Macroeconomics Final Exam

When economists say goods are scarce they mean?

The desire for goods and services exceeds our ability to produce them with the limited resources available

Economists believe that scarcity forces everyone to?

Make choices

Natural Resources are?

included in the category of resources called land

The factors of production are which of the following?

Land(natural resources), labor(human capital, entrepreneurship), and capital(constructed inputs such as factories)

An entrepreneur is a(n)?

Organizer who seeks profitable opportunities and is willing to accept risks

The silly clothes worn by a circus clown are an example of?

Capital Goods

Which one of the following is the most accurate definition of economics?

Economics is the study of how society chooses to allocate scarce resources

The basic definition between macroeconomics and microeconomics is?

Microeconomics concentrates on the behavior of individual consumers and firms whiles Macroeconomics focuses on the performance of the entire economy

Ceteris Paribus means?

All other things remain constant

The slope of a line parallel to the horizontal axis is?

Zero (0)

A local movie theatre offers an "all you can eat" popcorn for $12. Silas eats four bags, but leaves the 5th bag half eaten. Why?

His marginal value of the 5th bag of popcorn has fallen to zero or below zero

The various combinations of good and services that can be produced, when an economy uses its available resources and technology efficiently, is called?

Production Possibilities

The ability of an economy to produce greater levels of output in the same period of time is called?

Economic Growth

If an economy keeps decreasing its capital stock, then over time its production possibilities curve will?

Shift to the left

Three basic decisions must be made by all economies. What are they?

What will be produced, how goods will be produced, and for whom goods will be produced

The opportunity cost of an action is?

The value of the best opportunity that must be sacrificed in order to take the action

A nation can accelerate economic growth by increasing its consumption of consumer goods


A horizontal line has an infinite slope


How do capital goods differ from consumer goods?

Capital goods produce stuff, consumer goods do not

What is technology?

Knowledge and skill used to produce products

Which of the following market transactions of final goods and services are excluded from the computation of the U.S. GDP?

Secondhand transactions, such as when a used car is sold

The GDP of a country can be derived by summing the?

Expenditures on final goods and services produced domestically during the year

Payments to households not in exchange for goods and services currently produced are?

Transfer Payments

Net Exports (X-M)?

Is the net effect of the foreign trade on GDP

The unreported or illegal production of goods and services in the economy that is not counted in GDP is termed?

The underground economy

When net exports are negative?

Imports are greater than exports

Depreciation or consumption of fixed capital depreciation measures?

The value of existing capital stock used in the production process

The largest component of GDP is?

Personal consumption expenditures

The circular flow of economic activity is a model of the?

Flow of goods, resources, payments, and expenditures between the sectors of the economy

Which one of the following would count as investment in the GDP accounts?

Purchases of a new airplane by an airline

Which approach to calculating GDP is computed using compensation of employees, rental income, profits, net interest, indirect business taxes, and depreciation?

The income approach

Economists usually use the term "recession" to refer to?

Two or more consecutive quarters of declining real GDP

Economists use the phrase "business cycle" when referring to fluctuations in?

Real GDP

The point at which real GDP reaches a maximum during a business cycle is called the?


Economic indictors, like unemployment claims and the stock market, which change before real GDP changes, are called?


One problem with the unemployment rate is that?

The data includes part-time workers as fully employed

In a dynamic economy under ideal conditions?

Some unemployment would be present due to workers temporarily being out of work while changing jobs

Unemployment cause by people voluntarily quitting work in order to seek more attractive employment is called?

Frictional Unemployment

Sally lost her job when her company went out of business because of a recession. This is an example of?

Cyclical Unemployment

The economy is fully employed when there is no?

Cyclical unemployment

Gross domestic product is the total dollar value at current prices of all final and intermediate goods produced by a nation during a given time period


Real GDP, as opposed to nominal GDP, has been adjusted for changes in the general level of prices (i.e. inflation)


Structural unemployment results from a lack of education and training


Why is it important to distinguish nominal GDP from real GDP?

Some countries can look good because of nominal GDP being so high and inflation but the real GDP could be negative

If an economy keeps increasing its technology, then over time its production possibilities curve will?

Shift to the right

Which of the following items is included in the calculation of GDP?

Sale of a new tank for the Iraq war

Personal income minus personal taxes is?

Disposable personal income

How do we measure economic growth?

Increases in real GDP

Unemployment caused by people voluntarily quitting work in order to seek more attractive employment is called?

Frictional Unemployment

Which of the following correctly defines inflation?

An increase in the general (average) price level of goods and services in the economy

In which of the following years was inflation in the United States the highest?


In periods of high inflation?

The purchasing power of money is decreasing

The base year in the consumer price index (CPI) is?

A given value of 100

A reduction in the rate of inflation is called?


Suppose you received a 5 percent increase in your nominal wage. Over the year, inflation ran about 3 percent. Which of the following is true?

Your real wage increased

If the nominal interest rate is 5 percent and there is no inflation, then the real interest rate?

Is 5 percent

A dramatic and sustained increase in oil prices would most likely?

Increase cost-push inflation

Hyperinflation refers to a situation in which?

