The Hunger Games Part 1: Chapters 1-9

When the novel opens, the protagonist wakes to find that her little sister, Prim has left her side. Where has she gone and why?

Prim went by her mother because she had a bad dream.

What simile describes Prim's beauty?

As fresh as a raindrop, as lovely as the primrose

Why does the cat Buttercup dislike the Protagonist?

The protagonist tried to drown the cat in the bucket so she wouldn't have another mouth to feed

What small treat has Prim left for Katniss? What does this tell us about Prim's personality?

Prim leaves Katniss goat cheese which can tell us how kind and generous Prim is

Why are all the coal miners staying in late today?

They are all staying in late because it is the reaping day which is like a holiday.

where is Katniss going hunting? What does she hunt with?

Katniss is going under the towns electric fence to get to the woods where she will hunt with a bow and arrow

What happened to Katniss' father?

He was blown up in a coal mine

Describe district 12.

- also called the seam
- main job is coal mining
- poorest district of all 12
- Katniss lives on the edge of the district close to the meadow
-an electric fence goes all around the district

Katniss participates in an illegal activity. The peacekeepers who should be preventing poaching ignore it, why?

They ignore because they want meat just like everyone else

Who does the protagonist meet up with in the woods? What does he call her? What is her real name?

Katniss meets up with her friend Gale who calls her Catnip instead of Katniss because when they first met she was so quiet he thought she said Catnip

What is it that Gale suggests that leaves Katniss irritated? Why does Katniss react so harshly?

Gale suggests they just live in the woods forever, or run away. Katniss is so mad because they both have mouths to feed and it's like he just forgot

Why do Katniss and Gale go visit the Hob and the mayors house?

The Hob is a black market to exchange goods. They go to sell the food they got in the woods

Why do people of lower class like Katniss And Gale have a higher chance of getting chosen for the reaping than those of a higher class than Madge?

Every year teens ages 12-18 get their name put into the reaping one time. Lower class adds their name more times than needed for a tesserae but higher class doesn't need to do that because they don't need a tesserae. Katniss has put her name in 4 times ev

Before the disaster hit, what was Panem once known as? How many districts were there? What happened to District 13?

Panem was once known as North America. Panem used to have 13 districts but the 13th district was destroyed in the Dark Days. As a punishment for District 13 they have to participate in the Hunger Games, and sacrifice two teens from each District each year

Why were the hunger games created? What are they?

Following the uprising, the Hunger Games were created to remind the people of the Dark Days. Each year each district has a teenager of each gender enter an arena where they battle to the death until only one person stays alive. The winning district will b

. What young lady from District 12 is chosen to participate in the Hunger Games?

Primrose Everdeen A.K.A Katniss' sister

Make an inference on how you think Katniss will react now that she knows her sister was chosen? How many times were Prim's names entered into the bowl?

I think Katniss will be shocked and scared. It was really strange because Prim had her name in their once out of thousands of names.

What was ironic about Prim being chosen over Katnis in the reaping?

Prim had her name in the jar once out of thousands of names and Katniss had hers in 20 times

What does Katniss do to save her sister from the reaping?

She volunteers as tribute to save Prim

The mayor doesn't seem to recognize Katniss. What does that say about the mayor's character and his role as leader?

He doesn't really care about his people

After Katniss volunteers for the reaping, how does the audience react?

First the crowd was silent then they all kissed 3 fingers and held them up as a sign of thanks & admiration

What boy is chosen to represent District 12? How does Katniss know him? How does she respond to him being chosen?

Peeta Mellark is chosen. Katniss knows him from when he gave her burnt bread but she is annoyed because she will feel bad killing him especially since she still feels like she owes him

Although Peeta was told by his mother to throw away the bread, he disobeyed her and gave it to Katniss. What does that say about his personality?

He is nice to others and doesn't listen when told which can help him in the games

What is the significance of the dandelion?

a symbol of hope

Describe the reaping. Do you think this practice is fair?

The reaping is the day when they choose one boy and one girl from each district to play in the hunger games. It is in the District 12 town square @ 1 o'clock. All the possible girls and boys are in roped off areas with older in front and younger in the ba

Describe a tesserae?

