Roman Gods and Goddesses

What is Mercury God of?

Messenger of the gods
God of Sheperds, literature, land travel and poetry.

Mercury (Symbols & emblems)

tortoises, hawks, Caduceus

What is Vulcan God of?

Metalwork, fire, stone masonry, sculpture, craftmanship

Vulcan (Symbols & emblems)

Hammer, anvil, fire, volcanoes

What is Apollo the god of?

Medicine, music, poems, healing, light, sun and knowledge.

Apollo (Symbols & emblems)

Pythons, ravens, arrows, lyres and laurel wreaths.

What is Pluto the God of?


Pluto (Symbols & emblems)

Bident, sceptres, Cerberus

What is Mars the God of?


Mars (Symbols & emblems)

shield, helmet, dogs, weaponry

What is Ceres the goddess of?

agriculture, harvest, fertility and sacred law

Ceres (Symbols & emblems)

Harvested wheat

What is Venus the goddess of?

love, fertility, beauty, pleasure and procreation

Venus (Symbols & emblems)

scallop shell, seashells, mirrors, dolphins, swans and doves

What in Minerva the goddess of?

Wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilisation, justice, war, maths, strength, strategy, arts and crafts; skills!!

Minerva (Symbols & emblems)

Owls, snakes, olive trees and mulberries

What is Juno the goddess of?

marriage, women, family and childbirth

Juno (Symbols & emblems)

peacock, pomegranate, cattle, the lily, the diadem and the sceptre

What is Diana the goddess of?

wild animals, the wilderness, the moon, chastity, childbirth and virginity

Diana (Symbols & emblems)

the moon, bow and arrow, hunting dogs

What is Bacchus the god of?

harvest, wine, rituals, madness and fertility.

Bacchus (Symbols & emblems)

Bunch of Grapes, panther, tiger, cheetah, wine cup

What is Vesta the goddess of?

hearth, domesticity, family and architecture

Vesta (Symbols & emblems)

kettles, hearth, flame and chariot

What is Jupiter the god of?

Mount Olympus; Head of all Gods

Jupiter (Symbols & emblems)


What is Neptune the god of?

the sea, earthquakes and underworld

Neptune (Symbols & emblems)

trident, fish, bulls and dolphins

Who is the Capitoline Triad?

Jupiter, Juno, Minerva