Prices are rising extremely rapidly

A nation can accelerate economic growth by increasing its production of consumer goods


Inflation occurs when there is an increase in the purchasing power of money


During periods of inflation, the prices of all goods and services products to urban consumers are rising


The consumer price index (CPI) includes only a market basket of goods and services purchased by the typical urban consumer


People with fixed incomes fare best in an inflationary period


What is one criticism of the CPI as a measure of inflation?

It doesn't measure quality

Who is hurt and who benefits from inflation? Why?

Consumers are hurt because of prices increasing.
Government and Companies benefit because the power/cost of money and nominal GDP doesn't account for inflation

Classical economic theory predicted that in the long run the economy would experience?

Full Employment

Say's Law said that?

Supply creates its own demand

The most appropriate countercyclical policy, or stabilization policy, in times of unemployment, according to classical economists, is for the government to?

Do Nothing

John Maynard Keynes and his followers argued that the Great Depression was primarily the result of?

Insufficient aggregate spending on goods and services

If the economy is experiencing less than full-employment, the Keynesian school recommends that the government?

Undertake fiscal policy to stimulate aggregate demand

In the basic Keynesian Model, the major determinant of consumption expenditures is?

Disposable Income

The value of consumption at each level of disposable personal income, all other determinants of consumption unchanged, is shown by the?

Consumption Function

Which of the following will shift the consumption function upward?

An increase in consumer wealth
A substantial increase in real assets

If consumption spending is larger than disposable income?

Dissaving occurs

Autonomous consumption is consumption that?

Is independent of the level of disposable income

That part of disposable income not spent on consumption is?


The fraction of each added dollar of disposable income that is used for consumption is called the?

Marginal Propensity to Consume (MPC)

When one observes personal consumption and business investment patterns over time, one finds that?

Unlike consumption, which is fairly stable over time, investment is subject to erratic fluctuations

The investment demand curve shows the amount businesses spend for investment goods at different possible?

Rates of Interest

If the interest rate rises, then firms' investment spending?


A recessionary gap can be defined as?

The amount by which aggregate expenditures falls short of the level needed to generate equilibrium real GDP at full employment without inflation

The four components of the aggregate expenditures model are?

Consumption, investment, government purchases, and net exports

Suppose consumers and business decision makers become more optimistic about the future, and aggregate expenditures increase. The most likely result is that?

Real GDP and employment rise

The spending multiplier indicates that?

Changes in investment, government, or consumption spending trigger much larger changes in real GDP

In the Keynesian model, the larger the marginal propensity to consume, the?

Larger the spending multiplier

Total U.S. government expenditures as a percentage of GDP were largest during which of the following periods of time?

World War II

Which of the following countries has the highest level of government expenditures as a percentage of GDP?


After 1970, the share of federal spending allocated to national defense?

Declined sharply, while the share allocated to income security increased substantially

Measured as a share of the economy, government expenditures?

Rose from less than 10 percent in 1929 to about 35 percent currently

Which of the following categories accounted for the largest percentage of total federal government expenditures in recent years?

Income Security

In which of the following countries are taxes (measured as a percentage of GDP) the lowest?

The United States

Which is the largest source of revenue for the federal government?

Personal income tax

In a progressive tax structure, as incomes increase, the tax rate?


A tax is regressive if it collects a?

Smaller fraction of overall income as income rises

When the government levies a tax where everyone is taxed the same fixed percentage of their incomes, this tax is known as a(n)?

Proportional Tax

People who often create benefits for the minority and impose the cost on the majority are called?

Special-Interest Groups

The choice of a voter to remain uninformed because the marginal cost of obtaining information is greater than the marginal benefit from obtaining knowledge is called?

Rational Ignorance

According to the shortsightedness effect, politicians tend to favor projects with?

Short-run benefits and long-run costs

Between 1998 and 2001, the federal budget was?

In surplus

Currently, the national debt is approximately?

100 percent of GDP

Which of the following countries has the largest national debt as a percentage of GDP?


External debt is that portion of the national debt?

Held by foreigners

Currently, how much of the U.S. national debt is owed to foreigners?

About 26 percent

The crowding-out effect refers to?

Higher interest rates and reduced private spending that results from financing federal budget deficits

Compared to a barter economy, using money increases efficiency by reducing?

Transaction Costs

What is the "store of value" function of money?

The ability of money to hold value over time

What is the "unit of account" function of money?

A common measurement of the relative value of different goods and services

The term "near monies" refers to which of the following?

Savings and small time deposits, which (unlike currency and checkable deposits) are not immediately available as money in a transaction

Which of the following compose the M2 money supply?

M1 plus savings deposits and small-denomination time deposits

Which of the following provides the best explanation of why money is valuable?

Money is valuable because it is scarce

What are the two basic philosophies of taxation fairness?

-Benefits Received

Can the U.S. federal government go broke as a result of a large national debt?

Yes and no because the government can tax more but that would cause a revolution. But at the same time if the debt got too big, people would stop lending us money. Ex: Argentina

List two functions of the Federal Reserve System

-Clear checks
-Supports consumers
-Control the money supply