A tesserae is when you put your name in more than needed to get oil and grain for one person for a year

Who is first chosen to the Hunger Games? How does this effect Katniss?

Primrose Everdeen Katniss' sister is chosen. Katniss can hardly breath but then she volunteers for her spot

What happens after the anthem?

Peeta and Katniss are taken into custody in the justice building to say good bye to their Family

Describe the advice that Gale gives Katniss about her participation in the Hunger Games.

Gale says it is just like hunting and she can win if she can make a bow and arrow

When Katniss' family comes to see her what does she firmly tell her mother and Prim to do?

She tells her mother to stay safe and not to daze off instead of caring for her and Prim which she now needs to do.

Why does Peeta's dad come to visit Katniss? What does he bring her?

He comes to visit to say he will help take care of Prim and he brought her cookies.

Who else visits Katniss? What is the meaning of her gift?

Madge visits her and gives her the mockingjay pin to symbolize home

Why does Katniss plan to keep her tears hidden from the public?

Crying will make her look week to the other fighters and an easy kill

Describe Haymitch. How is he connected to Katniss and Peeta?

Haymitch is one of two winners from district 12. He is always Drunk and isn't much help to Katniss and Peeta but they need him as their mentor and life line

What is the metaphor that Katniss uses to describe the cameras taking pictures of her and Peeta as they wait at the train's door?

insect like cameras that gobble up our images

Why is Katniss in awe of the train as they ride it to the capitol?

Katniss is in awe because it is a beautiful royal looking train and is super fast

What is the symbolic significance to Katniss behind the mocking jay pin?

the symbol behind the mocking jay pin is Katniss' dad because he used to always sing with them when hunting with Katniss

Why is Katniss offended by Effie's comment on the last two contestants from the Seam eating like pigs? How does Katniss react?

Katniss is offended because District 12 is so poor they barely ate and the last two contestants didn't know manners and were starving. Katniss reacts by finishing her meal with her fingers and wiping them on the table cloth.

Describe why you think" a kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous" to Katniss than an "unkind one.

A kind Peeta is dangerous because he will be harder to kill

Briefly describe the breakfast that Katniss enjoys in the morning.

Huge platter of eggs, bacon, and fried potatoes with chilled fruit, orange juice, hot chocolate which she has never seen before, and rolls.

Why does Katniss dislike Haymitch?

He is drunk, rude, and won't be much help. Peeta and Katniss ask him how to win and he replies with stay alive and starts laughing

. Why does Peeta knock Haymitch's drink from his hand? How does he react?

After Haymitch made the joke Peeta gets mad and knocks the drink down Haymitch returns with a smack to peeta's jaw

How does Katniss show Peeta she supports his actions?

she throws a knife in the table in between Hamitch's fingers

How does Peeta react toward the cheering crowd? What realization does Katniss come to?

peeta is waving and smiling while this is happening Katniss realizes he is already playing to stay alive even before the physical games start

When chapter 5 opens, Katniss meets Venia. What is her job?

Venia's job is to wax off Katniss' body hair and is part of the prep team prepping her for cinna

Why do newcomers like Cinna get assigned to District 12?

the new people aren't as good as the experienced people so they put them with District 12 where nothing is expected

Describe District 12's costume. What makes it unique? What did Katniss think they would be wearing?

District 12's costume is a black unitard with a gold headpiece and cape that is lit with artificial fire. it is unique because normally it is just boring coal mining uniforms. Katniss thought they would be naked with coal dust on only

Cinna asks Katniss and Peta to do something before they ride out in their chariot. What is it and why?

cinna asks them to hold hands as a symbol of unity

After the Opening Ceremony, where will the tributes stay?

They will stay at the training center until the games begin

What is the significance of Katniss and Peeta holding hands as they enter the Training Center? Do you think their popularity will help them in the games?

The significance of them holding hands is unity and the popularity will help them get sponsors with will help them in the game

Why does Katniss give Peeta a kiss after their chariot ride?

Katniss thinks that peeta is being nice to easily kill her and she thinks two can play at that game so she kisses him on the cheek

Identify the simile that Katniss uses to describe the Justice Department's elevator. How does she like the Training Center's Elevator compared to the one at the Justice Department?

