Nutrition Connect 6


____ is a nutrient that forms important structures in the body, makes up a key part of the blood, helps regulate many body functions, and can fuel body cells. amino acids join together to form this nutrient

pregnancy and infancy

the RDA for protein is higher than 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight during


T/F animal proteins are not considered to be a good source of all nine essential amino acids


what is the name of the disease known as "the disease the first child gets when the new child comes"?


a ____ protein balance occurs when a person consumes less protein than is needed

limiting amino acid

the essential amino acid in lowest concentration in a food or diet relative to body needs is the

the polypeptide chain will be incorrect, ribosomes won't read the correct message, and incorrect mRNA will be produced

what will happen if the DNA code contains errors?


there are a total of ____ nonessential amino acids that the body needs in order to function


T/F per kilogram of body weight, the RDA for protein is highest during adulthood

it destroys the protein's ability to function normally and the protein loses its biological activity

how does changing a protein's shape affect the protein


T/F vitamin C helps with the absorption of iron


how many different amino acids does the body use (including essential and nonessential)


a ____ bond is a chemical bond formed between amino acids in a protein


T/F peptide bonds cannot be broken

pump ions into and out of cells and serve as buffers that resist changes in pH

how do proteins contribute to acid-base balance of the blood


almost all enzymes are


garden peas, soy beans, and kidney beans are all examples of ____; a plant family with pods containing a row of seeds

animal protein can be high in cholesterol and of the saturated fat found in animal protein

a diet rich in animal sources of protein may increase risk for cardiovascular disease because


where does the digestion of protein begin

negative protein balance

which of the following occurs when a person consumes less protein than what is needed

during growth, recovering from an illness, and recovering from an injury

in which situations would the body need a positive protein balance


a ____ is a "total vegetarian" who eats only plant foods and does not use animal products for any other purposes


a ____ is part of a plant family with pods that contain a single row of seeds. (peanuts, garden peas, and lentils)


north americans consume ____ protein from animal sources in comparison to people from other countries

false (about 70% of protein we eat comes from animal sources

T/F 45% of the protein consumed by north americans comes from animal sources

fats and carbohydrates

which of the following are typically used by cells to meet energy needs


T/F a protein deficiency usually accompanies a deficiency of calories and nutrients


T/F fats and carbohydrates are rarely used to meet energy needs


____ proteins are dietary proteins that are low in, or lack, one or more essential amino acids

proteins regulate and maintain essential body function, play a role in enzyme and hormone production, and aid in blood clotting

proteins serve which of the following functions


____ proteins are heart healthy alternative to animal proteins because they contain no cholesterol and little saturated fat


what is the process of altering the three dimensional structure of a protein called


vitamin B-12 is only found naturally and in abundance in ____ foods

growth retardation and nutrient deficiency

what are some health risks of plant-based diets for infants and children


a ____ amino acid is one that can be synthesized by a healthy body in sufficient amounts

dispensable amino acids

nonessential amino acids are also called


what macronutrient is a key component of the cells within the immune system and makes up many of the antibodies that defend the body from illness

protein serves multiple functions in the body and is necessary for blood clotting, fluid balance, and cell repair

which of the following is true about the functions of protein


T/F amino acids are unique because they contain nitrogen bonded to carbon


T/F nuts are not considered to ever be a healthy food choice

essential and indispensable

a(n) ____ amino acid cannot be synthesized by humans in sufficient amounts, or at all, and must be included in the diet

plant, lower-quality, and incomplete

most ____ proteins do not meet the human need for essential amino acids. these proteins are frequently low in one or more of the nine essential amino acids

protein turnover

____ ____ is the process by which cells break down old proteins and resynthesize new proteins so that the cell will have the proteins it needs to function at that time

amino acids

most of the ____ ____ released throughout the body can be recycled to become part of the pool available for the synthesis of future proteins

sickle cell anemia

north americans of african descent are more prone to what genetic disease


during protein synthesis, which organelle does mRNA travel to after leaving the nucleus

complementary protein

what is it called when two sources of protein combine to form a complete protein, whereas by themselves, they supply an inadequate amount of essential amino acids

carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins

which of the following supply the body with usable energy


T/F final digestion of amino acid chains take place in the small intestine


a ____ protein (e.g., animal proteins) contains ample amounts of all nine essential amino acids

70 kg

if Jonas weighs 154 pounds, how many kilograms does he weigh


proteins supply the body with about ____ kilocalories per gram

negative protein balance

which of the following might happen to someone with an illness

positive protein balance

which of the following occurs when a person consumes more protein daily than he or she loses

dispensable amino acids

nonessential amino acids are also called


T/F every cell contains protein

nuts, avocado, and dried fruit

to help meet their high calories needs, a vegetarian or vegan child can consume which of the following nutrient-dense foods


T/F amino acids are formed exclusively of carbon and hydrogen

lack of tyrosine production and enzyme inefficiency

PKU is caused by


T/F people choose to eat a vegetarian diet due to ethics, religion, health, and economics


T/F the "new american plate" contains fewer plant-based foods compared to the typical american plate


T/F vitamin C helps with the absorption of iron


many of the proposed anti-cancer effects of foods containing plant protein are through ____ mechanisms

side group, amino group, and acid group

which of the following describe the components of an amino acid


T/F there is little risk involved in taking amino acids as supplements


T/F due to starvation, amino acids from muscle tissue are converted into glucose. this wastes muscle tissue and can lead to edema


the liver and kidneys must work hard to derive energy from ____, which makes it a costly source of calories


when carbohydrates are in short supply, the ____ can make glucose from amino acids present in body tissues


the typical diet provides about ____ percent of protein as essential amino acids, when only 11% is required


____ is a major stomach enzyme used for digesting proteins