ENERGY Potential and Kinetic Energy

elastic potential energy in a bow and arrow

You change the shape of the bow and give it elastic potential energy. When you let the bow go, it returns to its original shape. The energy is transformed to kinetic energy and transferred to the arrow.

potential energy in a roller coaster

The potential energy of the cars at the top of a roller coaster is transformed into kinetic energy when the cars go down the hill.

potential energy and kinetic energy on a roller coaster

PE + KE are always the same number, but the amount of PE and the amount of KE change as the roller coaster car goes up and down.

a boulder can just sit on top of a mountain and have lots of energy (potential)

This boulder (big rock) has a lot of potential energy because it has a lot of mass and it is high off the ground. It is awful to think about what would happen if it fell!

a skateboarder enjoying kinetic energy

The skateboarder is converting potential energy to kinetic energy as he goes down the hill.

potential energy (elastic) in a rubber band

When you stretch a rubber band, you add potential energy to it by changing its shape. When you let the rubber band go, it returns to its shape and the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy.

potential energy (gravitational) in a swing

The potential energy is highest at point A and the kinetic energy is lowest. Kinetic energy is highest at point B and potential energy is lowest.

potential energy used for work

The gravitational potential energy in the heavy weight is turned into kinetic energy. This kinetic energy is used to drive a piece of wood into the ground.

potential energy/kinetic energy conversions in a pendulum

As the weight on the pendulum falls, it loses potential energy and gains kinetic energy. At the lowest point, kinetic energy is greatest. This kinetic energy causes the pendulum to swing up again, and the pendulum gains potential energy.

kinetic energy is turned into potential energy when a ball is tossed up

You add kinetic energy to a ball to toss it up into the air. When all of this kinetic energy has been converted to potential energy, it falls due to gravity. Potential energy is the converted to kinetic energy.

What does the law of conservation of energy state?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply changes form.

Thermal heat energy transfers...

From an area of high temperature to an area of low temperature.