Katniss describes the Justice Department elevator as a Dark and creaky thing that moves like a slug and smells of sour milk. She likes the training center elevator because it is fast and cool she even wants to ask to ride it again

Why is it ironic that Effie Trinket is calling the place where Katniss grew up to be barbaric? Keep in mind that she is about to enter the Hunger Games where humans kill humans.

it is ironic because they aren't barbaric just not rich and trained to be proper. She also works in a game where kids kill kids

What is an Avox? How does Katniss know the Avox?

an Avox is a criminal or trader. Katniss saw the Avon running in the wood with a boy before the boy got shot and she got picked up in a helicopter. An Avox also gets their tongue cut off

What does Haymitch think of Peeta and Katniss holding hands? How did it help them?

haymitch thinks Peeta and Katniss holding hands is great as an advantage It will help them get popular and people will sponsor them

What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof? Why do you think this is in place?

An electric forcefield prevents them from jumping off. It is in place so they don't just commit suicide to prevent dying in the games

Make an inference as to why you think Peeta questions Katniss about Gale?

I think Peeta likes Katniss and he thinks Katniss and Gale are dating.

Describe the pros and cons of Peeta and Katniss being coached together.

pros: they can help each other so maybe at least one district 12 person can win
cons: they can steal each others strategies so one can win

Why does Peeta think that Katniss will be better than him in the arena?

she is a great and precise hunter all he can do is camouflage and can lift and throw weights

Describe the Career Tributes?

the career tributes are people who train for the Hunger Games their whole lives

Describe Rue? What weapon does she use? What effect does she have on Katniss?

rue is a small 12 year old girl like Prim. Rue uses a slingshot and reminds Katniss of Prim making her hard to kill

Who are the Gamemakers? What effect do they have on their private session with Katniss?

the game makers give scores or grades based on the people so people can decide who to sponsor. At the private session they are all drunk and only care about the big pig so while Katniss is doing her shooting she gets mad and shoots towards them and walks

Who is "shadow?

shadow is the little girl Rue

What does Katniss think will be the consequences of her actions with the Gamemalkers?

she thinks she will be killed or punished and so will her family

What scores do Rue, Peeta and Katniss receive?

rue: 7
Peeta: 8
Katniss: 11

In a short paragraph describe how Katniss and Gale met.

Katniss was in the woods hunting and saw good rabbit snares. She goes to touch them and Gale says, " That's Dangerous." they start talking then teach each other survival skills. After a while they become partners and share all they catch

What change does Haymitch announce will happen between Katniss and Peeta?

haymitch says that peeta will be coached seperatly

What does Effie teach Katniss? What does she want Katniss to learn for the Hunger Games?

Effie teaches Katniss phrases and how to look presentable in the interview. She wants Katniss to learn this to do great at the interview and get sponsors for the game

During Katniss' mock interview with Haymitch, what emotions get in her way of answering questions well?

She is angry at him for saying that she was sullen and Hostile

What simile that Haymitch uses to describe Katniss' charm? Do you believe that this is an accurate description of how Katniss depicts herself to the public?

haymitch says," You've got about as much charm as a dead slug." I don't think this is an accurate way that Katniss depicts herself to the public because everyone loves her

What does the reader discover about Peeta during his interview?

Peeta has a crush on Katniss

What understanding does Katniss reach with the red headed Avox?

That the Avox is nice and kinda makes it known that it was alright Katniss didn't help because she would be an Avon too.

Describe the dress that Cinna and the prep team admire Katniss in.

it is a huge 40 pound dress covered in gems that when she turns it makes her look like she is engulfed in flames

What does Cinna suggest that Katniss do to help her in her interviews?

To be herself everyone will like her because she is only hostile by Haymitch.

Compare and contrast how being elderly is viewed in District 12 is different from being elderly in the capitol.

in District 12 it is an achievement to be old because it shows that you survived and lived a long life.
in the capitol people get procedures done to look younger being old is almost frowned upon in the capitol

What does Rue say is her greatest strength?

rue said her greatest strength is she is hard to catch and if you can't catch her you can't kill her

What are two tricks that Cinna gave Katniss to use to help her at her interview?

1. be yourself
2. look to him like you're answering to him and him only