Canterbury Tales: The Prologue

knight class


who was the knight?

gentle man who loved freedom and honor; truly distinguished man
battled christians in crusades; 40 years, 3 people, 15 battles; victorious
thanking saint for preserving life in battle

who was the most prominent and respected character?


tradesmen class


who was the tradesman?

wives controlled money earned
carried knives for show

squire class


who was the squire?

knights son (20 y/o)
ladies man; handsome light hearted pleasant talented
wore fresh flowers on clothing
stays out all night

yeomen class


who was the yeoman?

servant to knight
outdoorsman; talented wood carver
carried lots of weapons; good with bow and arrow
wore st. Christopher's medal around neck

the nun class


who was the nun?

madame eglantyne
spoke bad french and ate in refined manner
swore constantly (by st. loy!) situational irony
cares more ab animals
big forehead; sign of intelligence
concerned with looks

the monk class


who was the monk?

loved hunting; wore fur
ignored monastery rules; bad monk
situational irony

friar class


who was the friar?

jolly and merry but evil
married off girls after they got in trouble
charged ppl to hear confessions
white neck = loose or immortal person
dressed expensively

merchant class


who was the merchant?

convinced everyone he was expert in finance when he was really in tons of debt
excellent fellow

oxford cleric class


who was the oxford cleric?

very thin; thread beard clothing
knew a lot but couldn't find job in church
had 20 books on philosophy and logic

sergeant at law class


who was the sergeant at law?

sergeant" meaning he had to practice with distinction for 16 years
knew every law
appointed by king to be judge sometimes
wore expensive clothes

franklin class


who was franklin? (great gatsby like person)

always had house full of people, parties, best food, best wine
landowner but not of noble birth; epicurus' son
believed happiness was goal of life

cook class


who was the cook?

had an ulcer on his knee that oozing things
excellent (best) cook

skipper class


who was the skipper?

bad guy-kills prisoners and sailors
bad temper
awkward riding horse
stole wine in bordeaux

doctor class


who was the doctor?

used astronomy and astrology; used patient's horoscope for info on how to treat them
very healthy
not religious or materialistic
loved gold
made tons of money during plague

wife of bath class


who was the wife of bath?

somewhat deaf
gap tooth; big hips
wore 10 lb headdress
no job

parson class


who was parson?

very poor; rich in holy thoughts
live perfect life then teach by example
moral and humble

plowman class


who was the plowman?

ideal christian man
followed two greatest commandments
lived simply; paid taxes on time
helped others

miller class


who was miller?

big brawny man who could wrestle anyone
red beard; hairy wart on nose, hair in ears, black nostrils
thief and cheat
played bagpipes

manciple class


who was manciple?

steward for dormitory of law students
in charge of buying good for lawyers; frugal and shrewd
outwitted lawyers and ended up with money in his pocket

reeve class


who was reeve?

part of lowest social class but is the highest of class so he has money
people don't like him

summoner class


who was the summoner?

paid to summon sinner to come to trial
red complexion; boils and lesions all over face; loved garlic and onion
gets drunk and speaks in latin
children afraid of him

pardoner class


who was pardoner?

sold "relics" of the church that aren't real
situational irony