Nutrition Connect 8

decreased red blood cell synthesis

symptoms of a folate deficiency include


the category of vitamins that need to be replaced daily are the ____-soluble vitamins

exposure to oxygen, exposure to sunlight, deep fat frying

the vitamin E content of a food may be affected by


T/F vitamins are considered non-essential nutrients because we need them in small amounts


vitamin B-12 is found in ____ foods only

enriched flour, pork, whole grains

identify three food sources of thiamin

Tolerable Upper Intake Level

the point at which toxic levels of vitamin A may develop is called the


grain products are ____ with B vitamins and the mineral iron to lessen the risk of deficiency

lowered production of stomach acid and reduced output of intrinsic factor

older adults are at greater risk for pernicious anemia due to

reducing cell damage from free radicals

antioxidants help reduce the risk of cancer by


the amount of a nutrient that is absorbed and available to the body is called the

wound healing and formation of collage

which of the following are functions of vitamin C

greater stress placed on the lungs due to oxidative damage

smokers need more vitamin C daily than non-smokers because of the


thiamin is a key component required to release energy from

citrus fruits, strawberries, potatoes

which of the following are good sources of vitamin C

are able to synthesize the vitamin

animals, unlike humans, do NOT need a daily source of vitamin C because they


all grain products must be fortified with ____, a B-vitamin

autoimmune disorders and cancer risk

health risks for low levels of vitamin D include an increase in


a severe vitamin A deficiency can lead to xeropthalmia, which results in

night blindness

____ ____ is an early sign of vitamin A deficiency

nuts, plant oils, and whole grains

foods that are good sources of vitamin E include


a person with dark skin would need a ____ exposure time to sunlight to synthesize vitamin D


the ____-soluble vitamins are more readily stored in the body than ____-soluble vitamins

filtered and excreted by the kidneys

water-soluble vitamins are not usually stored because they are

milk, eggs, and enriched grains

food sources of riboflavin include

preformed vitamin A

fish and fish oils and liver are natural sources of


the components in vitamins thought to be responsible for reducing the risk of cancer by destroying free radicals are

kidney disease and poor intestinal absorption

risk factors associated with osteomalacia

can be lost through improper handling

the vitamin content of fresh fruits and vegetables

poultry, beef, and fish

dietary sources of niacin include

fresh fruits and vegetables

the highest folate content may be obtained from eating

dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis (4 D's, ..death)

pellagra, the deficiency disease for niacin, is characterized by

vitamin C

enhances iron absorption

their intestines lack enough bacteria to produce vitamin K

infants are given an injection of vitamin K at birth because


the deficiency disease associated with inadequate intake of vitamin D is


vitamin C may reduce cancer risk due to its ____ properties

inefficient fat digestion and absorption

how might a person who consumes a diet adequate in fat still develop a fat-soluble vitamin deficiency

improper storage, heating or cooking, and exposure to light

examples of processes that can cause a loss of certain vitamins

intrinsic factor

what substance produced by the digestive system is necessary in order to absorb vitamin B-12

are stored in the body

consuming large amounts of fat-soluble vitamins is a problem because they


the fact that fat-soluble vitamins are stored in fat calls ____ our risk of toxicity if megadoses are consumed


____, a B vitamin, is important in DNA synthesis

are excreted from the body

megadoses of vitamin C

itching, facial flushing, and headahce

high intakes of nicotinic acid can lead to

vitamin D

identify the fat-soluble vitamin most likely to be deficient

canola oil, green leafy, vegetables, and broccoli

identify the sources of vitamin K

she is wasting her money; excess vitamin C is excreted from the body

Mary tells you that she is taking 1 g of vitamin C daily to prevent a cold. what would you tell Mary


the deficiency disease for vitamin C is called

tuna, 3 oz

which of the following foods is the best source of niacin

have decreased absorption and tend to have inadequate consumption

older people are at risk of folate deficiency because they

becoming very large and unable to divide due to the lack of DNA

the red blood cells of a folate-deficient person differ from a healthy person by

enriched cereals and green leafy vegetables

to meet the daily requirements for folate, a person might include which foods in their diet