SP6 Comprehensive Verb Review for February

to pack the suitcase

poner/hacer la maleta

to need


to wear clothes

llevar la ropa

to use the computer

usar/utilizar la computadora

to purchase school supplies

comprar materias escolares

to look at the screen

mirar la pantalla

to watch television

mirar la televisi�n

to carry books

llevar los libros

to walk in the forest

caminar/andar por el bosque

to relax on the sofa

descansar en el sof�

to draw like an artist

dibujar como un artista

to listen to music

escuchar m�sica

to bike ride

montar en bicicleta

to horseback ride

montar a caballo

to swim in the pool

nadar en la piscina

to sail

navegar en vela

to spend time with friends

pasar el rato con los amigos

to practice sports

practicar los deportes

to shoot with a bow and arrow

tirar con arco y flecha

to have an ice cream

tomar un helado

to have a refreshment

tomar un refresco

to eat pizza

comer una pizza

to get to know new friends

conocer a nuevos amigos

to make like a tourist

hacer turismo

to do yoga

hacer yoga

to read books and novels

leer los libros y las novelas

to attend a party

asistir a una fiesta

to attend a game

asistir a un partido

to attend a concert

asistir a un concierto

to go shopping

ir de compras

to go canoeing

ir en canoa

to wash the car

lavar el coche

to wash the clothes

lavar la ropa

to wash the dishes

lavar los platos

to work in the cafeteria

trabajar en la cafeter�a

to prepare dinner

preparar la cena

to learn new words

apreneder nuevas palabras

to drink water

beber agua

to drink lemonade

beber una limonada

to understand the lesson

comprender la lecci�n

to run around the track

correr por la pista

to believe in a fairy godmother

creer en una hada madrina

to ought


to read novels

leer novelas

to answer/repond to the teacher

responder al profesor

to sell things

vender cosas

to cover the eyes

cubrir los ojos

to discover new lands

descubrir nuevas tierras

to describe the relatives

describir los parientes

to divide the work

dividir el trabajo

to write an electronic mail

escribir un correo eleltr�nico

to receive lots of gifts

recibir muchos regalos

to go up the stairs

subir las escaleras

to go down the stairs

bajar las escaleras

to dance in the Spanish style

bailar el flamenco

to live a healthy life

vivir una vida sana