuring this

increasing lean tissue

maintenance of healthy body weight by

lowering blood pressure

reduce risk of cardiovascular disease by

reducing insulin resistance

reduced risk of type 2 diabetes by

increasing strength and flexibility

reduce joint disorder by

releasing endorphins

mood elevation by

increasing muscle cell mitochondria

allow you to better burn fat for energy by

increasing bone mass

reduce risk of osteoporosis by

chromium picolinate

needed in diabetes, but not beneficial if Cr is not deficient


provides muscles with more quick energy for activity, delays fatigue, allows creatine phosphate to be regenerated more quickly after exercise, impairs accumulation of lactic acid

b vitamins

functions as coenzymes, do not provide energy

vitamin a in relation to genetic control of protein synthesis

regulation of cell differentiation via gene expression, regulation of growth, act as morphogenic agents during embryonic development

vitamin a action as hormone

in order to affect gene expression 1. the retinoic acid (RA) form of vit. A enters specific target cells 2. Inside the nucleus, RA binds to a receptors 3. The RA-protein receptor complex then binds with regulatory regions of DNA