Chapter 6 (Diet)

Dietary Guidlines

developed by the US Dept. of Ag. and the Dept. of Health and Human Services. Updated every 5 years and provide advice on proper eating and nutrition

Special Needs Diets and Restrictions

occasionally the patients diet must be adjusted to meet his/her specific needs posibly requiring him/her to avoid certain foods or to significantly limit the amounts taken in

Clear Liquid Diet

prescribed in preparation for certain lab tests, examinations, and surgery. It requires avoidance of all solid foods and milk products.

clear liquid diet consists of

clear soup and broth, plain gelatin, black coffee, tea, carbonated beverages, popsicles

Full Liquid Diet

prescribed for patients who are unable to chew or digest solid food due to gastrointestinal problems or recent surgery.

full liquid diet consists of

consists of the clear liquid diet in addition to: milk and milkshakes, ice cream, custard, creamed or strained soup, fruit and veggie juices, strained fruit

Mechanical Soft Diet

prescribed for patients who are unable to chew due to dental problems, have difficulty swallowing, or are recovering from surgery(doc determines unable to tolerate solid food)

mechanical soft diet consists of

all soups, all liquids, cooked veggies, canned fruit, ground meat & veggies, tender fish & poultry

Bland Diet

prescribed for patients with gastrointestinal problems and/or allergies.

bland diet consists of

foods on this diet contain no seasoning or fiber (irritates stomach & cause gas) mild flavored food, loe-fiber food, mashed potatoes, milk products, cooked fruit, noncitrus juice

BRAT diet

for patients recovering from gastrointestinal upsets because the foods it contains are easy to digest

Brat diet consists of

bananas, rice, applesauce, toast

High-Protein Diet

proteins can promote the healing process, prescribed for patients recovering form bone injury; should be combined with fruits & veggies in order to a balanced diet

high-protein diet consists of

meat, dairy products, legumes

Diabetic Diet

varies among individuals in order to meet ea. patients needs. most encouraged to consume moderate carb of 1600-2000 calories daily spread out over several meals (rather than 3) to maintain consistent glucose levels

diabetic diet consists of

several factors are cosidered when determining patient's needs: type of insulin therapy, severity of diabetes, activity & exercise, calories required to maintain proper weight

High-Residue/High-Fiber Diet

recommended forpatients with existing heart disease and also as a preventive measure or protection against diabetes, breast & colon cancer, hypercholesterolemia, and constipation

Low-Residue/Low-Fiber Diet

recommended for patients suffering from diarrhea and indigestion as well as those with colitis or a colostomy

Low-Residue/Low-Fiber Diet consists of

cooked veggies & stewed fruits (except those high in fiber), bananas; lean beef, lamb, chicken, and turkey, cooked cereals, eggs, all soups(except creamed)

Low-Fat/Low-Cholesterol Diet

recommended for patients with hypercholesterolemia and those with gallbladder, pancreatic and liver disease.

Low-Fat/Low-Cholesterol Diet consists of

daily fat intake should be 20-30g
fruits & veggies, fat-free milk, whole-grain breads & cereal

Low-Sodium (Salt) Diet

recommended for patients with congestive heart failure, kidney disease and hypertension because sodium may cause water retention

Low-Sodium (Salt) Diet consists of

the amounts of sodium will vary depending on patients condition (severe, moderate, mild)

severe salt restrictions

allows 500mg sodium daily

moderate salt restrictions

allows 1500-2000mg sodium daily

mild salt restrictions

allows 3000-5000mg sodium daily