5.1 La. Prehistoric Cultures

10,000 B.C. - 7,500 B.C.


7,500 B.C. - 1,00 B.C.


1,000 BC - AD 800

Early Neo

800 AD - arrival of Europeans (written history)

Late Neo

Nomadic eras were...

Paleo and Meso

Sedentary eras were...

Late and Early Neo

What did the paleo people eat?

meat and plants

What did the Meso people eat?

deer, rabbits, raccoons, and squirrels, seeds, nuts, fruit, birds, mammals

What did the Early Neo people eat?

wild fruit, grain, grapes, weeds fish, shellfish, and oysters

What did the Late Neo people eat?

same are early neo people, but started producing agriculture

The Paleo people used _________ for tools and weapons....

primitive spears

The Meso people used the _________ as a tool and weapon.



helped make spears more accurate

the Early Neo people used _________ for tools and weapons....

bow and arrow, arrowheads

The Late Neo people used _________ for tools and weapons....

bow and arrow, farming tools

The Paleo people lived in...

temporary shelters covered in blankets

The Meso people lived in...

structures covered with branches, built on posts

The Early Neo people lived in...

seasonal villages

The Late Neo people lived in....

permanent villages

Group known for hunting; oldest known natives in Louisiana

Paleo people

Created mounds, less nomadic, hunted smaller game than Paleo

Meso people

Made elaborate ornaments to wear and trade

Early Neo people

Switched from gathering to agriculture, created intercropping

Late Neo people

The word "paleo" means....


objects made by humans, especially ancient tools and weapons


ancient garbage dumps


a place where archeologists found a lot of artifacts....


Radiocarbon dating

used to determine the age of the artifacts

Scientists believe these people first traveled to north america from asia across a ________ __________ that once connected today's state of alaska and the region of Russia called Siberia.

land bridge

Around 7500 BC, Earth's climate ___________________. As a result, paleo people no longer had to __________________ constantly to keep up with migrating herds

changed, travel

around 1,000 bc, the neo people started making...


the bow and arrow was created around...

500 AD

the late neo people began growing...

maize, beans, squash, and pumpkins

created intercropping and farming

late neo

planting two or more crops with different harvest times in the same plot of land ....


six larger semicircular ridges on a bluff overlooking Bayou Macon

Poverty Point

Poverty Point

built between 1700 bc and 1100 bc

Mound A, the biggest mound in Poverty Point, is called...

the bird mound

Poverty Point was a...

huge trade center

the Poverty Point culture disappeared in...

600 bc

Poverty Point gets its name from a plantation that occupied the same land in the nineteenth century and was named a

national monument