Sign of the Beaver - Whole Book Test

Where did Matt and his father construct the family cabin?


What does the Indian word "nkweniss" mean? (ch6)


The advise that Matt's father gave to Matt about the bees is?

Bees are better left alone.

What quick action by Saknis plays an important part in Matt's Recover?

Saknis removed the poisonous stingers immediately.

Why do you think Matt did not lie to Saknis as he did to Ben? (ch6)

Because he was grateful to him for helping him

What does Saknis bring Matt to eat? (Ch6)

stew and cornbread

Why does Saknis want Attean to learn to read?

Attean will be able to understand the white man's barganing papers and not sign away Indian hunting ground.

What was Matt's gift? Do you think this was an appropriate gift? (ch6)

The only book Matt had ever owned - a book, Robinson Crusoe. It was not appropriate because Saknis could not read.

How does Attean feel about his reading lessons with Matt?

He does not seem to like the lessons, but likes listening to Matt read.

Why does Atttean think Robinson Crusoe wasn't as smart as an Indian?

Indian don't need anything from the ship. Indians can make all things he needs.

Why did Matt think Attean was laughing at him? (ch6)

Because Matt was clumsy with the crutch Saknis brought him to use.

How did Matt feel about teaching reading? (ch7)

Matt did not think he was a good teacher and was not sure he could do it.

How does Attean feel about his reading lessons with Matt? (ch7)

Angry and upset

How long does Matt estimate that it will take Attean to learn his lessons? (Ch7)

Might take a year.

What does Attean bring Matt when he enters the house? (Ch 7)

a large rabbit

Attean got very mad and refused to believe what?

The Indian would become the white man's slave.

What is the reason for the oil that Attean spreads on his body and hair? (Ch7)

It was supposed to keep off the mosquitoes.

What was the problem that Matt discovered as he began teaching? (ch7)

it will take many months to teach Atten to read and Attean gets angry at this and angrily knocks the book off the table and storms out of the cabin.

Does Matt think Attean will return for the reading lessons? (ch8)


What book does Matt read to Attean? Why does he skip sections of the book? (ch8)

Robinson Crusoe. He remembered that when he first read the book he found parts of it dull so he got on with the story to catch Attean's attention.

What does the word "seba" mean? (Ch8)

Seba is the Indian word for tomorrow.

What part of Robinson Crusoe does Matt begin Attean's lesson on the the second day of reading classes? (Ch8)

Crusoe is tossed from a lifeboat into the rough sea. Though Attean seems uninterested, he does ask if Robinson gets out. When told that Crusoe is the only one who survives, the boy seems satisfied, but he leaves the cabin abruptly. The lessons are over on

What does Attean show Matt how to do? (ch9)

Make a rabbit snare.

Why did Matt change the story? (ch10)

So that Attean would not get upset and keep coming back.

What word did Matt skip? (ch10)


What is it that Attean had to find before he could teach hunting to Matt? (Ch9)

A black spruce tree root.

What are 3 things that Matt learns from Attean in chapters 5-10?

Make a snare, whittle a fishhook, and start a fire with flint

How did Attean catch fish? (ch10)

With a spear.

Attean fished with a spear, and Matt fished with a pole. True/False

True statement

What did Attean show Matt to make? Why did he show Matt about them? (ch10)

Hooks from twigs; because the hook would turn around inside the fish and the fish would not get away and Matt would never have to worry about losing a hook, he could make a new one wherever he was

What did Attean say to the fish he threw back?

Not to tell the other fish; not scare away.

How did Attean cook the fish? (ch10)

He cut two short branches, sharpened them, then he stuck the fish on the stick from head to tail. He put a small green stick inside the fish to keep the sides apart and they cooked them over a fire.

Why does Matt need to learn to find his way around in the forest? (ch11)

so that he doesn't get lost

Why does Matt not trust Attean's dog? (ch11)

Because he thinks the dog does not like him; when the dog first saw Matt, it growled at him; the dog kept watchin him and kept its distance

How many weeks had Matt's father been gone? (ch11)

7 weeks

What did Attean think of Matt's work? (ch11)

Attean thought it was "squaw's" (women's) work

What causes Attean's dog to have such a strange nose? (ch11)

The dog had chased a porcupine and got needles all over his nose.

What is the sign of the beaver? (ch11)

a picture of a beaver that stands for the Beaver clan

Why is the sign of the beaver so important to Attean and his tribe? (ch11)

It indicates that this is the hunting territory
of the Beaver clan and no other clan can
hunt there.

How does Attean find his way around in the forest? (ch11)

Attean left markers or signs (breaking a branch, leaving a stone); nothing that would make sense to someone following them.

How did Attean cheer up Matt at the end of chapter 11? (ch11)

Attean sliced off 2 gobs of dried sap from a spruce and gave Matt one slice as a peace offering.

What did Matt decide he needed? (ch12)

Matt decided that he needed a bow.

What was wrong with the bow that Matt made? (ch12)

The bow was made with the wrong kind of wood and the arrows did not fly straight or flopped on the ground a few feet away.

How did Attean help Matt? (ch12)

Attean helped Matt find the right kind of wood for his bow.

Describe how Attean made the bow and arrow? (ch12)

Attean found a dead branch of ash and cut a piece Attean's height. He then had Matt take off the bark. Attean then marked off several inches in the center where Matt's hand would grip the bow and showed Matt where to cut the branch using a stone. Attean t

What did Matt watch for in the forest? (ch13)

Indian signs.

What was trapped? (ch13)


Why wouldn't Attean free the trapped animal? (ch13)

The fox is on clearly marked Turtle clan territory, he explains, and a member of the Beaver clan cannot hunt there.

Why was Matt upset with Attean?(ch13)

Matt wants to end the fox's suffering, but Attean refuses.

Describe Matt's daydream. (ch13)

Matt would make up stories in which Matt and not Attean was the hero. He would kill a bear or a panther by himself or fend off a rattlesnake. Or he would learn about an enemy ban of Indians out to attack the place where Attean was sleeping and Matt would

Name 5 different things that Attean taught Matt how to do. (ch13)

1. make a bow and arrow
2. Attean pointed out plants he must never eat.
3. How to make a rain cape by punching a hole through the center of a wide strip of birchbark
4. how to use plants for cooking
5. How to use the milky juice in the stem of a small ora

What story from the Bible was similar to the Indian legend? (ch14)

The story of Noah.